New module idea.



The idea is simple.


Active module to counter cluster enemy ship.


How is work?


Do a thermal danage like 150  at sec if you are near infected ship in a small radius like 600mt.(this virus spread to other ship in radius in 1,5 sec)

The primary infected stay infected for 6 sec(only the first ship stay infected for this time), over that time continue if another ship are infected.


How you counter?


Just go away of other infected ship and stay alone for 3 sec., after that time you have a immunity for 30 sec.(for prevent exploit)


How can affect game play?


In dominion and beacon hunt can be very over powered, could prevent cap of beacon if enemy don’t scattered.

Other effect can counter normal shield regen of ships, that is good for the cluster around of enemy captain in combat recon.

Counter frigateball.


Whath ship must grab it?


>Recon is the first to arrive and if they spread it to early the effect is vanish soon.

If exist more recon have it in the rooster of active module, then we see more often.


>Cover ops is in the style and have a similar module the F ability and usualy are second to arrive in one beacon but have lot of ability and choise to grab it automatic must drop another good ability, sure we see less often.


>ECM Can be a good combo with other ability like coccon and energy missile and arrive in the right time. Give to it can be more overpowered this module.


>Trakler can be interesing for the cloak ability but is not in stile


>Gunship, Command and all frigates is not in line with that.


Argue notes


-No in t2

-Ad a allert for team ship for this virus.

-as a visual aura



What do you think and what you suggest?

I think my urge to laugh maniacally while using this would be too high for my teammates to risk it.


Also, how exactly are you going to explain the concept of poisoning enemy spaceships?

For the poisoining.


1000mt range active and cooldown 60 sec. Clear line of sighth.


Becouse you must risk your ship to poisoining.


More ship = more risk = more payoff


Is good to suggest you some variant or other things.

Not only point fingers.

how exactly are you going to explain the concept of poisoning enemy spaceships?


Digital virus that affects the magneto-fusion drive OS which regulates shield power levels



  • point :

No need for new module. Stick this on the ECM’s metastable field generator. When it pops, the virus gets transmitted. It’s the Jericho’s 2.0 update taking advantage of disrupted enemy ship’s electronics.


  • point :

Clustering is mainly a problem with Frigates. Small damage per second won’t hurt them enough to make them care. Make it too high and it’ll be OP against interceptors and gunships.

Digital virus that affects the magneto-fusion drive OS which regulates shield power levels



  • point :

No need for new module. Stick this on the ECM’s metastable field generator. When it pops, the virus gets transmitted. It’s the Jericho’s 2.0 update taking advantage of disrupted enemy ship’s electronics.


  • point :

Clustering is mainly a problem with Frigates. Small damage per second won’t hurt them enough to make them care. Make it too high and it’ll be OP against interceptors and gunships.

FINALY a people ho give some constructive feed back. we need more people like you . Thks for the suggest with some brainstorming can born some good thing.

Other destructive post only feed some ego.




yes i think a small danage because can be op against int,

But int are fast and can escape more easy.

I think this for give some balance agaist the super cluster we see often in battle.

The only think can lead one to escape is nuke but easy countered of a missile shield.

Actually not a bad idea. An area effect weapon that does more damage the more ships are in the effect could be a good solution to tone down frigate blobs.

As Kine says though, if it does enough damage to bother frigates then it would need some mechanism to prevent it from accidentally one-shotting an interceptor who happens to have a couple of ships around him. Maybe make the damage increase the longer the same ships are near each other? Then an inty would be able to trivially avoid it but a bunch of frigates together would find it problematic.

Actually not a bad idea. An area effect weapon that does more damage the more ships are in the effect could be a good solution to tone down frigate blobs.

As Kine says though, if it does enough damage to bother frigates then it would need some mechanism to prevent it from accidentally one-shotting an interceptor who happens to have a couple of ships around him. Maybe make the damage increase the longer the same ships are near each other? Then an inty would be able to trivially avoid it but a bunch of frigates together would find it problematic.


I like your idea becouse is a good gameplay. (More ship>more risk>more pay off)

This other effec is good but we must start with a very less danage i think a avarege ship poisoned are 3 (must think dominion usualy 3 are at one beacon)

and start to 100 danage (at 0 resistance and 1 ship hit) and arrive at 300( at 0 resistance and 8 ship)

For immunize you need 3 sec, then is 900 danage  in a cluster of 8 ship (with 100 res are 450).

But the bounus are the no cap ability and is good.

You see arrive a recon, poison enemy and spin around in thath time cap. Enemy in the time must scattered but you know one shot and recon cant cap.


Other think is maybe do a danage related to class.

But like your dynamic idea.

 I’ll just go and say it.


This affect only Frigates. All others immune :stuck_out_tongue:

 I’ll just go and say it.


This affect only Frigates. All others immune :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok, how’s this for a module designed specifically to break up blobs:

Resonance Cascade Web Or Something Sciency Like That.

When used on a ship, causes it to link with friendly ships within 2k with an obvious visual effect (thinking some nice lightning sparks). The target ship must move 2500m from affected ships to break the link. If not then after 13 seconds the target ship and any ships it’s still linked with will take a burst of heavy damage.


