
Increase damage on nuke?


it has 10 seconds detonation time, makes beep beep noice. blinks in red light. 8800 damage in 1000 radius in tier 3.

mostly hits nothing except if placed at a beacon and gets shot down by a missile shield. is easy to avoid aslong you have heard the beep beep sound.

either make it not able to be shot down by missile shield and or increase damage cause you can only carry one nuke at a time. it wont even knock out beacon drones. 

before the damage was around 20 000 in mk3. now its under half. and by that time there was not even missile shields. 

missiles and or torpedos is much more valueable than nukes. maximum pvp is 12 v 12. and in custom 16 v 16.

it does not often become a 12v12 match and you might hit 2-3 players of those who is inexperienced and or has no sound. it just makes assists. 


Increase damage?

I would put 3 in a cartridge and keep the damage as it is.

I would put 3 in a cartridge and keep the damage as it is.


+1                              The nuke definitely needs at least one advantage.

I would put 3 in a cartridge and keep the damage as it is.

hmm, that should do. but i would increased damage a tiny bit aswell. 

Yes, three in a cartridge would be best. 

Really, I had no clue about how much damage the nuke did at first, but if it did do 20K damage and received an ultra nerf then it should be restored to it’s former glory. Nukes are something to be afraid of, not something to just walk by without a care in the world.

but you don’t want 4 players all running nukers and just running all 3 beacons with 4 nukes on each

If nukes got their damage back I would never fly a guard without missile shield

Well, that’s the problem then. The nukes most likely got the ultra nerf because of players complaining about them being too powerful, but now they’re too weak to use and are even useless in PvE. So it’s up to the Devs whether the Nukes get their power back, get more in a cartridge or just stay the same.   :salute:

It’s sad but in the time it takes you to drop your nuke and wait 10 seconds for it to explode, you could have fired 3 piercing missiles, doing more damage in less time and still have 9 more missiles left.   


I’d say tweak dmg to be about equivalent with Torpedo’s as both have their own drawbacks and advantages.   Also I’d say 2 or 3 to a clip should be more than enough.   Most players these days are wise enough to recognize when a nuke is dropped in their vicinity and move away.



Well, that’s the problem then. The nukes most likely got the ultra nerf because of players complaining about them being too powerful, but now they’re too weak to use and are even useless in PvE. So it’s up to the Devs whether the Nukes get their power back, get more in a cartridge or just stay the same.    :salute:



You obviously weren’t playing when any ship could carry nukes, they could be set off prematurely by colliding with objects (i.e. beacons), and some ships could even carry 8 of them!

You obviously weren’t playing when any ship could carry nukes, they could be set off prematurely by colliding with objects (i.e. beacons), and some ships could even carry 8 of them!


No I wasn’t… would’ve been cool to witness though :stuck_out_tongue:

Really, I had no clue about how much damage the nuke did at first, but if it did do 20K damage and received an ultra nerf then it should be restored to it’s former glory. Nukes are something to be afraid of, not something to just walk by without a care in the world.


There was no ultra nerf. Nukes were changed the same as LRF torps. They still deal the same amount of damage but some of it is dealt over time. I hope they never go back to the way they were, along with christmas tree beacons (mines everywhere) they were a bad idea.

Sorry, we already had our Galactic Nuclear Winter. 


No need a second one.

I don’t agree with all comments in this post, but I do agree in this mentality: “Nukes are joke compared to other missiles, and thus need tweaking”.


No need to go back to Galactic Nuclear Winter, but it could be usable instead of being just a novelty item. Currently it is strategic error to even equip one, as you get same damage faster with other options.



More of those in cartridge could work. Increased damage radius (without increasing actual amount of damage in the middle area, flat damage distribution) could work also.

There was no ultra nerf. Nukes were changed the same as LRF torps. They still deal the same amount of damage but some of it is dealt over time. I hope they never go back to the way they were, along with christmas tree beacons (mines everywhere) they were a bad idea.

Before one nuke could clear the drones from a beacon with ease.  Now they can’t, and that was a significant change to me.  Hitting players was almost always luck, except for nuking LRF’s.  Clearing a beacon real fast was part of the point of carrying nukes.


I do put minefields on beacons sometimes.  I almost feel bad about it.

It’s not like you need the nukes, a shrapnel cov-ops does one-shot the beacon drones under orion. I never used nukes before or after. I also never used Recon mines - if I can’t shoot it in someone’s face I have no use for it, haha. :slight_smile:

I like Nukes, but I never made any kills with it. I killed a few damaged drones with it. Nuke should be nuke. But those are mini-nukes.

They pack a punch and they can clearly kill any fighter without their emergency barrier, at least, if he’s without shields and some damaged hull. I think that torpedo frigates should be able to get better ammuniton slot, such as Big Nuke. Once it get’s deployed, it should deal 30000 damage in 1 km radius and thermal cloud like it is now. But there could be chemical weapons as well, which are still not introduced. Flamethrowers, etc… It sounds funny, but there should be a weapon like that in SC.

T3 Nuke.



T3 “useless” torpedo with an Mk.IV weapon.



Need I say more?

Well… My point has been proven.

T3 Nuke.



T3 “useless” torpedo with an Mk.IV weapon.



Need I say more?



Dang it Jrisom…  Not too many people were paying close attention to the DETAILS… and may not have realized what was really happening  :crazy:


(Nuclear blasts that were going off in abundance) :taunt: