Not happy.

But how helpful are some of the roles? How many games has a recon help you win a match so far? They took play styles and cut them in to parts. Take my fed ECM ships pre patch I was fast and could CC enemies, now I am fast and can uncloak people not even close to helpful vs the new ecm ships.


I’m really trying to like the changes but they melted some of my premium items because I had engineer parts on ships that are now guard ships and they are just gone with no refund or being in my warehouse.


We have a recon ship in my regular squad. He does quite well for himself and contributes to our victories.


Are there more powerful ships in combat? Sure. But being the most powerful possible ship isn’t the goal of all players. Heck, winning a battle is obviously not the goal of all players as can be seen when playing with PUGs. Fortunately, you don’t take a very big hit to experience/cash if you loose a fight.

You don’t understand software development or the F2P model, you’re the type of businessmen that doesn’t understand how to sell an amazing product. You’re the kind of person that overprices digital “goods” and complain when they’re not selling. You’re the one hung up on technicalities and you doesn’t understand how a company SHOULD work in today’s market. You’re a lawyeristic jerk that is lost in coding practices of two decades ago. You might as well be running this game because your attitudes are the exact problems that this game has. Instead of trying to make it fun, be fair, and make money by offering a superior product the company takes their full rights to do whatever they want. Yes, they have them but if they want to make a superior product they really should only pull out those rights as a last resort.


Minecraft was up to version 1.7.x or higher when it officially “released”


You’re still behind a couple decades on coding practice, especially with F2P models entering the scene. You can’t find Digital copies of 90% of the F2P games out there.


For the record, I haven’t spent any money on this game, nor am I likely to. A “official” release version doesn’t mean anymore more than a “beta” release version does, and they’ll screw me over without regret.


I’m not happy because they’re making choices that are screwing over a game I love. Not just are they screwing over the game, they’re hurting themselves and they are so blind to the fact.


Tell you what, why don’t you show us all your CV and prove how you know so much more than everyone else here about how the game market works?


For the record, the “1.0” comment doesn’t just apply to old games - it’s just easier to see. You can see it modern games, you just have to do it indirectly. For example, I recently bought a PS3 game and within about three days of launch it had a patch to “v1.0.1” or somesuch that fixed minor bugs and technical issues post-launch. This implies, rather strongly, that the launch version was v1.0.0.

Just in case you or any other reader does not know, the version numbers have a set of rules they follow. They are laid out as follows: version a.b.c, etc. “a” means a major change in the status of the game. For example, Starcraft 2 went from version 1 to version 2 when the Heart of the Swarm expansion was released. I believe World of Warcraft likewise is up to version 5 now, but can’t be sure as I don’t play it. “b” is when a large change happens, but not so significant as to be a totally new game. I am aware some people might say the jump from 0.7.13 to 0.8.0 counts as this, but because we are still in Beta that doesn’t really count. “c” and onward represent increasingly minor changes, which is why large and complicated games tend to have version numbers that look like someone’s phone number. Any game that has “version 0.anything” is a Beta. 0.1 would likely be the initial Alpha build.


Minecraft is perhaps not a good example of the “beta” rule, because I’m pretty sure Notch is on record saying that game would never have been released if he’d been allowed to keep working on it until he was happy. It is not really a game born of conventional business practices, but I would say it encouraged other businesses to try and cash in on, and abuse, its success. Besides, it’s one of the only true Sandbox games in existence - you can never declare it finished because there’s always potentially more toys you can put in for the players to use or ignore as they choose.


Now, back to F2P models for a moment. As a matter of fact, I do understand them. I understand how the good ones work (make an amazing game, add cosmetic stuff / convenience that can be acquired with real money, watch with glee as your profits roll in) and how the xxxx ones work (make a crappy game where everything is an unbearable grind, nickel and dime every facet of the game - cosmetics, power, experience, even the ability to play at all - and hope the initial 30 minutes of ‘free’ play time you gave them made them want to keep going enough that they’ll pay to escape the grind). I understand the approaches, even if I cannot fathom who the hell believes some of those ideas were good. I understand a lot about games, and what games are good, and why they are good, and why some games don’t age well when others are just as playable now as they were twenty years ago. I understand why a lot of modern titles are being ruined by developers who don’t understand games, and don’t know why they are good, and don’t understand that you will never make a game that appeals to everyone.

