New module idea.

Essentially, this module is for those ECM pilots who see a frigate ball which is just begging for this to happen…

Jacxis and Astrall


Yes this module for t2 risk to broken gameplay.

Better suited for t3.




I am seriously impressed that a person like you in a lot of fantasy can not imagine this in a spatial context.
I have read your beautiful work and for that I say so.
I do not steal creations in no other game but surely there is something that looks like, for what you write, I could tell you that you stole from a story by asimof.
But it does not make sense to pull out nonsense.

I created this post to solve a problem and not make any more.

As you can see in the other post there are people who have thought of something and also good ideas.

This is a post raw, still cooking up to us to make sense of it.


one other thing, Special module of cover ops plasma web is a poison stuff.

if I had to find a muse, is that.




First part is to much op :slight_smile: (you must remind this thing enemy have to) but you have a very good idea in the last.(this is my idea and we can discussing)

This>>> As an added bonus, all ships within the radius receive a malicious software download warning to alert them that one of their teammates is infected, or a nice aura could appear around infected ships




-No in t2

-Ad a allert for team ship for this virus.

-as a visual aura


then i update the first post

Jacxis and Astrall


Yes this module for t2 risk to broken gameplay.

Better suited for t3.




I am seriously impressed that a person like you in a lot of fantasy can not imagine this in a spatial context.

I have read your beautiful work and for that I say so.

I do not steal creations in no other game but surely there is something that looks like, for what you write, I could tell you that you stole from a story by asimof.

But it does not make sense to pull out nonsense.

I created this post to solve a problem and not make any more.

As you can see in the other post there are people who have thought of something and also good ideas.

This is a post raw, still cooking up to us to make sense of it.


one other thing, Special module of cover ops plasma web is a poison stuff.

if I had to find a muse, is that.




First part is to much op :slight_smile: (you must remind this thing enemy have to) but you have a very good idea in the last.(this is my idea and we can discussing)

This>>> As an added bonus, all ships within the radius receive a malicious software download warning to alert them that one of their teammates is infected, or a nice aura could appear around infected ships




-No in t2

-Ad a allert for team ship for this virus.

-as a visual aura


then i update the first post

My point was that this should be mostly for disabling or crippling frigate balls. Damage over time will not cut it and burst damage can be quickly healed if the engineers cycle their remote shields and remote hulls to bring them back up. Hamstringing the healing process is the most effective way as that is where frig balls draw their strength from. If a block to healing is too OP, then I suggest no less than a 75% reduction.

Fair. The burst damage and delay instead of damage over time is kinda important though for a couple of reasons:

* It makes the damage harder to heal. If you infected an engineering frigate blob with a ticking dot it’d be pretty tempting to just outheal it instead of move. In this case if the target just sits there and is linked to 5 targets when it goes off it’d just instagib.

* It solves the problem of making the damage level dangerous to frigates while keeping the module relatively harmless to interceptors and fighters.

i indded but this can be to to much op we must have modules at same lv, becouse the only powerfull module have a mass effect is pulsar but have a limited time and long reload.

Just a small danage over time can be very powerfull for skilled player to take advantage of that.

There are 2 similar module work in this way but are one ship specific.

An active, the Plasma web deal danage over time and is more easy to kill one becouse counter regen  Side effect cant cap beacons.

A passive. the spydrone Half the natural regen of ship and regen of engys,with thath is more easy to kill. Side effect you can spot evriwhere.

i indded but this can be to to much op we must have modules at same lv, becouse the only powerfull module have a mass effect is pulsar but have a limited time and long reload.

Just a small danage over time can be very powerfull for skilled player to take advantage of that.

There are 2 similar module work in this way but are one ship specific.

An active, the Plasma web deal danage over time and is more easy to kill one becouse counter regen  Side effect cant cap beacons.

A passive. the spydrone Half the natural regen of ship and regen of engys,with thath is more easy to kill. Side effect you can spot evriwhere.

I think the reduced heal on the spy drones is the side effect… They’re mostly there to slap a sticky note on the proverbial back saying: KICK ME.

But yes, DoT effects can be powerful, but the original idea for this was to counter frigate balls, right? My most basic point is that if you take away their healing, they’re pretty much scrap metal. If the module requires a long cool down, so be it. Frigate balls will go down quickly with this thing.

