Not happy.

I don’t get how people think limiting choices brings “tighter balance” when it’s basically the same modules as before, you just have less to choose from.

Every Fed Frig thread I’ve been part of in beta there was a lot of talk that the drones needed a buff but most people like having them. There was a ton of ideas on how to improve them, all over the beta boards.


Devs took the feedback and just removing them from the game, I don’t recall a threads were frig pilots wanted to give up drones for phase shield :frowning:

Incorrect. Drones got buffed. Play the game instead of crying.


fed frig player

In my opinion, what was lost in customization was gained five-fold in teamplay and tactics. A very good tradeoff.

Incorrect. Drones got buffed. Play the game instead of crying.


fed frig player

How did 3 types of drones becoming 1 and half the fed frigs losing drones equal a buff this patch?

How did 3 types of drones becoming 1 and half the fed frigs losing drones equal a buff this patch?

>drone range increased A LOT

>drones are all armada versions now

>only thing that was lost was missile defense, and thats because it was transferred to a different role (guard)

The drones are much stronger now.

Been playing on and off all day as a healer I lost pulsar, anti missile system, propulsion inhibitor. I gain mobile barrier which seem to be one of the worst mods in the game. I can place a wall that doesn’t move in a game in which combat is in a 3d space.


I’m not seeing the massive range your talking about on the drones. 

Changes to balance are one thing. I didn’t particularly like them, but changes this big will definitely involve some adjustment both for players and in further patches. And I think there’s room to debate whether the loss of flexibility was worth the ability to balance the ships and classes against one another more easily.


Sweeping changes to balance without a refund, however, is another thing. I strongly suspect they’ve just convinced many of their existing customers not to spend more money on the game. I’ve spent money and it was effectively just thrown away - half of my modules got removed rather than refunded, so they sell for a fraction of the price, and I got stuck with a bunch of ships with no refund that I don’t want to play because they got moved and/or changed. I’m definitely not going to be giving them any more money.


Big balance changes are hard to get perfect, but it isn’t at all hard to know how they should have handled refunding credits. I don’t believe for a second that it was incompetence - it was clearly a way to get everyone to keep playing and keep paying to re-earn what they already had with a clever facade of attention to customers by offering an extremely limited refund.


And to the people whining do you know what “beta” means, do YOU know what “beta” means? You seem to know what it meant ten years ago, but that’s not what it means anymore. If you’re actively taking payments for things in the game and then you dramatically change them, the fact that the word “beta” shows up on the client doesn’t mean that all responsibility is magically gone.

Healing isn’t fun  I’ve become target with a big + over my head telling everyone I have no active mods on this ship that can hurt you and come kill me.


I really don’t get how the engineer frigs are going to stay alive when the guard frigs got all the buffs this patch with the only downside really being they lost the group healing.


How do I play a engineer in a pug game and not become a target other then me hiding and using LoS. 

The only thing i dont like is the massive surviveability people uses as soon as you go tech 3+


It is insane how much punishment evryone can take, even with a purple targetpainter on their asses.


I really think some ships have to much surviveability comparred to the damage potential. Having 20k shield 100+ resistances in it and modules to heal you and amplify your resistances further while dishing out damage 2 times an interceptor is not fair. Period.


Besides that, i enjoy the changes. Especially the diemos 2 nerf. The king of tech 2 is no more. I played it a lot. not anymore :stuck_out_tongue:


I do play a lot of tech 2 fed interceptor and empire engeniers. They rock with hailgunz!

only people happy are fighter and interceptor players mostly. This patch saddenss me

They didn’t limit choice they removed cheese builds.  You can’t be op any more so now you have to play the objectives.  I think the gameplay has improved 100%.  Its still a grind fest but you don’t need a tier 4 ship to have a good match.  I played a couple of hours today and the battles have been great.  Campers are dead meat now if you don’t get out of spawn your gonna get an inty up your exhaust manifold.  If you were refunded gold use if for premium ships no repair cost. With premium time you can clear 100k per match. There are only two constants in the universe Change and Fear its companion. 


They saved the game in my opinion.



They didn’t limit choice they removed cheese builds.  You can’t be op any more so now you have to play the objectives.  I think the gameplay has improved 100%.  Its still a grind fest but you don’t need a tier 4 ship to have a good match.  I played a couple of hours today and the battles have been great.  Campers are dead meat now if you don’t get out of spawn your gonna get an inty up your exhaust manifold.  If you were refunded gold use if for premium ships no repair cost. With premium time you can clear 100k per match. There are only two constants in the universe Change and Fear its companion. 


They saved the game in my opinion.



Lol, are you getting paid to say that?

Inties will take a long time to kill my sniping acid hydra.

Also, since when was the repair cost ever a problem? Maybe t4, but T3 has no problems what so ever.

And you clearly have different battles than me, since mine only exists of blobs fighting eachother, invincible ships everywhere and since when was anything OP? You had to play the objectives or lose, no matter how strong you are, if you don’t get objectives you will still lose.

