New Ship Role - Droneship

Very random suggestion: Droneship is a frigate that automatically deploys a drone after a short period of time (engineer style), up to a maximum of 2. Drones orbit around the droneship by default and shoot any enemies that come too close to the drone. Drones also shoot anything that the player has locked on to but do not move to chase the target.


Special module: Player instead controls one of the two drones, or the droneship (each ‘F’ press lets the player cycle to the next drone or the main ship). Deployed drones can ‘dock’ at the droneship again. (Maybe they could dock at allies ships as well.) When a player relinquishes control of a drone, it either remains where it is, or automatically makes it way back to the droneship (not sure which is better). 


Active modules: drone gains an effect that lasts for a short duration: e.g. drone attacks slow enemies, drone raises a small missile shield, etc. 


ROLE: remote fire support, remote scouting, remote buffing/debuffing. Basically, droneships allow the player to extend his or her reach and cover multiple areas without the need to be physically there. Somewhat like a utility version of the LRF. 

In my opinion, the devs are making it clear that they want to focus their energy on expanding the game in different ways.  Trying to balance a whole extra tier would be a massive project, and I’m sure we’d rather see them make the existing content better.

In my opinion, the devs are making it clear that they want to focus their energy on expanding the game in different ways.  Trying to balance a whole extra tier would be a massive project, and I’m sure we’d rather see them make the existing content better.


That is true, but there’s no harm throwing out ideas. It’s fun conceptualizing a new ship even if it’s not going to happen.

New Ship Role - Droneship



Story Line

Federation Intel

After spotting Jericho ships rushing to an unknown sector we deployed Vanguard units station nearby. We discovered new precursor technology. Our ships gallantly sprinted to obtain some of this technology. We received blueprints for a ship with high electronic capabilities. 

We need to create modules to be best fitted on this ship.



Ship Tree Location

The Droneship ship will be located in the Federation Ship Tree. It is only found in Tier 5, only reserved for the most skill players.

It will be next to the gold premium ships on the bottom but it will be paid with artifacts, since it is experimental and based off 

Precursor technology.*



This new type of Federation ship will have the same statistics of a Federation Frigate. That means a stronger higher speed and average shield and hull strength.


Special Module

The Droneship’s special module will allow it to cycle between the deployed active module drones and the Droneship itself.  If you are in control of one of the drones you are able to move it and shoot with it in like a regular ship. If the droneship is no longer controlling the drone. the drone will return and orbit the Droneship. Once orbiting it will be able to act by itself, targeting whatever ship the Droneship is targeting


Active Modules

I will try to stay away from specific numbers and percentages. That is for the developers to implement for balancing. 



Attack Drone - Purely for the purpose of attacking. Has weak regenerative shields and has regular drone strength. Has two turrets. One will be plasma, the other kinetic. They will have the same projectile speed and the same amount of damage but will still be affected by resistances.

Slow-beam Drone - Deploys a drone that will slow down one enemy within a certain radius. It also reduces the targets resistances only a small amount. You will need to cycle into it and lock on to slow down your opponent. Unless of course if the drone is in orbit.



Protector Drone - Deploys a drone disabling negative affects to all allies within a certain radius and puts up a small to moderate size missile shield. Not as big as the guards though. Just enough to destroy any missiles wandering through it’s radius.

Capacitor Drone - Deploys a drone emitting energy to all allied ships within a certain radius. Has one very weak turret dealing laser (thermal) damage.



Remote fire support, remote scouting, remote buffing/debuffing. Basically, droneships allow the player to extend his or her reach and cover multiple areas without the need to be physically there. Somewhat like a utility version of the LRF.


Extra Information


Like the engineer once the Droneship is destroyed all drones self destruct.


If a drone is destroyed a cooldown will start. 


Thank you to Jacxis for a huge idea improvement.

Thank you for the input - but it is not planned to add new shiproles.

There wont be many new ships either.


Efefay, did you not read this?  You did not need to update your post.

Drone ship is a good idea, more things to blow up.


Why all the fuzz, we’re not Obama and not piloting anything, from developers perspective, camera is flaying around, so they can programe it for anything.


Why not make them stronger, like a Death star, it would be nice edition for “kill the captain” missions. You know, captain dies in first 15 seconds of a game, why not put him in a drone ship, when it’s destroyed, he can eject in normal fighter or something.


Why not create different kind of modular ship, that can split into drones, like each cannon flaying separatly and pilot control main deck, for targeting and avoiding.


Drones could be attached to allied ships, pilot can fire weapons from his back or just buffs.


Drones can seek out and fight other kind of drones only.


Pilot of a drone ship can become an engenier, instead of flaying, he could build up defensive structures and set up drone areas, kinda like a tower defense mode.


More options, more fun, as long as basic dog fighting game modes remain the same, better create different challenges and events. After all it’s a man versus man type of virtual sports game, why change a winning horse?

Why not make them stronger, like a Death star

Why not make them stronger, like a Death star


This is just…

I got a bit teary in the office…trying to contain my laughter…

dunno what you mean. I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever read on this forum. It is now … my new sig.

if the drone ship gets blown up it evolves into an auto aim 360 no scope ship with guns for wings

guns for wings


finally a reasonable suggestion in this thread. moar guns!

But…but…this is an unconvenience of the Death star, it has no wings. Buff Death star!

if the drone ship gets blown up it evolves into an auto aim 360 no scope ship with guns for wings


Why would a ship in space need wings anyway?

Why would a ship in space need wings anyway?

Because there is so much air in the space :taunt:

My ships have wings to soar off dark-matter.  It requires some cleaning and care-taking, but that Styx can get…dirty :slight_smile:

Efefay, did you not read this?  You did not need to update your post.


Read the statement below.


That is true, but there’s no harm throwing out ideas. It’s fun conceptualizing a new ship even if it’s not going to happen.

My ships have wings to soar off dark-matter.  It requires some cleaning and care-taking, but that Styx can get…dirty :slight_smile:


You realize that dark matter barely makes any interaction with normal matter, right?


Read the statement below.


But they are harmful, because they are really-really bad ideas, but you will think about yourself as a great inventor. That’s bad.

You never know if a game concept is bad idea you test it. 


I don’t think of myself as a great inventor. I ask for suggestions or concerns to help my ideas better

You realize that dark matter barely makes any interaction with normal matter, right?


They’re dark matter wings :stuck_out_tongue:

I have to repeat myself: there wont be more ships roles.


There may be perhaps a few more ships, mainly in DLCs but no new role.


We focus on new modus, balance and improving the current content.