No more premium

Now premium dont need to be repaired. Star conflict is now a “pay to farm”. Go buy a T4 premium and farm, farm, farm … Better than a license.

If you want a T9 tackler, you have the choice between a poor T7-T8, or a wonderful Rank 9 premium.


Where is the Free 2 play ? In a Free 2 play, everybody have acces to the same content.


I propose to disable all premium ship. Let the people buy for all ships with gold if they want, but let the people buy them with credits too.

That is the way a Free 2 play goes.

Now starconflict is a pay to farm, and nothing else.

How exactly does this limit F2P?
You still gain enough credits with normal T4 in PvE and PvP if you don’t die to often.

The limit is :

“what you can buy with money dont give you an advantage”

“What you can buy with real money, you can buy it in the game too”


Look at League of Legends, they did it well.

Your game turn into a poor WoT.


For weeks, I see friends making a pause in the game. We just understand that gajing want to get money. Did they forget that they make a game too ?


A good game don’t need such tricks to make people buying. A good game works !

You are so afraid that the game doesn’t work.


You can for example make people pay to change the nickname. That would be a good idea.

But if you give an advantage ingame for the people who paid, only people who pay will stay in your game.


That the difference between a good game and a commercial faillure.

And, another example :


We can’t make squad with 3 friends if we don’t have a premium licence.

You said that was a bug.

You lie !


It can’t be a bug. No game in the world decide alone to make people pay to group.

That is not a bug, that is someone in Gaijin who decide in conscience that should stay where it is. That reveal the true nature of the team behind : “Make people pay”.


Tell your boss you can’t make a historical game if you only think about money.

You’re making a ton of noise about there being no Rank 9 tackler. It’s probably just an oversight, raise it as a specific suggestion. Gaijin probably just don’t know this is a deadly important issue (and tbh I’m not sure why it is either. Do T3 ships spontaneously self destruct without a Cheetah implant?)


Everything else you’ve said is pure speculation or simply false.

Everything else you’ve said is pure speculation or simply false.


What ? Everything I said ? Can you please explain ?

Or is it just taunt ?

Gosh you’re lucky. I’m very bored:

Now premium dont need to be repaired. Star conflict is now a “pay to farm”.  Opinion.

Go buy a T4 premium and farm, farm, farm … Better than a license. Speculation.

If you want a T9 tackler, you have the choice between a poor T7-T8, or a wonderful Rank 9 premium. Only thing that’s true.


Where is the Free 2 play ? In a Free 2 play, everybody have acces to the same content. Irrelevant commentary.


I propose to disable all premium ship. Let the people buy for all ships with gold if they want, but let the people buy them with credits too.

That is the way a Free 2 play goes. Opinion.

Now starconflict is a pay to farm, and nothing else. Opinion.

The limit is :

“what you can buy with money dont give you an advantage” It doesn’t except in the one case you pointed out.

“What you can buy with real money, you can buy it in the game too”


Look at League of Legends, they did it well. Your game turn into a poor WoT. Speculation.


For weeks, I see friends making a pause in the game. We just understand that gajing want to get money. Did they forget that they make a game too ? Speculation.


A good game don’t need such tricks to make people buying. A good game works ! Irrelevant commentary.

You are so afraid that the game doesn’t work. Speculation.


You can for example make people pay to change the nickname. That would be a good idea.

But if you give an advantage ingame for the people who paid, only people who pay will stay in your game. Speculation.


That the difference between a good game and a commercial faillure. Speculation.

And, another example :


We can’t make squad with 3 friends if we don’t have a premium licence. False. Others have done it.

You said that was a bug. You lie ! Speculation.


It can’t be a bug. No game in the world decide alone to make people pay to group.

That is not a bug, that is someone in Gaijin who decide in conscience that should stay where it is. That reveal the true nature of the team behind : “Make people pay”. Speculation. And kind of insulting speculation at that.


Tell your boss you can’t make a historical game if you only think about money. Speculation.


I think that covers everything.

Now premium dont need to be repaired. Star conflict is now a “pay to farm”. Go buy a T4 premium and farm, farm, farm … Better than a license.

If you want a T9 tackler, you have the choice between a poor T7-T8, or a wonderful Rank 9 premium.


Where is the Free 2 play ? In a Free 2 play, everybody have acces to the same content.


I propose to disable all premium ship. Let the people buy for all ships with gold if they want, but let the people buy them with credits too.

That is the way a Free 2 play goes.

Now starconflict is a pay to farm, and nothing else.


Having a premium with no repair cost is not a Pay to Win scenario friend. As a counter proposal how about you let people buy Premium ships with credits at the rate of 1 gold = 4000 credits  :dntknw:  might work out better. I don’t see this as a huge issue though… I like my premium ships and I don’t take them just to get myself blow up for no reason. Mouse (federation t4 fighter) is a premium tackler btw…

As a counter proposal how about you let people buy Premium ships with credits at the rate of 1 gold = 4000 credits  


What about doing that for all ships ?

You could buy ships with gold or cred as you wish.

In a competitive state of mind, everyone should have the same chance to win, so what the point of having premium ships only for those who paid ?

He Gaijin want these ships to be sold, they have to make premium ships better, making the competitive aspect of the game null and void.

What about doing that for all ships ?

You could buy ships with gold or cred as you wish.

In a competitive state of mind, everyone should have the same chance to win, so what the point of having premium ships only for those who paid ?

