Not happy.

Find a friend and have them play with you. I love my engineer frigate friend. He gets me to the places I need to go, and keeps me alive, and in exchange I destroy all the ships trying to kill him. It’s even better if you can get more friends to assist you. If you want to survive in pugs try communicating with the pugs. Say warpgate to A I’m an engineer frigate could someone come with me to take and hold the point.


Exactly this.


Our squad has had to do much more coordination to find victory. It makes the game more rewarding. Everyone has a role to play and feels like part of a team.


When I play the engineering frigate, I find myself as the center of our maneuvers and the most protected ship in the group.


There are some rough edges in the game that still need working out. But this is a huge step in the right direction.

You really don’t get this, do you? Do you know what we are? UNPAID LABOUR. The really, really stupid ones are PAYING for the privilege of doing a job; the job of beta testing.


That’s what this game is - an unfinished product in need of testing, and we are doing that for free. Why should a company be paid for the honour of letting me play an unfinished game when there are plenty of non-EA games on the market that are finished and launched?



The dumbest thing I have read in years. 

Exactly this.


Our squad has had to do much more coordination to find victory. It makes the game more rewarding. Everyone has a role to play and feels like part of a team.


When I play the engineering frigate, I find myself as the center of our maneuvers and the most protected ship in the group.


There are some rough edges in the game that still need working out. But this is a huge step in the right direction.

Been playing a healer in online games for 10+ years I know all this, the problem lies in trying to tell non corp players that its better to protect the healer and not dog fight which lets be real 90% of the people here are going for kills.


I mean it was already hard getting teams to protect nodes with me now I need people to play the objectives and keep the support roles alive be it engineers, recons ect.


We playing an arcade shooter, and not a tactical flight sim but they add a bunch of roles that are overkill for most of the modes. I mean have you seen a recon turn a tie yet in battle with their radar sweep yet?


I love games that are about teamwork but we talking about a super fast pace combat, were its going to be a huge pain to get the damage dealers to slow down and not just go for kills.


I want to comment also on the people that are saying they remove all the op builds and people are jsut QQing, I was a healer that lost  all my tool to help keep people off me other then mines. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t op other then when people hug me for the whole pulsar pulse.


I’ll spend today testing but I have not seen yet people stop there dog fighting or sniping to support the new roles that are less damage based.


Last thing the mobile barrier sucks so much it has save me 1 or 2 shoots from someone hitting me before they change angles.

No amount of wishing or wikipedia references will change the fact that you singed an agreement to volunteer to beta test a game you can spend money on.  I have been testing about 5 of these F2P models and have found the experience rewarding.  If you don’t want to spend money then don’t if you do then spend. 


Maybe the game isn’t for all of you fine just leave try another game.  You will find they are all facing the same problems and community impatience 


I know its a shame when the world doesn’t bend to your will but it will still be OK (or not) 


Its still a video game and not worth getting too upset about.


Cheers see you all in game. I would say try Ghost Recon Online but it would break whats left of your will. lol

Changes to balance are one thing. I didn’t particularly like them, but changes this big will definitely involve some adjustment both for players and in further patches. And I think there’s room to debate whether the loss of flexibility was worth the ability to balance the ships and classes against one another more easily.


Sweeping changes to balance without a refund, however, is another thing. I strongly suspect they’ve just convinced many of their existing customers not to spend more money on the game. I’ve spent money and it was effectively just thrown away - half of my modules got removed rather than refunded, so they sell for a fraction of the price, and I got stuck with a bunch of ships with no refund that I don’t want to play because they got moved and/or changed. I’m definitely not going to be giving them any more money.


Big balance changes are hard to get perfect, but it isn’t at all hard to know how they should have handled refunding credits. I don’t believe for a second that it was incompetence - it was clearly a way to get everyone to keep playing and keep paying to re-earn what they already had with a clever facade of attention to customers by offering an extremely limited refund.


And to the people whining do you know what “beta” means, do YOU know what “beta” means? You seem to know what it meant ten years ago, but that’s not what it means anymore. If you’re actively taking payments for things in the game and then you dramatically change them, the fact that the word “beta” shows up on the client doesn’t mean that all responsibility is magically gone.

Yes, it does. Especially when every beta is under the agreement of “subject to change.”. Buyer beware. The game you pay for 10 months ago, may not be the same today. Common sense.

Been playing a healer in online games for 10+ years I know all this, the problem lies in trying to tell non corp players that its better to protect the healer and not dog fight which lets be real 90% of the people here are going for kills.

And when they figure out that they get more kills by protecting their healer so they carry on fighting than by doggedly going for their current target, they’ll adjust. I’m also a die hard support player in many games and I plain disagree with your assessment. By your logic Combat Recon should have no one defending the captain and everyone just attacking constantly, but that’s actually the opposite of true, Combat Recon is more turtle than offense atm.

i made an account just to reply to this thread.


Personally i really can care less about the updates.

Things bought with in game currency can all be regotten.


My biggest BEEF tho is with the premium items.

I had gotten some premium consoles on my T4 to help me specifically for PVE.


Cuz PVE T3 u get 100% T4 green loot at completion. 


Now after this patch… my premium ships and premium modules no longer apply.


This is not a professional game ethic even in beta.

If your gonna change the premium items, you refund us the premium currency and have us REBUY them if needed. 

Let us sell our consoles back for 100% refund price we paid.  Let us Sell our premium ships as well, and if we want them have us rebuy them at the new higher price. 

Dont change what we have and tell us tough luck…  cuz we’ll say OK… ur not getting any more cash from ANY of us. 


If the ship is at fault… u delete it or remove it, and have us REBUY IT after refunding our galatic standards. 


Instead what has the DEV’s done? 

They ripped off probably 95% of the premium buyers on this game.


Correct me if im wrong tho… WHO pays for the server?  i dont see any ads to support server fee’s so where u getting the funding… (the premium players are the ones who will support server fee’s)

Now that the company has fubarded 95% of the premium players how are the premium players to react?


95% of us WONT spend another DIME on this game. Infact a lot of people have even thought about filing a complaint with steam for false advertisement. 

The game said its not liable… but those of us who bought it on STEAM are cuz the detailed description does not apply with the item we paid for.   


The Dev’s completely shot themselves in the foot with the premium players. 

Once steam gets a email full of complaints demanding refund for a game that they didnt pay for, they will probably AXE this project all together.

Changing premium items… ie cash shop items… which u bought with in game currency at steam does not apply to the description on steam. 


There is no warning that premium items maybe changed at any moment… we get no disclaimer b4 we spend our premium currency. 





If a MOD or DEV is reading this… REFUND the premium currency … REMOVE the premium items… and let us REBUY them if we need it.

This will probably make 80% of the premium players happy again, and keep us.


Otherwise this game WONT get a single dime from us AGAIN.

Will also get many many NEGATIVE feed back on steam… and the survival of this game will fall faster then the expectations on ME3.


NEVER has a RPG … with an ingame cash shop… EVEN in beta has changed premium items.

They Grandfather them… and then change the new items to stop it. 


What was the whole point in getting in game currency if you guys are gonna change all the things we buy with it?


Infact DEV’s… u guys got it.


its not from me… but already your cash shop is gonna go down the drain big time and ur not gonna get any more funding on steam until u fix us premium players.

And when they figure out that they get more kills by protecting their healer so they carry on fighting than by doggedly going for their current target, they’ll adjust. I’m also a die hard support player in many games and I plain disagree with your assessment. By your logic Combat Recon should have no one defending the captain and everyone just attacking constantly, but that’s actually the opposite of true, Combat Recon is more turtle than offense atm.

Your right with that mode people turtle but in games I was in  that was non combat recon last night people just went for kills and I have still not seen people support the less combat focus ships. I was flying in with the packs last night next to guard ships and I keep getting single out and blown up with guard ships with in range of me.


Can we agree that for the other 2 modes in pug matches it’s hard to get people to play objective already? They just adding another layer that its going to be that much harder for the damage dealer player to not go just for kill.

Your right with that mode people turtle but in games I was in  that was non combat recon last night people just went for kills and I have still not seen people support the less combat focus ships. I was flying in with the packs last night next to guard ships and I keep getting single out and blown up with guard ships with in range of me.


Can we agree that for the other 2 modes in pug matches it’s hard to get people to play objective already? They just adding another layer that its going to be that much harder for the damage dealer player to not go just for kill.


