Official Meeting on the SC - Teamspeak 3 !!

If people do not read the forum, how many will know about the meeting and be actually at the meeting?

A lot more people are in TS3 and I got majority of other corps addresses.

They will know, because we will make sure that they will.

Besides, I got contacts elsewhere too.

You could say that I am one man army. xD


Post it on Facebook and Twitter too.

A lot more people are in TS3 and I got majority of other corps addresses.

They will know, because we will make sure that they will.

Besides, I got contacts elsewhere too.

You could say that I am one man army. xD


Post it on Facebook and Twitter too.

So they are split on many different teamspeak servers.

In this case we can do the same and notify them to have a look at a certain forum post. This way we won’t have issues with time zones, people being unable to voice their opinion, having a history of the conversation etc.

So they are split on many different teamspeak servers.

In this case we can do the same and notify them to have a look at a certain forum post. This way we won’t have issues with time zones, people being unable to voice their opinion, having a history of the conversation etc.

There is yet another option.

You could send an e-mail to everyone, which subscribed to Star Conflict channel and notify them, that if they wish to be present or participate in this discussion, that there will be one.

People at least read their e-mails regularly. It needs to be official.

There is yet another option.

You could send an e-mail to everyone, which subscribed to Star Conflict channel and notify them, that if they wish to be present or participate in this discussion, that there will be one.

People at least read their e-mails regularly. It needs to be official.

We already have some plans regarding the collection of complains. Once the system has progressed to a certain stage, there will be more info on it.

So what about the people that will not be in the meeting? Is their opinion without value?

On the forum far more people can participate and voice their opinion.






you will see clearly “Error” That i do NOT exclude people. for thows trhat cant join in the meeting (like i mentiont befor real life comes first).

But if your more wurryd about the people that can not be there then solving this… then i see the eventual outcome my friend Error.


Again i think its foolish to doubt my skills in management… you will see what iv got in petto for thows missing the meeting… thats a problem for me to wurry about, and not yours… the thing that you shud be wurryd about if showing up on the meeting and make it happen… instead of finding lame excuses for not needing to go true the meeting…


Face that what you created… or be a sheep and run for the rest of your life !!!


(+ a small PS. : your wurryd about people not beeing capable of beeing there… ever thought the same thing with your miss placed timer on the league battles. Same answer what you give fits there…


(Errors statement eddited by me)


So what about the people that will not be in the “League Battles”? Is their “partisi^pating” without value?

On the “league battles” far more people can participate and join in for their match.





instead of discussing if we shud hold a meeting or do it on the forums … give me a date (in the weekends on a saturday) to hold the meeting.

Or i past a time and date on it and you guys see if you can…

Sorry, but I still don’t see any explanation why you don’t want to tell us about your solution or solutions here? 


you will see clearly “Error” That i do NOT exclude people. for thows trhat cant join in the meeting (like i mentiont befor real life comes first).

But if your more wurryd about the people that can not be there then solving this… then i see the eventual outcome my friend Error.

It is not about excluding people, but about more people being able to visit the forum. A discussion on Teamspeak will last for 1-3 hours maybe while on the forum we can easily hold this discussion for a couple of days.



Again i think its foolish to doubt my skills in management… you will see what iv got in petto for thows missing the meeting… thats a problem for me to wurry about, and not yours… the thing that you shud be wurryd about if showing up on the meeting and make it happen… instead of finding lame excuses for not needing to go true the meeting…

There is no discussion of your skills, it is simply far easier to do such things via the forum.



Face that what you created… or be a sheep and run for the rest of your life !!!

Noone is running, we have offered you to hold the discussion on the forum.



(+ a small PS. : your wurryd about people not beeing capable of beeing there… ever thought the same thing with your miss placed timer on the league battles. Same answer what you give fits there…

League battles are not a one time event and can be adjusted if needed. It is not possible to hold such a meeting on TS each day.

It is not about excluding people, but about more people being able to visit the forum. A discussion on Teamspeak will last for 1-3 hours maybe while on the forum we can easily hold this discussion for a couple of days.


There is no discussion of your skills, it is simply far easier to do such things via the forum.


Noone is running, we have offered you to hold the discussion on the forum.


League battles are not a one time event and can be adjusted if needed. It is not possible to hold such a meeting on TS each day.

Please stop the doubt in me … i make everyone happy.

Please stop the doubt in me … i make everyone happy.

It is no doubt in your skills, but right now we see more advantages by using the forum.

Personnal newbie opinion “Elpepster” in the game.

You are losing peolpe because this game is only a PVP game

and the open space really sucks aliens are outreagously hard to kill and there are dozens of them not counting the pirates

I’ am sure you know of Battlestar galactica online open space should be more like that 

Personnal newbie opinion “Elpepster” in the game.

You are losing peolpe because this game is only a PVP game

and the open space really sucks aliens are outreagously hard to kill and there are dozens of them not counting the pirates

I’ am sure you know of Battlestar galactica online open space should be more like that 


There is a big PVE component. Open Space is and always was just an add-on component.


As for the meeting, I back Error on this one. Too many people talking at once is just not possible. I can’t even bear to think how rowdy this meeting would be, when with only 6 of us in our project meetings, it already descends into chaos! And that’s with five other people that I know, not random strangers that want to complain.

that’s not the way the game was presented to me.

But ok open space is an addon

So it’s just a pvp game that’s want to be multiplayer but cannot get 3 people in the same match unless you join

that new league system.

basically we are down to clicking at the same instant hoping to be in the same match.


as for a teamspeak meeting it could make the discussion progress much faster but everyone would have to be VERY patient and not everyone speak at once

I can understand some reservations for doing a TS3 meetup. But, it would be far more effective than on the forum. Only a small percentage of the actual game population uses, much less looks at the forums, so having a discussion here won’t get a wholesome overview of what players think. Now, of course, not everyone speaks the same language, so a TS meetup is hard in that aspect. but something more needs to be done that will include a majority of the population (surveys are ok for this, but they are easy to BS you way through instead of sitting down to think about the major aspects of the game.


I can’t see a perfect solution to this, but don’t discount a TS meetup. Maybe set it up so that it is a statement from the devs first, regarding where they want the game to go, their plans for fixing major issues presented on the forums, etc. Then open up to questions/complaints from the players.



that’s not the way the game was presented to me.

But ok open space is an addon

So it’s just a pvp game that’s want to be multiplayer but cannot get 3 people in the same match unless you join

that new league system.

basically we are down to clicking at the same instant hoping to be in the same match.


as for a teamspeak meeting it could make the discussion progress much faster but everyone would have to be VERY patient and not everyone speak at once


This game used to have squadding of more than 2. But the devs removed it because “4-man kill squads will stomp on newbs”. I know many of us on this forum are incredibly pissed off at this change. I for one am almost to the point of quitting the game because of that change. What’s the point of a team-based game if you can’t play with your friends?

I have been a part of endless OpenPublic-Developer TS meetings (and not only in star conflict), not a single one ended/proceed well nor constructive, every single one fails to deliver and just huge waste of time and resources. The only thing it achieves is that people like DeadlyDude over there feel virtually important.

Personnal newbie opinion “Elpepster” in the game.

You are losing peolpe because this game is only a PVP game

and the open space really sucks aliens are outreagously hard to kill and there are dozens of them not counting the pirates

I’ am sure you know of Battlestar galactica online open space should be more like that 

hey man… open space is my favorite part of the game. I will love to see it evolve as everything else evolves here.


On the main topic: Really?! A meeting?! Someone posted this the other day. I love how it fit’s perfectly. Sorry my being rude, perhaps…

dat necro tho. 


(been dead a month)