New Ship Suggestion

This ship is made in the shipyard by artifacts in corporations, and will never be buyable via GS or Cred. This is is a ship of the fifth technical level and is classified as premium. No standard or multipurpose modules will work with it because it is alien. All modules and weapons are required to be crafted as well. Minimum req for ship: ~2000 artifacts. Minimum req for crafting ALL modules and weapon: ~1500 artifacts. Shipyard creates ONE (1) ship to be given to special members or others. Members will be required to craft their own modules and weapons.

Ship: Hunter

Type: Frigate

Class: Alien(Undefined)

Model: Alien Ship

Main Weapon: Plasma-Bomb (Giant green glob of plasma that very lazily homes on to targets and explodes on impact)

Main Module: Crater-Maker: Shoots an extremely slow sphere of green energy from it’s engine that explodes with a 2.5km radius dealing huge Thermal damage. Travels about as far as the unguided Torpedo. 45s cooldown. Using this deactivates the engine for 12 seconds. This, in-turn makes the ship un-detectable by radars, much like the EM field.

Active Modules(Alien Class):

1)Crash-Beam: Is just an extremely long-ranged green pulsar.

2)Wormhole Generator: Activated with 90 second intervals. Opens the 2D map and allows you to warp to any location around you within 8km. When used in Invasion, gives the option to warp to Alien Homeworld.

3)External Shield Projector (ESP): Drops a small alien-looking chip. While your ship is within line-of-sight(12km max), your shield takes 0 damage, but does not regenerate… Active until it is destroyed or 25 seconds have passed.

4)Replicator: Completely restores hull-strength.

  1. Crystal Shroud: completely negates all negative effects for 20 seconds. User can still move and use modules, but cannot fire main weapons.

Active Modules not broken at all  :00555:

Active Modules not broken at all :00555:

Read from the top, please.

Read from the top, please.


You just edited the post  :004j:

You just edited the post :004j:


Hey guys, I found my doppleganger from back in the day. March or April I think it was. Let’s watch the idea get shot down. Heuheuheu…

Edit: On topic

Main Weapon - This is basically a doomsday bubblegun. Make it more unique with a mechanic we have never seen before.

Special Module - I have no idea. No words come to mind


1.) Make it weaker than Guards and only affect shields. Make it do EM damage. To compensate the extra range ofc. Also, crash beam sounds silly. Just saiyan.

2.) Already had this idea. IMO the radius needs to be smaller then it’s balanced. 90 sec recharge is good balancer.

3.) Switch this John. So bad…

4.) replace this with the nanodrone cloud. Look it up on the forums.

Let’s create a single ship that breaks ALL the balance in the game.






Edit: Let’s remember that this ship is unable to use multipurpose modules so the amount of influence this ship can exert is limited. It can’t be overly aggresive without being able to regenerate quickly. Granted his actives 3 and 4 are OP. He can and NEEDS to change them. Just take into account all the details before you blow someones ideas into smithereens.

I’m just trying to mimic the actual, in-game ship that is 100% real and in the game and you can fight it. XD

They have doomsday bubbles. And the new thing is homing mains.

The green pulsar is just a green pulsar. Even high-tier guard pulsars can outreach the green one if leveled all the way.

Agreed. The radius is a bit large. Maybe 9km?

Their shields are almost invincible in Invasion, and this module has an insane cool down. (Not to mention that if an enemy finds the module floating around, they can destroy it in just a few pew-pews.)

Replicator only affects user’s ship and it instantly refills all hull. Like it built a new ship. This also has an incredible cooldown.

 Let’s watch the idea get shot down. Heuheuheu…

to tiered 

And if you look closely, the Hunter’s engine is a big sphere of green energy, so the main module fits the ship PERFECTLY. ^^

I am really just wanting the ship REALLY BADLY. Like I would sell the greater majority of my premium ships for this. And I have almost all of 'em.

If you don’t modify this ship in any way it is 7/10 for invasion. Just let it have abnormally small scanner range. If you want this for pvp you will need to do some major fixing. No one wants to face a Titan like this in Pvp. Everyone would be using it to compensate. I bet you didn’t even search nanodrone cloud. ;-;

Also theoretically are we allowed to use ship modifiers? In fact why don’t we just make this a type of dreadnaught? Seeming like one already.

If you don’t modify this ship in any way it is 7/10 for invasion. Just let it have abnormally small scanner range. If you want this for pvp you will need to do some major fixing. No one wants to face a Titan like this in Pvp. Everyone would be using it to compensate. I bet you didn’t even search nanodrone cloud. ;-;

It would be fun in PvP too. >W<

Throw a link at me. Too lazy.

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23309-recon-new-module-nanite-swarm/)

Lazy bum :slight_smile:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23309-recon-new-module-nanite-swarm/)

Lazy bum :slight_smile:

It’d be cool if it gave the target a healing aura for your team. It would be way better then.

We don’t understand alien technology yet so it will be difficult to build that ship.

Lies, all of them, lies. You are just withholding information like those jericho people. XD

I especially hate that observer dude. He rustles my jimmies.

We don’t understand alien technology yet so it will be difficult to build that ship.

But if we find enough pieces of their ships, we can build one.

Module 5); Crystal Shroud: completely negates all negative effects for 20 seconds. User can still move and use modules, but cannot fire main weapons.