Sounds like the point you are making is “random people on the internet are chaotic”. I don’t think the devs can do anything to fix that.

Sounds like the point you are making is “random people on the internet are chaotic”. I don’t think the devs can do anything to fix that.


your wrong… the devs did…


they told the people who were actually winning… go teach those chaotic people or suffer with them. 

Cuz now our ships cant multi role and fill in the gaps where those suckie people are in. 


But this isnt the main problem.

The main problem is the DEV’s has killed their income base.

U dont need a pHD in economics to see the result of this.

Without confidence from the paying players that there items will be what they paid for, no one will spend a dime on this game. 


With the premium players all feeling sour mouth’d… the game lost all and any additional funding during beta. 

No what I’m saying is they are adding more tactical roles to an arcade flight sim. They need to pick what they want in the game we have very tactical roles now in an arcade flight sim, they don’t mix well in a game that with basic game modes.


In a open world game like say Eve type game or any large group combat game the roles would have a place but in this game we have basic combat modes. 


What I’m trying to say is they are trying to fill very niche roles in a game with very basic combat modes. The reverse of what they did would be like having Eve online cutting ships types in to 4 and not 20+ ships they have now.

Whether you want to argue semantics or not is of no interest to me. The fact is that the version log itself still hasn’t hit 1.0, which is universally recognized as meaning “released”. I can dig games bought 10+ years ago within days of launch and they will have “v1.0” printed on their disk. Pretty much every game was listed as v1.0, in fact. Later editions might be 1.1 or 1.2 or whatever, but you would never, ever find a “v0.8.0” disk.


The problem is that Minecraft came out and said “hey guys, if you pre-order this game then you can access the beta!” and Notch became a millionaire overnight. In the wake of that people discovered that you could make money out of people before the game was finished!


That is dangerous. It is that kind of bullshit thinking that resulted in Colonial Marines, and it’s why I avoid pre-orders like the plague. It is also why I will not put money down for a beta; I may not disapprove of v0.8.0, but it is a big shift in tone and focus for the game that simply would not happen in a finished product. You will get burned if you don’t understand what it is you are spending money on.


You don’t understand software development or the F2P model, you’re the type of businessmen that doesn’t understand how to sell an amazing product. You’re the kind of person that overprices digital “goods” and complain when they’re not selling. You’re the one hung up on technicalities and you doesn’t understand how a company SHOULD work in today’s market. You’re a lawyeristic jerk that is lost in coding practices of two decades ago. You might as well be running this game because your attitudes are the exact problems that this game has. Instead of trying to make it fun, be fair, and make money by offering a superior product the company takes their full rights to do whatever they want. Yes, they have them but if they want to make a superior product they really should only pull out those rights as a last resort.


Minecraft was up to version 1.7.x or higher when it officially “released”


You’re still behind a couple decades on coding practice, especially with F2P models entering the scene. You can’t find Digital copies of 90% of the F2P games out there.


For the record, I haven’t spent any money on this game, nor am I likely to. A “official” release version doesn’t mean anymore more than a “beta” release version does, and they’ll screw me over without regret.


I’m not happy because they’re making choices that are screwing over a game I love. Not just are they screwing over the game, they’re hurting themselves and they are so blind to the fact.

No what I’m saying is they are adding more tactical roles to an arcade flight sim. They need to pick what they want in the game we have very tactical roles now in an arcade flight sim, they don’t mix well in a game that with basic game modes.


In a open world game like say Eve type game or any large group combat game the roles would have a place but in this game we have basic combat modes. 


What I’m trying to say is they are trying to fill very niche roles in a game with very basic combat modes. The reverse of what they did would be like having Eve online cutting ships types in to 4 and not 20+ ships they have now.


There are plenty of FPS games with combat roles and also just a few combat modes. Engineer/Medic/Sniper/etc. has been a common pattern for tactical-only combat games for many years.


The game is far from perfect, of course. But it is moving in the right direction. Well-defined roles with specific gear is a positive move. Now they just need to increase the number of modules of each type to increase the depth of each “class” of ship and we will be cooking with gas.

