Official Meeting on the SC - Teamspeak 3 !!

: Official Meeting on the SC - Teamspeak 3 :


Hello everyone.


I’m calling out to the " Public" aswell as the " StarGem-Team".


I wud like to “Orginize” a meeting on the official teamspeak 3 server of star conflict.


Regarding :


When you followed up on that Topic, please state your opinion and a +1 or -1 , what ever suits you.


About the time and date… lets arrange that when ever we have enuff feedback.


First off, share the IP. It all depends on which Teamspeak you mean, I’d approve it at some point. But if game team members have time… Let’s see…


It’s hard to gather all people in TS (time zones etc, remember ICC?). That’s why right now we are testing different format of feedback gathering about many things, including killer-squads. I admit that there is a lack of competition (for teams) in the game now, cause Leagues are still in test mode and there are issues in SecCon.

Squads will not return in random PvP, at least in the same way as it was before, but we are working on the solution.   

+1 even if I find it meaningless :smiley:


It’s hard to gather all people in TS (time zones etc, remember ICC?). That’s why right now we are testing different format of feedback gathering about many things, including killer-squads. I admit that there is a lack of competition (for teams) in the game now, cause Leagues are still in test mode and there are issues in SecCon.

Squads will not return in random PvP, at least in the same way as it was before, but we are working on the solution.   

I understand what your pointing out and again, no need to wurrie. i know what and how to manage that …

Remember your speaking to one of your “Formar Event Orginizers”. if i can manage tournaments and connect the Eng with the EU and RU community. i surly can manage this my friend. but its true there will be people left out by there jobs, internet fails , Real life, a PC virus… there or so many reasons why one cant be there… still douznt means Doombot that this isnt needed. again and i think “most CEO’s agrea with this”


ATM i payd for a corporation a awfull amount of cash , hell i love this game. even did it for 2 corporations. but again wheres the point?

instead of spending so much cash just switch a tag into your name like rename current name to : GoD xevilx. And ask all my members to do the same thing … Safes amot of money and effort for everyone

  • awesome fast Q’s

because the mechanics allawes us then to Fight vs each other. from the moment on that your in the same corp the match maker FAILS. you can only battle players of an other corp and how ever you guys deside the match maker shud be.


now to come back to the meeting. the only problem i see is if you guys from StarGem are up for this. because my friend this will be aither my end in this game or the sollution for everything and every future player joining this game.

my personal opinion is this meeting is needed and as fast as posible. unless you guys are happy with this and think you did a fine job.

then leave it like it is and see the outcome of it… its not because your game looks nice that people stay… if its not playable, then its not playable and no one will stay nor even think about spending money on ships for fighting vs “BOTS” for an example that whas an other great idea of your devolping plan. but yes only if you dont care then its not needed for this whole meeting. but i care. iv bin a loyal player to the game, and i trow my SC Title in the ring from the moment you guys stept out of line with the dev planning. like i sed iv got no idea who the management is in stargem … “HINT” find an other person for that job !!!

I understand what your pointing out and again, no need to wurrie. i know what and how to manage that …

Remember your speaking to one of your “Formar Event Orginizers”. if i can manage tournaments and connect the Eng with the EU and RU community. i surly can manage this my friend. but its true there will be people left out by there jobs, internet fails , Real life, a PC virus… there or so many reasons why one cant be there… still douznt means Doombot that this isnt needed. again and i think “most CEO’s agrea with this”


ATM i payd for a corporation a awfull amount of cash , hell i love this game. even did it for 2 corporations. but again wheres the point?

instead of spending so much cash just switch a tag into your name like rename current name to : GoD xevilx. And ask all my members to do the same thing … Safes amot of money and effort for everyone

  • awesome fast Q’s

because the mechanics allawes us then to Fight vs each other. from the moment on that your in the same corp the match maker FAILS. you can only battle players of an other corp and how ever you guys deside the match maker shud be.


now to come back to the meeting. the only problem i see is if you guys from StarGem are up for this. because my friend this will be aither my end in this game or the sollution for everything and every future player joining this game.

my personal opinion is this meeting is needed and as fast as posible. unless you guys are happy with this and think you did a fine job.

then leave it like it is and see the outcome of it… its not because your game looks nice that people stay… if its not playable, then its not playable and no one will stay nor even think about spending money on ships for fighting vs “BOTS” for an example that whas an other great idea of your devolping plan. but yes only if you dont care then its not needed for this whole meeting. but i care. iv bin a loyal player to the game, and i trow my SC Title in the ring from the moment you guys stept out of line with the dev planning. like i sed iv got no idea who the management is in stargem … “HINT” find an other person for that job !!!

If you think that we don’t hear you, you are wrong. I know your opinion about squads, i know opinions of other vets (english-speaking and russians) about it, most of vets want squads back (but not all of them). I’ve already told that I admit that current situation is not very fun for vets from killer-squads. The poll in the neighboring thread has some suggestions (for example make squad playable for T4 and T5 only sounds better that just bring it back) and this is a good thing, we also have some solutions, which i can’t reveal for now. My point is if you have some brilliant idea (no sarcasm), why do you need to arrange a meeting for this, considering all these complications? Why you don’t want to just write it here where all players and all devs can look at it (not just 10-20-30 people from this meeting) and discuss it?  

I totally agree, there should be meeting where players and devs could discuss issues in the game. Lower population is achilles heel for this game, which is pitty since it is beyond awesome game.

If you think that we don’t hear you, you are wrong. I know your opinion about squads, i know opinions of other vets (english-speaking and russians) about it, most of vets want squads back (but not all of them). I’ve already told that I admit that current situation is not very fun for vets from killer-squads. The poll in the neighboring thread has some suggestions (for example make squad playable for T4 and T5 only sounds better that just bring it back) and this is a good thing, we also have some solutions, which i can’t reveal for now. My point is if you have some brilliant idea (no sarcasm), why do you need to arrange a meeting for this, considering all these complications? Why you don’t want to just write it here where all players and all devs can look at it (not just 10-20-30 people from this meeting) and discuss it?  

