Not happy.

There is much talking about the game being in beta in this thread. I got this game through Steam, and nowhere on the Steam page for SC does it say that the game is in beta. It says it is released. I’m not saying it isn’t in beta, but they really need to make clear that this isn’t a finished game. This live and monetized beta that video game companies are doing now is a bunch of BS. I have paid money for a service and consider this a live game, whatever they call it. Since they are charging money, I will never consider this in beta. When they make changes they are making it to their released game. I know everyone doesn’t see things like this, but I know from other game forums that there is a significant population who do, regardless of what label the game company sticks on it.


I know the game still needs some work. Long range frigs seem to hurt the team on every game mode. The factions have an obvious unbalance. The UI is still a bit wonky, and hard to see / utilize. They need to be careful about making drastic changes to a live game. No faster way to piss-off your customers.

Right on the head of the nail. This game is not in BETA, stop using it as a scapegoat.


EVE online makes drastic changes as well, but they give a MAJOR headsup(usually 1-5 months prior) before actually changing it, and want feedback from their customers before they change it to make sure they don’t release some piece of xxxx patches. Hell, they even got a fully running test server where they usually test changes for 2 weeks-2 months to make sure it doesn’t cause some catastrophic failure. Not to mention they release FULL patchnotes with EVERY change they make and what stats exactly changed. And they got several hundred devs, with the small bunch you guys got it must be way easier to track who has changed what and in what way.


Like 0.8.0 was a bad patch, it released a bunch of bullshit that is unbalanced, unneccesary and filled with ninja nerfs(Altho these were common enough before as well).


These devs should look at EVE online devs and see how to properly manage an online game.

Let us all just hope the devs come to their senses and do something about listening to customers.

Sweet mother of Necro!

Let us all just hope the devs come to their senses and do something about listening to customers.

That went all too well

P.s. dat necro doe

  My money has officially been wasted. You will not gain another cent, not a dime, nickle, nor penny until this patch is rolled back. there’s a 0.01% chance that I will ever pay for anything on this game again, if you don’t.                                


Looks like, against all odds, that 0.01% came to pass. xD

You really don’t get this, do you? Do you know what we are? UNPAID LABOUR. The really, really stupid ones are PAYING for the privilege of doing a job; the job of beta testing.


That’s what this game is - an unfinished product in need of testing, and we are doing that for free. Why should a company be paid for the honour of letting me play an unfinished game when there are plenty of non-EA games on the market that are finished and launched?



The dumbest thing I have read in years.


Couple years later, still the truth :)))


They dont get it. This game is now role oriented. Deal with it guys. Pick a role and shut up.

My Hero.

Hi there boss! :slight_smile: Congrats on your first post :smiley:


Totally agree, changes were too game changing without giving any options back to us. Such large changes should come with a complete wipe of losing all our ships, modules, implants while keeping our progress and getting back any gold and credits we spent on anything so we can spend it as we see fit on the newly released stuff(It wasnt really a change, it is basicly a whole new game)

Sing it, funky!







mm, I still miss the old T2…

Ah, the Grudge is still held!

Devs, make more modules for all the classes! give us more options…

Give us special project ships with multi-ship-type-module-functionality!!!

I’m on a horse. 

Inspiration from the past! To the Post Mobile!!! [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30423-give-us-special-project-ships-with-multi-ship-type-module-functionality/)

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30424-give-proximity-mines-to-all-interceptor-classes/)

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30425-mine-layers-and-proximity-mines-one-or-the-other-or-a-new-mine-class-for-fighters-tacklers-etc/)