You don’t understand software development or the F2P model, you’re the type of businessmen that doesn’t understand how to sell an amazing product. You’re the kind of person that overprices digital “goods” and complain when they’re not selling. You’re the one hung up on technicalities and you doesn’t understand how a company SHOULD work in today’s market. You’re a lawyeristic jerk that is lost in coding practices of two decades ago. You might as well be running this game because your attitudes are the exact problems that this game has. Instead of trying to make it fun, be fair, and make money by offering a superior product the company takes their full rights to do whatever they want. Yes, they have them but if they want to make a superior product they really should only pull out those rights as a last resort.


Minecraft was up to version 1.7.x or higher when it officially “released”


You’re still behind a couple decades on coding practice, especially with F2P models entering the scene. You can’t find Digital copies of 90% of the F2P games out there.


For the record, I haven’t spent any money on this game, nor am I likely to. A “official” release version doesn’t mean anymore more than a “beta” release version does, and they’ll screw me over without regret.


I’m not happy because they’re making choices that are screwing over a game I love. Not just are they screwing over the game, they’re hurting themselves and they are so blind to the fact.

Yes, because I’m sure your limited scope on the inner-working of the devs is much more omnipotent than the actual team itself to figure out how to make this game better or worse…

What a joke dude, get off your soapbox. 

You don’t understand software development or the F2P model, you’re the type of businessmen that doesn’t understand how to sell an amazing product. You’re the kind of person that overprices digital “goods” and complain when they’re not selling. You’re the one hung up on technicalities and you doesn’t understand how a company SHOULD work in today’s market. You’re a lawyeristic jerk that is lost in coding practices of two decades ago. You might as well be running this game because your attitudes are the exact problems that this game has. Instead of trying to make it fun, be fair, and make money by offering a superior product the company takes their full rights to do whatever they want. Yes, they have them but if they want to make a superior product they really should only pull out those rights as a last resort.


:open_mouth: he’s the CEO of EA? 


Anyhow to fight this whole beta topic…

im fairly sure 70% or more of the paying players were steam based.


on Steam it says no where this is BETA… it says nowhere that our premium items can change without any notice or refund…

Theres a whole bunch of wrong discription on STEAM.


See for yourself.


Basically this is where the complaints will hit the hardest…

And it staying on steam will ultimately decide the fate of this game.


So far… not looking very good…

People have full rights to ask steam for a refund on a game which is BETA and wasnt listed as beta…

and tell them they changed my ingame currency items to something i didnt pay for… with no option of refund. 


Steam has to refund your real money…  its against US law to sell a mislabeled product… which this game is. 


Im gonna give the DEV’s 1-2 more patches to FIX my premium stuff… othewise im gonna file a report to steam as well on BAD discription and ask for a full refund. 

Second day of playing



Now my job is to hide and use LoS were pre patch I could be on the front lines helping my team. Still calling out which nodes need help and stuff like I did pre patch also telling teams I’m a healer. For fps shooters it’s not as bad for me to play a medic because we are not dealing with a 3d space were I can’t really stay behind the team when the enemies can come at you from every angle.



It’s not even just a engineer problems why would you take a recon over a ecm ship right now with how the meta game is?

It’s not even just a engineer problems why would you take a recon over a ecm ship right now with how the meta game is?


For the same reason anyone would take any ship, because it’s what they like to play.


Different people play for different reasons. A ship you would never want to play might be exactly what someone else wants.

For the same reason anyone would take any ship, because it’s what they like to play.


Different people play for different reasons. A ship you would never want to play might be exactly what someone else wants.

But how helpful are some of the roles? How many games has a recon help you win a match so far? They took play styles and cut them in to parts. Take my fed ECM ships pre patch I was fast and could CC enemies, now I am fast and can uncloak people not even close to helpful vs the new ecm ships.


I’m really trying to like the changes but they melted some of my premium items because I had engineer parts on ships that are now guard ships and they are just gone with no refund or being in my warehouse.

I’m really trying to like the changes but they melted some of my premium items because I had engineer parts on ships that are now guard ships and they are just gone with no refund or being in my warehouse.

They’re in your warehouse, your guard ships just can’t use them anymore. You’ll have to pick up some other class and learn it to use those modules.

Which is another huge issue I have with this patch.


They should have just refunded everything but kept found modules so you could re-evaluate the ships and choose your roles. Instead they ruined everyone’s configurations and stranded them with ships they didn’t want.

Looking in the warehouse and some of the premium items are not there or it looks like they change tier.