No more premium

I really don’t see why it’s such an issue to people that Premium ships don’t require repair costs. Are people upset that Gold Standards can be converted directly into credits? Then why would they be upset about Gold Standards being converted into credits by way of purchasing a ship and farming for them at a slightly accelerated rate thanks to no repair costs?

I can either convert 8,250 Gold Standards into a T4 Premium ship and then spend days farming or I can take that 8,250 Gold Standards and convert them directly into 4,088,000 Credits, which would take a month of grinding to amass with just the extra few thousand credits you save by not having to repair your ships. Besides, no one plays T4 PvP unless you enjoy waiting 7 minutes for a 3v3 game with 4 bots. The only T4 action is in PvE where repair costs are nonexistent if you know what you’re doing or very mild otherwise.

Frankly, there needs to be some kind of incentive to purchasing Premium ships. It’s certainly not that they’re any better than standard ships in combat, and I’d prefer it stay that way. Currently, the only reason to buy a Premium ship is a) because they start out at max synergy (which is a temporary benefit over someone just starting out on a new standard ship) and b) because there’s no repair cost if you suck badly. Take that away and why would anyone ever waste their cash on them?



Premium ship is not the problem. My T3 ship repair cost is only 40k~48k when completely broken (0 durability) which will takes a couple of battle. However, my ammunition restock cost is a whooping 110k for every battle except quick captain match.

What can I say? You can either make the effort to spend all your missiles, mines, nukes, etc in every battle to get efficiency and contribute to win, or you can sit back doing nothing and watch your entire team suffer and still earn around 100k every battle, choices are yours.

I think original poster is trying to get the developers to make all ships purchasable using real cash. So he can buy them all :slight_smile:

I really don’t see why it’s such an issue to people that Premium ships don’t require repair costs. Are people upset that Gold Standards can be converted directly into credits? Then why would they be upset about Gold Standards being converted into credits by way of purchasing a ship and farming for them at a slightly accelerated rate thanks to no repair costs?

I can either convert 8,250 Gold Standards into a T4 Premium ship and then spend days farming or I can take that 8,250 Gold Standards and convert them directly into 4,088,000 Credits, which would take a month of grinding to amass with just the extra few thousand credits you save by not having to repair your ships. Besides, no one plays T4 PvP unless you enjoy waiting 7 minutes for a 3v3 game with 4 bots. The only T4 action is in PvE where repair costs are nonexistent if you know what you’re doing or very mild otherwise.

Frankly, there needs to be some kind of incentive to purchasing Premium ships. It’s certainly not that they’re any better than standard ships in combat, and I’d prefer it stay that way. Currently, the only reason to buy a Premium ship is a) because they start out at max synergy (which is a temporary benefit over someone just starting out on a new standard ship) and b) because there’s no repair cost if you suck badly. Take that away and why would anyone ever waste their cash on them?



What are you talking about…just made 5 mil today.

I agree I can farm 4 million credits in a few hours even without a license.  An average of 220k per T4 pve win without a license and if you have a full premade squad you can suicide out of the Dreadnaught sabotage scenario since it takes around 20-25 minutes to complete versus 12 mins in Blackwood Shipyard.   So we’ll say on average about 1 million per hour plus whatever T4 modules you loot and sell.


People seem to keep forgetting PVE is there for a reason.  PVE is for farming gear/credits and PVP is for loyalty contracts/faction rep.  Stop thinking you’re going to get rich doing PVP without a license.  After repair costs and ammo restock you only make about 50k per win.  So we’ll say in the same time it took you to complete a Blackwood Shipyard scenario you finished 2 arcade games.   100k profit vs 220k…