New Weapon System - Jericho LRF Artillery Cannon

Starting by Tier 2 or 3 the Jericho LRF will have a a new weapon system.

It launches 6 unguided rockets using all 6 turrets but with a faster projectile speed and a slow to moderate firing rate.
This causes the ship to recoil slightly. When staying still the ship will slowly move backwards.


Option 1

Missile Projectile

Deals kinetic damage.

It’s damage is much lower, about 150-200 dmg/s but leaves a line of mines in it’s trail.

The explosion radius for the rocket is 100.

Full overheating/cooling is 6/2

Spread goes from 1 to .5


Flight range(range of fire) is 6000. 9000 is the fighter standard missile flight range for T2. This might be a bit OP i think, but it is a rocket.

Shrapnel Mines

Deals kinetic damage

Mines do 50-100 damage each and last from 5-8 seconds long. You don’t want to spam mines everywhere. Space between mines is 500 meters

() ship

  • 100 meters
    * mine
    >> rocket


Explosion radius for the mines is 50.




Option 2 


Missile Projectile


Deals Thermal Damage


Each rocket deals 200 thermal damage. 6 x 200 = 1200 if they all hit. No mines are released


The explosion radius for the rocket is 100.


Maneuvering speed is 35 degrees.


Full overheating/cooling is 6/2


Spread goes from 1 to .5


Flight range(range of fire) is 6500. 
Tell me what you think. Suggestions and concerns are welcome.

Post is subject to change

Starting by Tier 2 or 3 the Jericho LRF will have a a new weapon system.

It launches in the same way like a coil mortar but with a faster projectile speed with the same firing rate.

Missile Projectile

Deals kinetic damage.

It’s damage is much lower, about 150-200 dmg/s but leaves a line of mines in it’s trail.

The explosion radius for the rocket is 100.

Full overheating/cooling is 6/2

Spread goes from 1 to .5

Flight range(range of fire) is 6000. 9000 is the fighter standard missile flight range for T2. This might be a bit OP i think, but it is a rocket.

Shrapnel Mines

Deals kinetic damage

Mines do 50-100 damage each and last from 5-8 seconds long. You don’t want to spam mines everywhere.

Explosion radius for the mines is 50.

Tell me what you think. Suggestions and concerns are welcome.

pretty much what this is,is: a really weak coil mortar with horizon modules and the projectile speed ammo

change Jerry LRF torps to something else … current one is meh

pretty much what this is,is: a really weak coil mortar with horizon modules and the projectile speed ammo


You don’t need the whole wall of text to answer him with a single sentence tho :stuck_out_tongue:



About the op, I don’t see why we would want such a weapon in the game, we have already Coil Mortar and Eclipse working with that kind of mechanic, why would we want something similar? we need new fresh weapons not reworks of old ones.


Just my opinion.

It leaves a trail of mines…


It leaves a trail of mines…


Honestly that doesn’t change much.


Do you know what could be “original”? An actual mine launcher, it launches mines that travel at X speed per second.


Nevermind it’s not original either.

Honestly that doesn’t change much.

Do you know what could be “original”? An actual mine launcher, it launches mines that travel at X speed per second.

Nevermind it’s not original either.

A…A…A melee weapon! For those close range encounters! Idea: a hand that is equipped to a frigate to swat thise annoyin interceptoers away(un guided)



Type of DMG: Collision

Rate of fire:60 per min

Type:interceptoer slapper

Discrpition: A giant hand(one of those hands with a white glove you see in cartoons on daffy duck or something)that swats interceptors 5000m back at 28 times its default speed. Can also slap allies 5000m forward. Caution: although it can slap allies forward make sure there are no debris(will make ship crash) or ships in the way as it slaps the ship at such high speeds that it is a railgun projectile and it will go through all ships (allies and enemies) dealing 50k DMG (resistance is not applied to this weapon)

This idea is so good it should have its own thread but its related to residentes post :smiley:

A melee weapon would be pretty cool but i’m sure you are just mocking me or being sarcastic. I’m just going to entertain this idea.


How would you get kinetic damage when there is no damage?


Interceptor slapper? and a giant hand hitting things at least 60 times each minute. that would be a sight to see.

A melee weapon would be pretty cool but i’m sure you are just mocking me or being sarcastic. I’m just going to entertain this idea.

How would you get kinetic damage when there is no damage?

Interceptor slapper? and a giant hand hitting things at least 60 times each minute. that would be a sight to see.


Discrpition: A giant hand(one of those hands with a white glove you see in cartoons on daffy duck or something)that swats interceptors 5000m back at 28 times its default speed. Can also slap allies 5000m forward. Caution: although it can slap allies forward make sure there are no debris(will make ship crash) or ships in the way as it slaps the ship at such high speeds that it is a railgun projectile and it will go through all ships (allies and enemies) dealing 50k DMG (resistance is not applied to this weapon)



The only proper way to test this weapon out is to kill a captain with it.

The thing is, you had so many bad ideas with an obvious lack of self criticism, even if you had a good one (not that i think you will, but IF), nobody would believe you.

The thing is, you had so many bad ideas with an obvious lack of self criticism, even if you had a good one (not that i think you will, but IF), nobody would believe you.

who me? I dont give many :stuck_out_tongue:

He is talking about the OP not about you.


Anyway even if his ideas are bad there’s no need to be a xxxx about it.

He is talking about the OP not about you.


Anyway even if his ideas are bad there’s no need to be a xxxx about it.


Oh yes, there is. I mean, there is no need to be that about it, but i seriously think im not being that. I point out that if you say bad things after each other, and you don’t learn from what others say to you, your ideas will be discarded without notice.

Oh yes, there is. I mean, there is no need to be that about it, but i seriously think im not being that. I point out that if you say bad things after each other, and you don’t learn from what others say to you, your ideas will be discarded without notice.


I agree, but at the end he’s not hurting anyone so… there’s no need to remind him all the time how bad his ideas and that kind of stuff IMO

Hey, not _ every _ time, i left at least 2 or 3 of his topics without comment  :yes_yes:

But really, i think he needs to be reminded, because he still thinks he is some top designer, having unique ideas. Not healthy for him and those around him.

Nah, he does not act like that. If he acted like… let’s say, Mr Duck I would understand people being “mean”, but he is just posting (bad) ideas and asking for constructive feedback 

What I am trying to is give a basic concept with enough information so you know how it works. Then i change the details accordingly. I think these insults are uncalled for so can we not start an internet argument?

Tell me what you think. Suggestions and concerns are welcome.


when you make suggestions - include why you want something changed or added


what is the purpose of changing the current state of things ?


which existing problems are you trying to solve ? etc.