New Ship Role - Droneship

New Ship Role - Droneship


Story Line

Federation Intel

After spotting Jericho ships rushing to an unknown sector we deployed Vanguard units station nearby. We discovered new precursor technology. Our ships gallantly sprinted to obtain some of this technology. We received blueprints for a ship with high electronic capabilities. 

We need to create modules to be best fitted on this ship.



Ship Tree Location

The Droneship ship will be located in the Federation Ship Tree. It is only found in Tier 5, only reserved for the most skill players.

It will be next to the gold premium ships on the bottom but it will be paid with artifacts, since it is experimental and based off 

Precursor technology.*



This new type of Federation ship will have the same statistics of a Federation Frigate. That means a stronger higher speed and average shield and hull strength.


Edit from last topic: The teleporter will be a fighter ship.


Special Module

The Droneship’s special module will allow it to deploy a non-moving drone with two weapon turrets, with lasers, acting independently from each other. The drone will have a regenerating shield. The Droneship will be able to deactivate it. If not deactivated the Droneship will not be able to create a new one.


Active Modules

I will try to stay away from specific numbers and percentages. That is for the developers to implement for balancing.



Multiplying Drone - Deploys a mother drone able to reproduce other drones without the ability to reproduce until drone number reaches 4. Acts independently and seeks out enemies. Will have a low individual damage output.



Protector Drone - Deploys a drone disabling negative affects to all allies within a certain radius

Capacitor Drone - Deploys a drone emitting energy to all allied ships within a certain radius



Slow-beam Drone - Deploys a drone that will slow down one enemy within a certain radius. 



Deploy drones to assist itself or teammates. It has will not be a medic like the engineer.


Please only use constructive critiscism. Any suggestions or tips on how to make this model better would be appreciated

part of the attraction of star conflict and what most eve pilots have found out after playing this is that


you need to actually fly and aim the damn thing yourself


drone ship is eve online


no skill required. left click mouse button to win.

to me any jericho ship meets the qualifications of “drone” anyway.


part of your text still says teleporter.

lol ty. i use the same template for every new role

I looked through the ship itself briefly, and my first concern thus far is already raised by Kine:


no skill required. left click mouse button to win.


Also, what’s the aim of this ship? (I know I keep asking this question, but it’s an occupational hazard for being a communications undergrad.) What’s in it for me? 

It looks like an engi specialized only in drones…

Every pilot in SC hates drones at least as much as I do.  They are a HUGE distraction when opponents have 3+ full-drone engineers (so 4).  Two of those four are unlikely to be blown up by missiles, though it does happen occasionally.  The other two, well, they’re pretty much useless vs. interceptors.  Drones deal a decent bit of damage if not taken care of, which means the “distraction” bit is only prevalent because people simply get annoyed with them.


A ship dedicated to drone-like gameplay?  Nah, you need to leave that in Eve.

I am in minority here, but i really do want a droneboat. I mean i fly engies because a they are healers and 2 they have drones. A drone ship would be awsome

So you say that droneship is for t5, the most expierienced players… But then you say it just puts drones everywhere. Wheres the skill? Wheres the aiming?

Thank you for the input - but it is not planned to add new shiproles.

There wont be many new ships either.

There wont be many new ships either.


That’s a shame though. Where is T6?

I am in minority here, but i really do want a droneboat. I mean i fly engies because a they are healers and 2 they have drones. A drone ship would be awsome




Knowledge through “APPROPIATE” use of the attack drones is gained through experience… NOT INHERITED.   


So people that just point and click and release the drones are not even close to using them to thier full potential.



Knowledge through “APPROPIATE” use of the attack drones is gained through experience… NOT INHERITED.   


So people that just point and click and release the drones are not even close to using them to thier full potential.

^this.  there is an art to drone micro, its something one must practice

^this.  there is an art to drone micro, its something one must practice

I would have agreed if it wasnt been done with 2 buttons: Lock/Drop Lock 

With Current mechanics and tools drone boat is a noskill thingy, take 2-3 of this and what will it become? they just sit afk doing nothing while drones do all the work. I believe drone boat is more of EvE or even Homeworld game style ship, than what we have here.

That’s a shame though. Where is T6?

I’m going have have to +1 this.

I only regret that I have but one plus one to lose for this post reply

I would have agreed if it wasnt been done with 2 buttons: Lock/Drop Lock 

With Current mechanics and tools drone boat is a noskill thingy, take 2-3 of this and what will it become? they just sit afk doing nothing while drones do all the work. I believe drone boat is more of EvE or even Homeworld game style ship, than what we have here.

. gotta pick good targets, otherwise you do no damage and loose the drones

. gotta pick good targets, otherwise you do no damage and loose the drones


Step 1: Plonk drones near objectives.

Step 2: Profit.


Put bluntly, that’s how I see the droneship. Apart from deciding where to drop the drones, there’s no micromanaging that I can see. 

Step 1: Plonk drones near objectives.

Step 2: Profit.


Put bluntly, that’s how I see the droneship. Apart from deciding where to drop the drones, there’s no micromanaging that I can see.

maybe the drqone should need targeting to attack enemies, though honestly what i want is a ship that constantly generates attack drones like the missile ones for my use.

part of the attraction of star conflict and what most eve pilots have found out after playing this is that


you need to actually fly and aim the damn thing yourself


drone ship is eve online


no skill required. left click mouse button to win.

You are talking about 0.7 / 0.8. 0.11 will be point and click the way I see it. With farming mats in open world, building modules … The allure of fast paced dogfights is gone. At least for me. So why not drone pooping ship leaving a trail ?

So all you need to do to earn synergy and credits is fly around in safety and watch drones farm you points ?


How about we skip all this beating around the bush and propose what this drone ship is all about


How about we give this drone ship 2 role actives that spawns 2 different drones


  1. Drone A will generate a small amount of credits over time

  2. Drone B will generate a small amount of synergy over time


That is the drone ship.