Virus - Punylover



Module: Active

Range: 1,000 meters ( needs Line of Sight to activate )

Recharge: 60 seconds

Damage: Total 900 Thermal @ 150/s over 6 seconds


" Damage begins after 15 seconds, other enemy ships within 600m of target after that time will also take damage. Damaged ships are immune to further infections for 30 seconds"



Resonance Cascade - Binky


Module: Active





"Target ship takes Heavy Damage after 13 seconds. Enemy ships within 2,500m of target will also receive Heavy Damage after that time.



Hazard - Sabre


Module: Active ECM





" Disrupt all healing effects including own modules on target ship after 10 seconds. Enemy ships within 1,500m radius of target are also infected after that time. Effect duration varies with ship class."



and now mine:


Tachyon Cocoon v2 - Kine


Module: Special Module ECM Rank 7 and above

Range: Same

Recharge: Same

Activation Time: Same


" Upgraded Metastable Field Generator replacing the old Tachyon Cocoon. Stuns all ships inside blast radius for 3 seconds. Stunned Frigates will purge shields after 7 seconds dealing area damage scaling with shield levels.


OP i know.

Regarding my suggestion, why not make it so that the reboot time is shorter as you decrease ship size? Still great for frigate balls, but less effective against fighters or frigates.

Hazard - Sabre

changed “Effect duration 20 seconds.” to “Effect duration varies with ship class.”

Well, rather than make a whole new topic, I thought I would throw this in here as some alternative “anti Frig-ball” idea; one that works on your general theme of group damage.


Mass Imploder [v0.1.1]:

Target becomes the centre of a gravity bubble that pulls all other ships toward it. The effect lasts for x seconds if fired at a Fighter, x/2 if fired at an Interceptor, and x*2 if fired at a Frigate. After the time runs out the Mass Imploder sets of an explosion centred on the original target causing y damage. Interceptors cause 75% of y damage, Frigates 150% of y.


Bit of a complicated mechanic I admit, which is my main concern… and it may also prove un-fun due to having no counter, but from a theoretical standpoint it could discourage Frigate Balling. Would be completely broken combined with Nuke though…


Nanoparasite Swarm [v0.1]:

Target ship becomes ‘infested’ with nanomachines. These deal 5-10% hull damage to target ship. Damage is thermal for purposes of resists.


After x seconds, the nanomachines detach and attack any ship in y metres of their host, dealing damage based upon how much damage they inflicted on the host. Damage is thermal.


The intent of this one is, once again, a group screw-over. The Swarm’s power is based on the power of the initial victim, meaning that if you throw it at someone with a lot of survivability it’ll do more damage than if you just pinged a paperweight Jericho Inty.

JasanQuinn, are you seriously suggesting a one-shot-kill module with your mass imploder? You point it at someone and they will simply detonate after some time? It would be better if instead of setting it up on a ship, you just target the ship and the gravity bubble forms somewhere close to it. Given that the energy needed for a gravity bubble is immense, it would deteriorate to a degree where it becomes unstable and goes BOOM! More damage if you’re closer to the original point of formation, meaning the slower frigates will take some damage while the faster fighters/interceptors can easily escape the blast radius. Could add a short stun effect if needed to cancel out frigates instantly healing themselves back up.


But such a module is kinda overkill too. It’s basically an area denial weapon and in beacon matches it could prevent anyone from reclaiming the beacon. Unless… it hits everyone, friendlies included. But even then, you could still spam it after your team has the beacon so you’d need to give it a fairly long recharge time.


Screw it, I don’t know why I’m even helping considering I’m a Engi Frigate player… I’ve never used the Engi Ball method though. I just warpgate into/near the battle and buff everyone from there.

Well, rather than make a whole new topic, I thought I would throw this in here as some alternative “anti Frig-ball” idea; one that works on your general theme of group damage.


Mass Imploder [v0.1]:

Target becomes the centre of a gravity bubble that pulls all other ships toward it. The effect lasts for x seconds if fired at a Fighter, x/2 if fired at an Interceptor, and x*2 if fired at a Frigate. After the time runs out the target ship detonates causing y damage. Interceptors cause 75% of y damage, Frigates 150% of y.