Wauw, after the loyalty screwup this is just… I mean, Iam lacking words for it, I have about 10 ships, most of which modules were removed, I went from 3.6M credits, to 4.4M then I refitted my Acid Hydra, who which btw I cannot play anymore the way I enjoyed, not a sniper, but a support, in the thick of things frigate, because of its capability to hold out long, but not to long. That has been removed, completely. But to the point, I refitted the acid hydra and I got 69k credits left on only MKII stuff. I mean, WHAT THE HELL, its only one refitted ship out of my ten! Why are you devs so intent on ruining this game for the already small playerbase???

only people happy are fighter and interceptor players mostly. This patch saddenss me


As an interceptor player with a command ship on the side, I’m not happy at all with the changes. My interceptors don’t let me choose what I want to do at all now.


What I want is a Covert Ops ship with Microwarp. That was my play style. To get Covert Ops modules, I have to have plasma web. I HATE plasma web. It’s stupid.


The biggest problem is that a role’s diversity is non-existent and now you just have the same set of modules on different racial ships. Might as well choose the ship that looks prettiest!

On a side note, as devs/game producers looked to nearly ignore us on all the last patches (about loyalty grinding and stuff like this) i would like to say that people dont complain just for complaining, i think lots of people have been hugely disappointed by this patch and the previous ones.

What you’re saying is -


Don’t spend money on games you like while they’re in beta so they can’t keep working on the game. They don’t need money.



You really don’t get this, do you? Do you know what we are? UNPAID LABOUR. The really, really stupid ones are PAYING for the privilege of doing a job; the job of beta testing.


That’s what this game is - an unfinished product in need of testing, and we are doing that for free. Why should a company be paid for the honour of letting me play an unfinished game when there are plenty of non-EA games on the market that are finished and launched?

You really don’t get this, do you? Do you know what we are? UNPAID LABOUR. The really, really stupid ones are PAYING for the privilege of doing a job; the job of beta testing.


That’s what this game is - an unfinished product in need of testing, and we are doing that for free. Why should a company be paid for the honour of letting me play an unfinished game when there are plenty of non-EA games on the market that are finished and launched?


You don’t get it. Yes, it is a product that’s still being worked on… It may “technically” be in beta. It’s not in beta. The definition of beta is when the product is unpaid by the users for it in every respect and the developers are doing load testing, mechanics testing, balancing, and other tests to make sure it’s in a playable state for the official release.


Don’t believe me?


A game is never in a real “Open Beta” for over a year. It just doesn’t happen if the company is doing constant development work, which the devs definitely are. This game is supported by microtransaction payments, and is listed as an official product through Steam. They are not supported by the initial funding for the game any longer, they’re primarily supported by the users that buy DLC packs in Steam, and people who buy gold through their site.


It’s not beta just because they say it is. It’s a full product that’s under the Free to Play model and hopes to attract sales with the product itself. Stop fooling yourself. We’re not testers, we’re customers. They should be trying to sell me the game so I pay them money. They are failing at that job horrifically.

Whether you want to argue semantics or not is of no interest to me. The fact is that the version log itself still hasn’t hit 1.0, which is universally recognized as meaning “released”. I can dig games bought 10+ years ago within days of launch and they will have “v1.0” printed on their disk. Pretty much every game was listed as v1.0, in fact. Later editions might be 1.1 or 1.2 or whatever, but you would never, ever find a “v0.8.0” disk.


The problem is that Minecraft came out and said “hey guys, if you pre-order this game then you can access the beta!” and Notch became a millionaire overnight. In the wake of that people discovered that you could make money out of people before the game was finished!


That is dangerous. It is that kind of bullshit thinking that resulted in Colonial Marines, and it’s why I avoid pre-orders like the plague. It is also why I will not put money down for a beta; I may not disapprove of v0.8.0, but it is a big shift in tone and focus for the game that simply would not happen in a finished product. You will get burned if you don’t understand what it is you are spending money on.

In my opinion, what was lost in customization was gained five-fold in teamplay and tactics. A very good tradeoff.

I agree with this. Now team or squad play is much more important. my friends came into this patch mad they broke our op builds. We then all did our own thing and got owned in a several matches. came back and decided to make a squad of ships and stay grouped. We then owned the next several matches. My advice is to find some friends and team up. The game is a lot more fun when you have squadmates, instead of trying to be rambo.

Healing isn’t fun  I’ve become target with a big + over my head telling everyone I have no active mods on this ship that can hurt you and come kill me.


I really don’t get how the engineer frigs are going to stay alive when the guard frigs got all the buffs this patch with the only downside really being they lost the group healing.


How do I play a engineer in a pug game and not become a target other then me hiding and using LoS. 

Find a friend and have them play with you. I love my engineer frigate friend. He gets me to the places I need to go, and keeps me alive, and in exchange I destroy all the ships trying to kill him. It’s even better if you can get more friends to assist you. If you want to survive in pugs try communicating with the pugs. Say warpgate to A I’m an engineer frigate could someone come with me to take and hold the point.