The reason I state that you should not be supporting a Beta is that a Beta has not ‘gone gold’. It has not reached the point where the creators have said “okay, this is the game we want to sell to the public; this is how it works, this is how we make money, this is how we’re running it. Go!” Until that happens, anything and everything is still potentially going to change. This is important, because it means that you cannot, as a consumer, accurately use your most powerful tool - your money - to voice your opinion.


Let me expand on that: Once this game hits 1.0, by rights the developers should not make any major changes, or if they do it should not have a major impact on play. They might add higher tiers, more scenarios, more ships, etc. but the core game should, in theory, remain the same. This is the key difference between release and beta. If, upon release, you like the game then I advise you buy some in-game gold as a way of supporting the game. If you do not, either play for free or leave.

If you spend money now, on a beta, there is no guarantee the game will not change dramatically, and so the game you invested in may not exist any more a few months down the line. This is unfair to you, the customer, and I see no reason to side with the company over the customer. If you still want to invest in a beta, then feel free; just don’t come onto the forums crying about how you feel ripped off when version 0.9.0 rolls around and the game takes another major shift in playstyle and balance.

I’ve been a software developer since the 80s, and I can confidently say that JasanQuinn is dead wrong.


Version numbers are meaningless drivel. They are sometimes a reflection of internal tracking, sometimes a reflection of the build process, and just as often marketing or total nonsense.


A version number of “1.0” implies nothing other than this version is probably later in the development track than 0.9. But even this isn’t guaranteed when there is branching and merging of code. When two major branches merge into a single codebase again you could end up with a the majority of the code coming from the older of the two branches - despite a higher version number post-merge.


Version numbers make it easy to identify what you check in/out of your code repository, and in a good dev shop you will have names and notes attached to the versions. But that’s it.


There is certainly nothing contractual, binding, or informational about them.

Do to me having a major surgery soon and knowing I’m not going to be able to sit at my deck till I heal, I have not join a corp and just been pugging last few months.


As a healer last 2 days I have not seen anyone save me with guard ships around me, a group made up of just corp mates I can see the new roles working but right now I’m a slow moving buff bot as an engineer that better off hiding now.

Good luck with the surgery, Wynn.


When you come out the other side, feel free to ping me online and I’ll let you know about my corp. If you’re interested after meeting some of the lads in TeamSpeak, we’d be happy to have you.


Organized teamwork makes the game much more enjoyable.

i don’t know how on concurrent games that i played every single patch were a patch of joy, and here every single patch is a patch of hate…war thunder the same

Good luck with the surgery, Wynn.


When you come out the other side, feel free to ping me online and I’ll let you know about my corp. If you’re interested after meeting some of the lads in TeamSpeak, we’d be happy to have you.


Organized teamwork makes the game much more enjoyable.


 Thank you and I get that but from my point of view from someone that just jumps in lonewolf a few matches a night the new engineer role is kicking my xxxx.


Another issue is how the ships got move around, I lost roles for some of the tiers. I have no guard ships for T3 and no engineers for T4. I have no recons for T3. Last I lost all my command ships with someone that level pure Federation I got screw pretty hard and now have to spend tons of credits to get roles back.


Really I wont be QQ last 2 days if they just wipe everything with the massive amount of changes and put us all on even footing.

Personally, I’ve had some success as a lone engineer. That said, I’ve found games are much less stable now; you can usually spot within the first thirty seconds of play which team is going to win. I don’t know if that’s because of the new classes, or if it’s because clans are becoming more prevalent.

That said, I’ve found games are much less stable now; you can usually spot within the first thirty seconds of play which team is going to win. 


This is very true.


I’m not sure what can be done when one team is clearly superior to the other. Getting stomped is only slightly less fun than stomping. If there is no real fight afoot, the battle suffers.

7500 gold costs 99 euro, and 133 euro is same as a bit over 200 dollards, what the xxxx you get 36 000 gold for and 50 million credits? what the hell?


have you been ingame? Multiple times against a guard frig and it just laughs at me when I tickle him with my increase crit change and overdrive and missiles.

What was overpowered again to f. up the game so bad? There were things you steered clear off until you had some back up, I honestly dont know what was so obviously overpowered before!