He Gaijin want these ships to be sold, they have to make premium ships better, making the competitive aspect of the game null and void.


I made a topic on the general suggestions regarding this…

The only cash ships which are outright better than the non-cash ships are the Steam package ones. My Desert Eagle has better slot layout than other ships of the same tier, not to mention the massive +175% reward bonus.

Standard premium ships are nothing more than ‘on par’ with non-premium ships. Though some of them do have extra benefits e.g. there’s onee with 8 or 9 heavy missile slots, which is somewhat imba.

Haha, this is hilarious. For me there is no point for buying a premium ship.


I farm in PvE. I don’t die in PvE. Thus, I don’t have to repair my ship.

I make enough credits in PvE and PvP that I can afford repairing my ships every battle. Which I don’t have to, because I only die in PvP, and not that much. And it’s 20k, 33k, prices like that. Which is nothing.


Premiums are worthless.

Premium ships give you a little advantage in farming credits, but in a fight they are equal or worse then credit ships.

The squad is still a bug which is still hard to trace, because it works for many players.

If it would not work for most players there would be more complains.

“Squad bug” could also be that the 3 players are not playing the same faction.


if one of them is playing for example jericho and the other 2 are flying for the empire (active contracts are what count,so if one pilotes for raid, and the other 2 for legion) you can not group up ^^


i could imagine that a few people dont get that and think its a bug or something. But i guess you dont want to people to play together if they are not flying for the same fraction (even thought if you are in a match, you have mixed factions i think (or at least ships from different factions ,maybe at the time fighting all are flying for the same faction))

Now premium dont need to be repaired. Star conflict is now a “pay to farm”. Go buy a T4 premium and farm, farm, farm … Better than a license.

If you want a T9 tackler, you have the choice between a poor T7-T8, or a wonderful Rank 9 premium.

Where is the Free 2 play ? In a Free 2 play, everybody have acces to the same content.

I propose to disable all premium ship. Let the people buy for all ships with gold if they want, but let the people buy them with credits too.

That is the way a Free 2 play goes.

Now starconflict is a pay to farm, and nothing else.

So let me get this straight. You’re complaining that people are able to use cash to bypass the repair cost of later tiers and thus are able to amass credits quicker than non-paying players, but you’re totally fine with people being able to use cash to bypass the credit grind required to afford non-premium ships and thus save themselves from needing to amass as many credits in the first place?

F2P games are and always have been about paying not to have to grind. Using money to buy a premium ship is basically paying to have to grind slightly less. I’ll happily take that over paying for ships that are categorically superior to their non-premium alternatives.

perm ships are not over powerd at all in any way hell i have one is is very under powerd call surgadr her eit is plain and simple we pay becuase we have jobs withc means less time to play games we pay to grind less and support the players and if their is no reson for use to pay for better ships or less grinding then why the hell would any one pay look at it this way you get the game for free and you can reach the same teir as us you jest have to take alot more time becuase you are not paying or helping the game while your playing while we are buaces we give the team money further the game if you cant deal with that then all you f2p cry babes go to another game btw W.O.T is not pay to win it also is one of the most active player bases out their and the company have an awsome community and the game is so well ballanced its not even funny this game is not p2w it is pay to not grind as mutch as people geting a very good game for free

perm ships are not over powerd at all in any way hell i have one is is very under powerd call surgadr her eit is plain and simple we pay becuase we have jobs withc means less time to play games we pay to grind less and support the players and if their is no reson for use to pay for better ships or less grinding then why the hell would any one pay look at it this way you get the game for free and you can reach the same teir as us you jest have to take alot more time becuase you are not paying or helping the game while your playing while we are buaces we give the team money further the game if you cant deal with that then all you f2p cry babes go to another game btw W.O.T is not pay to win it also is one of the most active player bases out their and the company have an awsome community and the game is so well ballanced its not even funny this game is not p2w it is pay to not grind as mutch as people geting a very good game for free


WoT has one of the worst comunities actually, worst would be EvE but EvE revolves around the social component and therefore scammers and the like are actually tolerated to a certain extent, you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t break any rules.


WoT on the other hand has a comunity full with self important morons that think highly of themselves , coupled with corrupt mods ( proven time and again ) that ignore most players, pursue others ad nauseum and praise some others due to shady meta-game / personall connections.


WoT is pure P2W and thats what got to the cry babies there, you jump ship buy a Premium heavy and welcome to the World of Pay to Progress… it has been proven time and again how easy it is to play one class, amass credits and XP then convert it all with bought gold .


If people are smart / in the bad way / they just jump into flavour of the month tanks ( OP ) and grind xp and creds in their premium tanks in order to convert it latter on with bought game currency… now if thats not P2W… ( and i’m not even entering the Gold Rounds issue ) 


Here you get premium ships unlocked as you progress in the game, but still you have to learn the ropes, now thats a good think, another point is, no matter how much money you throw at the game brains and eye - hand coordination are something you can’t buy, and thats were you can start pickin out people that come here posting… oh this ship is op, that ship is op… well guess what, if you buy a ship and fit it like crap, play it like a 3yo high on milk and cookies then you cannot possibly expect good results.

Yeah its a bit the over+ to the premium ships that they dont need to repaired.


My personal opinion is that halfed repair cost would be enough + the shiny bonusses of additional passive slots etc.


But i wont go so far to call SC now pay2farm , i never chose my D.Eagle to save money, only to go for railgun-kills and/or going amok with overdrive :wink: