Not happy.

This patch…idk…I could write paragraphs but I’ll just leave it at that. Other people will fill in I’m sure.

Edit: Much better.

I’ll write one later. Gotta goto work. Just logged in and saw the changes, tried it out. I’m just leaving this here because you should read the inbox in-game. I all my favorite ships, no command ship has anything other than the standard 10% weapon damage. Protection frigs are OP as hell. Others will fill in with their complaints. Bbl.



I should add that I have about $220 of gold and DLC in this game, and I feel royally screwed. Don’t have a micro-transaction game in beta if you plan on changing it.




**** and one of my biggest problems? WHY would you remove the + green numbers ? To make it more difficult to change and decide which module works better?

IDK if I’ll be the only one who thinks that 0.8 patch is too bad. In my opinion, this game could be as cool as EVE, even more, but now…

To their credit, they gave me back 32,000 gold and 50 million credits. but I don’t know what I’ve lost so far other than most of my ships and modules…

This patch…idk…I could write paragraphs but I’ll just leave it at that. Other people will fill in I’m sure.

Same here

They have made major overhauls to this game, which for the most part I think are going in the right direction. I won’t hold myself to that yet as I cannot actually play the game at the moment (it crashes when I try), but here’s the short version: it’s a beta. Why did you spend real money on a beta? If you spend real money on a beta, you are telling the company you are happy to pay for an unfinished product. This is stupid and should not be encouraged.


And to be honest, I seriously doubt you could “write paragraphs” about what you find wrong with this patch, if only because I’m willing to bet most of your complaints stem from the short-term technical issues they warn you about the moment you try to login…

I honestly like that I can play a tank frig now without having every interceptor wiping me out of the sky in two seconds

They have made major overhauls to this game, which for the most part I think are going in the right direction. I won’t hold myself to that yet as I cannot actually play the game at the moment (it crashes when I try), but here’s the short version: it’s a beta. Why did you spend real money on a beta? If you spend real money on a beta, you are telling the company you are happy to pay for an unfinished product. This is stupid and should not be encouraged.


And to be honest, I seriously doubt you could “write paragraphs” about what you find wrong with this patch, if only because I’m willing to bet most of your complaints stem from the short-term technical issues they warn you about the moment you try to login…

I really could, i just doubt it would be usefull for anything according what direction is taking the game. Im not a dev.

I’m just glad i only spent 10 bucks before they screwed things all up. Balancing doesn’t mean completly changing everything  a ship can do, equip. and function. It means, " taking whats there and equalizing it with other ships and equipment". Hence the term “balancing”. Not gunna say they “f’d” up, but i will say  the game has lost a lot of appeal to a lot of people and “word of mouth” can be either great “P.R.” or your worst disaster. I gunna go with the latter here.

What part of the v0.8 preview made you think it was just a balance pass? It was clearly billed as a revamp of game mechanics.

Few things are better but majority is for worse.When i reached tier 4 i was on edge to  continue playing or stop but this “patch” disapoints me so i stop.This is a lesson for me not to play beta( half finished game), perhaps i will return when game reaches 1.0.

We lost a ton of choice hell my favorite active mod is just remove from the game.

We lost a ton of choice hell my favorite active mod is just remove from the game.

What active mod is gone?

Developers radically change the way the game is played.

Players whine about balance being poor, in a beta, right after the change. 

Players then proceed to make comments about “word of mouth could kill this game” instead of giving useful feedback about what they like and don’t like in this patch.

Why do you guys even play in beta’s if you’re just going to act like its a fully shipped game? Do your part and try to make it a better game.

Yea xxxx this game. I paid for it also, bought upto the T4 command ship… NOW THEY changed it to a tackler. Very Lame.

What active mod is gone?

Vanguard Drone well both advance drones are gone.

Developers radically change the way the game is played.

Players whine about balance being poor, in a beta, right after the change. 

Players then proceed to make comments about “word of mouth could kill this game” instead of giving useful feedback about what they like and don’t like in this patch.

Why do you guys even play in beta’s if you’re just going to act like its a fully shipped game? Do your part and try to make it a better game.

Every Fed Frig thread I’ve been part of in beta there was a lot of talk that the drones needed a buff but most people like having them. There was a ton of ideas on how to improve them, all over the beta boards.


Devs took the feedback and just removing them from the game, I don’t recall a threads were frig pilots wanted to give up drones for phase shield :frowning:

Vanguard Drone well both advance drones are gone.

Except that this isn’t true. All drones are now the Vanguard variant.

Did you actually try playing the game?

Armada Drones are still gone.