Well to your surprise we now have invincible protection frigs, adaptive camo that can take the bomb unseen across the field (how convenient), PvE messed up to be FRIG exclusive, interceptors and half the fighters have totally unlogical and useless bonus’, etc. I could go on but most is mentioned here anyway…


Me and my buddies thought we found the thing to give us our daily space combat dosage, but now we are looking for another game, sry devs this patch fcuked up the game to stone age!


Way to kill a game, GJ


Instead of free for all , you have classes. I prefer it this way, so everyone is not running the same run of the mill cookie cutter build.


The guard frigates were toned down, a Lot.


They dont get it. This game is now role oriented. Deal with it guys. Pick a role and shut up. 

I’ve found new OP roles and burnt my credits to fill them.


However the game is still more broken, less fun, and sorely unpolished. Detonation is pathetically un-fun, and corp members exploit the bugs.


It’s just stupid because the game is broken and they don’t seem to care. Sure they pushed a quick fix to scale back a little bit of the Frigate’s power. However healing is broken, interceptors are too fragile, and the tech “trees” remain as linear as you can get.


They dont get it. This game is now role oriented. Deal with it guys. Pick a role and shut up. 


It was always role oriented. The roles are stricter now, but it doesn’t change the fact that things are pathetically balanced and broken.



Instead of free for all , you have classes. I prefer it this way, so everyone is not running the same run of the mill cookie cutter build.


The guard frigates were toned down, a Lot.


Ships come with cookie-cutter builds which most newbies don’t change, and furthermore only the corp members that theorycraft and are super involved had their cookie-cutter builds before. Modules are sadly twice as limited as before. Now you have the choice between 3-4 modules instead of all of them across all role types before.

They dont get it. This game is now role oriented. Deal with it guys. Pick a role and shut up. 


First of all, now since we are technically limited, tell me how creative I can be with 4 active slots and 5 modules to chose from?!  How does that not end with everyone flying the same setup?!


Second, some ships got absolutely useless, some got increadibly OP, how interesting that the community has such sharp split opinions about the 0.8 Patch. Consider your self lucky if you havent been nerfed to oblivion; but no the 10-year-olds have ego problems with that I guess, so they have to announce how uber they are with the new OP ships/modules and how they could adapt to the change and the rest of us suck.


And third, “Pick a role and shut up” I rather pick another game and dont give a dime if u still yell or STFU in your own 1-man universe! Curious how clans think they are the be-all-end-all community element that keeps a game alive, when in fact they are the number 1 reason keeping the masses away and holds the game from taking off. Way to claim this as your own school yard… while its not.

We have a recon ship in my regular squad. He does quite well for himself and contributes to our victories.


Are there more powerful ships in combat? Sure. But being the most powerful possible ship isn’t the goal of all players. Heck, winning a battle is obviously not the goal of all players as can be seen when playing with PUGs. Fortunately, you don’t take a very big hit to experience/cash if you loose a fight.


I don’t see the problem with Recon, they’re half way to Covert Ops for damage capabilities and they’re amazing at helping healers die, capping beacons, or protecting against assassins sneaking up on captains. All it takes is just 10 seconds of not being noticed once you sneak up on anything but a guard frigate as a decently modded Covert ops to drop it, if they’re any kind of interceptor you can just kill it by hitting it with 3-4 shots, activating the web and then blowing yourself up on it.

There is much talking about the game being in beta in this thread. I got this game through Steam, and nowhere on the Steam page for SC does it say that the game is in beta. It says it is released. I’m not saying it isn’t in beta, but they really need to make clear that this isn’t a finished game. This live and monetized beta that video game companies are doing now is a bunch of BS. I have paid money for a service and consider this a live game, whatever they call it. Since they are charging money, I will never consider this in beta. When they make changes they are making it to their released game. I know everyone doesn’t see things like this, but I know from other game forums that there is a significant population who do, regardless of what label the game company sticks on it.


I know the game still needs some work. Long range frigs seem to hurt the team on every game mode. The factions have an obvious unbalance. The UI is still a bit wonky, and hard to see / utilize. They need to be careful about making drastic changes to a live game. No faster way to piss-off your customers.

I felt the same when this patch came out.  


Now I’m loving it to bits.  


Stop typing and get in the game.  


Now I’ve bought more than just Empire ships I’m really enjoying the variety.