New Ship Suggestion

We don’t understand alien technology yet so it will be difficult to build that ship.

not if its a game




what is ?? he says a new ship suggestion? wot?  we already know this ship you just take a Hunter from invasion n stuff.


whats the purpose of all this. to make it for our corporation and fly around with it in invasion? cant we focus more on pvp instead of all these pve modes… seriously 

We don’t understand alien technology yet so it will be difficult to build that ship.


Yeah Apparently, it’s easier to destroy our own technology than search for new ones !

Imagine that:

There are strong corps, weak corps, zerg corps.


What about you encountering a huge frigball of, lets say, ESB, or WPK, Nova, SYN, top pilots, using this overly OP ships that can teleport around the map and have unbreakable shields, insta restore hull and game-crushing dammage dealing stuff.


So…NO. Because not every corp will be able to fill a wing of those ships, and those who can, will anihilate any other enemy.

We don’t understand alien technology yet so it will be difficult to build that ship.


Brilliant, Error. I am well and truly impressed.


Anyway, on topic… I really don’t think this will work out. It isn’t meant for players, methinks…

You’ll be able to craft ships soon enough, but you won’t get that Hunter, stop trying. :wink:

Maybe if you have less wildly OP active modules, then it might work.


“Crash-Beam” really does sound silly. Use the plain old “Alien Defence Module” instead. And don’t let it do quite as much damage as it does in Invasion.


“Wormhole generator” sound perfectly fine, 'cept that you could coordinate some wild ambushes if you have a recon on your team. Plus, 2D maps to warp in a 3D environment? Not quite sure if that’d work. Tone down the range to something like 4km, and maybe add a period of vulnerability.


“External shield projector” is a no. This is essentially a 25 second emergency barrier. Only difference is that your shield doesn’t regenerate, which is not exactly important. Given a regen rate of 100 pts/s, you’d lose all of… 2500 points. Whoopie, two or three shots of health down for 25 seconds of invulnerability! The fact that you can destroy it isn’t really important. If you were creative, you’d warp away with wormhole generator, place it, and fly towards your enemy as fast as possible. Make it have a duration of at most 1 second, and then we can talk.


“Replicator” is also a no, unless the cooldown is something like 5 minutes. Even then, in the hands of a good player, this might make the ship invincible.


“Crystal shroud” is, once again, a no. Combat reboot on gunship has saved me so many times, and that lasts for a few seconds. Even if you can’t fire, this is a “get out of jail free” card. No guards, tacklers, or ECMs can so much as touch you.


And then the main weapon sounds… really, really lame. Listen to Efefay on this one.


The special module also sounds really, really lame. If you launch a guided torp, you shouldn’t get radar cloak automatically, first of all. Second of all, it is far too similar to JLRF.


tl;dr if you’re gonna suggest anything, make it unique and not a steroid-hopped copy of existing ships.






If you don’t modify this ship in any way it is 7/10 for invasion. Just let it have abnormally small scanner range. If you want this for pvp you will need to do some major fixing. No one wants to face a Titan like this in Pvp. Everyone would be using it to compensate. I bet you didn’t even search nanodrone cloud. ;-;

Also theoretically are we allowed to use ship modifiers? In fact why don’t we just make this a type of dreadnaught? Seeming like one already.

Everybody knows what nanodrone cloud is, silly! It’s an engineer module!

I meant the Nanite swarm. Check the link.

You’ll be able to craft ships soon enough, but you won’t get that Hunter, stop trying. :wink:


I meant the Nanite swarm. Check the link.

I figured as much. Making fun of mistakes is all.




You had an answer from Error. More could be considered as spam by Forum Moderator.

You had an answer from Error. More could be considered as spam by Forum Moderator.

Wait… Snibbles is an error?

Wait… Snibbles is an error?

Snibbles? Who is Snibbles?


And no, I edited due to a miss quote.

We don’t understand alien technology yet so it will be difficult to build that ship.

I will infiltrate their forces and hijack one of their ships. We <u>will</u> get that ship.

Snibbles? Who is Snibbles?

I am.

Also Error said building the suggested ship would be difficult, not that the OP would get moderated for posting a suggestion. Just saying.

We’re all entitled to our opinions. Furthermore, there’s no harm in suggesting this.





I’ll have to apologize for not having the brain power to process this and come up with something constructive to help you (hence my previous rather useless comment).

I am.

Also Error said building the suggested ship would be difficult, not that the OP would get moderated for posting a suggestion. Just saying.

Why would one be “moderated” for suggesting something? I understand that a bit of this is a bit OP, but really.

Why would one be “moderated” for suggesting something? I understand that a bit of this is a bit OP, but really.

I wasn’t suggesting you would, but Rakza was:

You had an answer from Error. More could be considered as spam by Forum Moderator.


I wasn’t suggesting you would, but Rakza was:


I was meaning if you repost and repost everywhere.

I was meaning if you repost and repost everywhere.

If we went by that JP would have been banned for sweet rolls long ago. :smiley:

I was meaning if you repost and repost everywhere.

This is the first time this post has existed anywhere.