New USA Clan - New Dawn Rising

Hey im a frigate pilot from Southern california an dwould love to join ur clan also i would love to pilot the clans dreadnought, if we get one.

Oh btw if you wnat i can set up a steam page for this clan so we can use voice chat for the team.

Nice nice, downloading as i speak, lets see what this is about and if i like it if so i might join, seeing how im looking for something besides BSGO ATM…

I’m part of the english wing from Space Invaders [spIn] which all of you are welcome to join and as for the friends lists try /friends in the chat bar and /help for anything else you want to know about the chat commands. We have Teamspeak at this ip . If there is anything else you wish to know just pm me and I will reply as soon as I can.


l like to join in clan l speak english.

is this Clan still around?



send me an invite… :learn:

I would like to join

im a huge gamer and love to win plus im pretty good at it with only a few hours in average 2 assists andkills per game half as many deaths frigates for life