New USA Clan - New Dawn Rising

Plain and simple, with the growing amount of players and no American Clans, I have “forced” myself to bring one together. Serving both east/west timezones, as well we are open to all international zones. Our goal as a clan will be in the field of: Mercenary

If you are interested let me know.

*Must have knowledge of team tactics as well as a good hand at flight simulation.

hey welcome to star conflict

hey welcome to star conflict

thanks…shouldnt I be welcoming you, I am old man here lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Plain and simple, with the growing amount of players and no American Clans, I have “forced” myself to bring one together. Serving both east/west timezones, as well we are open to all international zones. Our goal as a clan will be in the field of: Mercenary

If you are interested let me know.

*Must have knowledge of team tactics as well as a good hand at flight simulation.

I’d like for you to be part of our StarConflict division/team for our gaming community which we are starting up.

count me in. how do i join?

ps are you in beta?

ok how do i join?

ps i got your pm

hi there welcome to Star conflict i wish you and your clan the best of luck in the future , and btw u know thereis all ready 2 american clans here right :smiley: :storm:

I would love to find myself a USA clan as well. I love the name too, I used to be in a alliance called New Dawn on a game called Planetarion, so I would love to get into one in this game with the name :slight_smile:

Plain and simple, with the growing amount of players and no American Clans, I have “forced” myself to bring one together. Serving both east/west timezones, as well we are open to all international zones. Our goal as a clan will be in the field of: Mercenary

If you are interested let me know.

*Must have knowledge of team tactics as well as a good hand at flight simulation.

still not got enough members

More on the way!


Youre late. I posted one of the first US communities awahile ago.

I am looking for a team, can i join?

There are no clans ingame and no friend list… how would you group up?

How do I join?

How do I join?

I just joined the game and am interested in finding a clan to play alongside. PM me if you’re interested in a new recruit :slight_smile:

I am new to this game as well and would like to join a Clan.

I’m part of the english wing from Space Invaders [spIn] which all of you are welcome to join and as for the friends lists try /friends in the chat bar and /help for anything else you want to know about the chat commands. We have Teamspeak at this ip . If there is anything else you wish to know just pm me and I will reply as soon as I can.