Thank you Doombot from the bottum of my Wolf-M . i realy mean it thank you. with this we can work to a “Golden mid way” so we can make the game fun for everyone. im open to current ideas that StarGem allready haz + some new ideas that will be mentiont in the meeting. and lets work it out so that everyone even the new players can have amazing flying moments !!! Again i thank you , and i think other people will too.



PS : why on teamspeak and not on forum. its a but unpersonal. teamspeak is aswell not the same as Face to Face. but its closer then plane old forums.and i think its time to have a talk “Face to Face” but then on TS.

And thats why we record it !! And after that i personaly will work out the concept that you guys shud have made. For an example ASK YOUR PUBLIC “BEFORE” SHANGING STUFF … iv sed this once and i will say this again. StarGem creates illusional problems, where there are no problems. to fix them after the public forgot that you guys created this problem your selfs … my country douz the same thing, here we call it : “Creating Jobs” but your also creating an other problem, Ones you solved the situations. you need to create an other problem all over again so that thows people can keep there jobs. and this is the same as in SC with the balancing, and all the bad stuff…

Well, if we would have more total population, we could have three modes in PvP alone.

Today I played only T5 PvP matches and I never had any issues with the waiting times.

Balance is another problem, but is a bit better than it used to be, or maybe I was just lucky.


Basic            mode - current matchmaking - adding players (join-in-progress)

Intermediate mode - current matchmaking with a full (4-men squad vs. 4-men squad) - join-in-progress

Expert          mode - current matchmaking with a full  (8-men squad vs. 8-men squad - full wing) old matchmaking system (no join-in-progress)


As for the TS3 arrangement, I fully agree and support this.

We were promised such cooperation from the developer’s perspective in the past, but TS3 War Thunder channel was always empty.

  • im hoping that most of the people that will show up… will be core players… we mostly spended alot of money allready into your game. and scruwing us over in the end is “NOT” an option.

Well, if we would have more total population, we could have three modes in PvP alone.

Today I played only T5 PvP matches and I never had any issues with the waiting times.

Balance is another problem, but is a bit better than it used to be, or maybe I was just lucky.


Basic            mode - current matchmaking - adding players (join-in-progress)

Intermediate mode - current matchmaking with a full (4-men squad vs. 4-men squad) - join-in-progress

Expert          mode - current matchmaking with a full  (8-men squad vs. 8-men squad - full wing) old matchmaking system (no join-in-progress)


As for the TS3 arrangement, I fully agree and support this.

We were promised such cooperation from the developer’s perspective in the past, but TS3 War Thunder channel was always empty.

Also a good idea , Koro please do join in this meeting !!!

Well, if we would have more total population, we could have three modes in PvP alone.

Today I played only T5 PvP matches and I never had any issues with the waiting times.

Balance is another problem, but is a bit better than it used to be, or maybe I was just lucky.


Basic            mode - current matchmaking - adding players (join-in-progress)

Intermediate mode - current matchmaking with a full (4-men squad vs. 4-men squad) - join-in-progress

Expert          mode - current matchmaking with a full  (8-men squad vs. 8-men squad - full wing) old matchmaking system (no join-in-progress)


As for the TS3 arrangement, I fully agree and support this.

We were promised such cooperation from the developer’s perspective in the past, but TS3 War Thunder channel was always empty.

It is a nice idea, but at this state it would increase the queue times a lot in all Tiers.

It is a nice idea, but at this state it would increase the queue times a lot in all Tiers.



Also, i’m glad to see this,  Koromac

Today I played only T5 PvP matches and I never had any issues with the waiting times.

Balance is another problem, but is a bit better than it used to be, or maybe I was just lucky.


It is a nice idea, but at this state it would increase the queue times a lot in all Tiers.

Well then sorry for saying, but dont you think then, that theres somthing wrong in the way how you deside a match shud be made?

And this is why this meeting is needed. you guys trayed the idea of leaving the match open so that people can join in…

i dunno who came up with the idea of only lissening for 50 % to my idea and leave out the other 50% of the idea.


if you make a room allawing people to join in… there shud be atleast a 2min to fill in the room… then the match starts and the room is reset to the beginning of the match…


No problems with lag spikes when people join in…

So again we can clearly see that this meeting is needed to solve these problems once and for all


Well then sorry for saying, but dont you think then, that theres somthing wrong in the way how you deside a match shud be made?

How should the suggested queue system work in the current state without increasing the queue times by a lot?



So again we can clearly see that this meeting is needed to solve these problems once and for all

Not everyone will be able to join the meeting. So what about the people that will not be in the meeting? Is their opinion without value?

On the forum far more people can participate and voice their opinion.

This game should have over 100000 players easily.

We barely have 1% of them. Maybe 2%.


I mean, whoever is responsible for advertisement is either doing it wrong, sabotaging it, or refuse to invest because of the flawed reasoning.

Population problem shouldn’t even exist in such game.


Only solution to preserve the balance is improved Matchmaking, which allows different modes.

We will discuss this as well. If you got problems with financing, you should post about it.

I am sure that there will be so called “volunteers”, which will help you.

Once the number reaches the goal, you can start with so called advertisement. Of course, it needs to be discussed first.


Error, people barely read the Forum. A lot of people have left and not everyone has time to do so.

This arranged meeting can only be a good thing.


Error, people barely read the Forum. A lot of people have left and not everyone has time to do so.

This arranged meeting can only be a good thing.

If people do not read the forum, how many will know about the meeting and be actually at the meeting?