Given the timer and the short distance to travel the target ship shouldn’t have a massive problem getting away, especially inties and fighters (though if you use it on a frigate in the middle of a blob it might have to burn pretty quick to make it 5k from where it started). The real trick  is that it forces that ship to separate itself from the group, at least 2.5k, so out of healing range, and it’ll also force it to move out of any cover it’s sharing with other ships. Should also generally sow chaos in less organised close formations as everyone burns away from the affected ship.

well it’s basically like the original post except 2,500 is wayyy to far. and I can imagine the mass panic / confuzzlement as guards run away in the same direction maintaining the same distance hahahha

Fair. The burst damage and delay instead of damage over time is kinda important though for a couple of reasons:

* It makes the damage harder to heal. If you infected an engineering frigate blob with a ticking dot it’d be pretty tempting to just outheal it instead of move. In this case if the target just sits there and is linked to 5 targets when it goes off it’d just instagib.

* It solves the problem of making the damage level dangerous to frigates while keeping the module relatively harmless to interceptors and fighters.

* It solves the problem of making the damage level dangerous to frigates while keeping the module relatively harmless to interceptors and fighters.


yep - i get that - which is why I’m in favour. was thinking of the poor innocent bystander like me who happen to be within range of where the target is running to  :004j:

2 things.


>1< Now you guys give me a new idea for a module or missile.

A active ability or ‘‘missile’’ like a electroshock bouncing from enemy to enemy, maybe danage scales. (i see it perfect fit as a missile like the anomaly generator but in medium slot)


>2<For this module i don’t what to much op but realy need a little help against frigate blob, kine you see yesterday we found each other in pvp and funny we have find a frigate blob. :slight_smile:

Other thing danage ship cant cap and is very good side effect.

My experience is the problem to counter 3 thing:

 -The regen

 -The guard debuff of my weapon

This together give me the much problem.

 -The cristmas tree (beacon full of mines)


Then i think a little and continue danage is effective to counter regen and help a lot because your gun have cooldown,

How many times i sot and see my little friend have the hull with same hp and some sec later shield go up.

Whath must do this module? Must scatered enemy ship and help you agaist frigate blobs.


This can help agaist regen, but not only this some smart people can use to have a chance to take back a beacon under enemy nose.

For counter other problem like debuff weapon(guard area) you must turn the module as valkirie (activatable).


But now we brainstorm this module :slight_smile:


ohh and think can effect only shield?

What do you think?

While I do like the way it sounds flavour-wise, and its possible use in breaking up frigballs, I hope we won’t see this in T2 for the moment. 

While I do like the way it sounds flavour-wise, and its possible use in breaking up frigballs, I hope we won’t see this in T2 for the moment. 


Agreeing with this, it would be OP for T2, but i can see it working fine in T3 & 4.

A little extra, the spy drones on recon interceptors decrease any healing’s effects by 50% for 90 seconds, people should try this against frig blobs. Combine that with the Parasitic Remodulator and you have some effect against them.


I would add a trailer here from another game for chain reaction eye-candy, but that’s making free advertising for it, sorry :stuck_out_tongue:



reminds me of this - called a plasma arc of all things

Just for clarity, I’m going off what’s in the opening post. If some of these have already been covered then skip those sections.


Okay… first off, the naming concepts are, frankly, awful. The idea of a “plague” ability is seriously jarring in a space combat game. This is not World of Warcraft - when pitching an idea, think about how to do so in the context of a space combat game.


Further to that, the mechanics themselves are… gamey. By that I mean that if you look at (almost) every other ability in the game, there is some sense that it could work given the proper technology, and you can extrapolate their functionality based on viewed results. For example, the Guard’s Pulsar isn’t just a random burst of energy - it functions more like a series of short-range turrets, locking onto and firing upon every hostile fighter it can locate in weapons range. This behaviour can be explained, even if the ideal explanation isn’t entirely supported by the game models.


But I don’t see how the ‘infection’ mechanics work. This ability starts burning an enemy ship and then somehow jumps to enemy ships?


I think the closest thing mechanically to this idea would be some variation on a minefield. For the sake of argument, let’s call it a… “Sabotage Drone Cloud.” When an enemy ship flies into the cloud their ship becomes ‘infested’ with Drones that then begin to burn their way through the shields and hull.

Or, it could be a computer virus that is injected into a ship’s system via a brute force hack. Then it would hijack the ship’s communication systems and upload itself to all ships in range.


EDIT: How’s this?


ECM Module (it is a debuff, after all)

Upon activation, the module will attempt to brute force hack its way into the target’s control systems and plant the HAZARD virus. The virus prevents any and all healing effects, including restoration modules, friendly engineering effects and the regenerative hull modifier. It will spread itself to ships within a 1500 metre radius if they remain in the field of effect for more than 10 seconds (decreasing with higher marks) and lasts for 20 seconds before the system reboots and the virus is eliminated. As an added bonus, all ships within the radius receive a malicious software download warning to alert them that one of their teammates is infected, or a nice aura could appear around infected ships. WHERE’S YOUR FRIG BALL NOW, SUCKER?!

Or, it could be a computer virus that is injected into a ship’s system via a brute force hack. Then it would hijack the ship’s communication systems and upload itself to all ships in range.


EDIT: How’s this?


ECM Module (it is a debuff, after all)

Upon activation, the module will attempt to brute force hack its way into the target’s control systems and plant the HAZARD virus. The virus prevents any and all healing effects, including restoration modules, friendly engineering effects and the regenerative hull modifier. It will spread itself to ships within a 1500 metre radius if they remain in the field of effect for more than 10 seconds (decreasing with higher marks) and lasts for 20 seconds before the system reboots and the virus is eliminated. As an added bonus, all ships within the radius receive a malicious software download warning to alert them that one of their teammates is infected, or a nice aura could appear around infected ships. WHERE’S YOUR FRIG BALL NOW, SUCKER?!


I like this, quite a well thought out idea. perhaps 100% healing reduction is extreme, but that would have to be tested.