Bit of a complicated mechanic I admit, which is my main concern… and it may also prove un-fun due to having no counter, but from a theoretical standpoint it could discourage Frigate Balling. Would be completely broken combined with Nuke though…


Nanoparasite Swarm [v0.1]:

Target ship becomes ‘infested’ with nanomachines. These deal 5-10% hull damage to target ship. Damage is thermal for purposes of resists.


After x seconds, the nanomachines detach and attack any ship in y metres of their host, dealing damage based upon how much damage they inflicted on the host. Damage is thermal.


The intent of this one is, once again, a group screw-over. The Swarm’s power is based on the power of the initial victim, meaning that if you throw it at someone with a lot of survivability it’ll do more damage than if you just pinged a paperweight Jericho Inty.


The first one is nice, apart from the detonation of the ship, that sounds like it is a guaranteed instakill for the target? Is that how you meant it?


The second one would definitely be easy to balance and an interesting/fun new mechanic, I would definitely enjoy that being in the game



there are some abilites in Sins Of A Solar Empire, if anyone has played that, which might be interesting for this topic:


one ship can fire a radioactive bomb which causes damage over time to any ship near the infected target, for lore/context purposes this could be how the DoT effect mentioned in the OP is defined in game, whilst forcing ships to move away from the infected target. could work similar to plasma web, but lower damage and affect any ship within 1500m of the target or something


another ship has a directed EMP bomb, which removes an amount of shield from any targets near the main target


both abilities are not quite perfect for this game, but provide an idea for the context for those who were concerned about that, or an idea which could be adapted

I think we should just gear this thread towards DoT/AoE modules… The OP has sparked off several interesting concepts for them…

Yeah, sorry, that’s bad wording on my part - the Mass Imploder isn’t meant as an insta-kill weapon - the ship “explodes” when the time runs out, but only dies if the Imploder would cause enough damage to kill it. I’ll clarify that.

the hit-and-run playstyle i employ with my CovOps using the DoT from plasma web would go well with a few more DoTs. It has been pointed out its hard to manage within the context, but i think i would gladly have the option to fit a ship designed to put a few different DoTs on a target at the cost of reduced weapon damage


the only problem i see with this is i could then DoT something up, and then just run away and still get an easy kill so it would have to be extremely balanced out amongst the classes.


perhaps an engineering module, nanodrones which eat away at nearby enemies, like an inversed nanadrone cloud or something, frigates have a hard time tracking inties, so using DoTs on them would be a viable form of combat which wouldnt increase their dps too much since they wouldnt be able to shoot at them

Cool, I like it. I think the healing debuff makes a lot of sense as it will counter engineer AoE heals effectively, as minor DoT damage won’t concern frigate balls.


Here’s my idea:


Module: Active

Range: 1,000 meters

Recharge: 60 seconds


Behaviour: Infects primary target with a virus debuff that jumps to nearby ally ships, infecting their systems and gradually shutting down/overloading/destroying ship controls and systems.

The virus can infect 2 ships per host.

The virus is removed by travelling a certain distance. (I know it sounds dumb, but hear me out)

The virus infects nearby ships on each occurring tick. 

The debuffed target takes increasing thermal damage every 4 seconds for 20 seconds for a total of 6 ticks. Each time the debuff ticks, the damage doubles.

0s = 500

4s = 1000

8s = 2000

12s = 4000

16s = 8000

20s = 16000

This reflects the virus evolving (reprogramming itself) and going from destroying components of the ship to core systems.

To remove the virus you must travel 5000m. With this mechanic, damage should be relative to speed. Interceptors will be the first to remove the debuff and take the least damage relative to their hull/shields, fighters second, frigates third and frigate balls last! I can’t think of any literal reason for this removing a computer virus, but as a game mechanic I think it’s sound.


The module is intended to be anti-frigate ball and anti-camping-sniper. It should only deal severe damage to those who sit in one place.



“But wait, this sucks for beacon hunt/domination!”

I think I may have coincidentally came up with a viable counter for this at the same time. I called it The Carwash, its a hypothetical engineer support structure which you fly through it to remove debuffs. Set one up near the beacon and let people take care of their own debuffs. 


Whatever happens, I think the virus should improve over time, whether its damage, healing debuff or randomly shutting off modules/afterburner, it should get deadlier if the player is careless and allows it to manifest. 

I have something like the mass imploder.


Behold my masterpiece:


Gravitic Wave Cannon

LR Module

This is the one I’ve been wanting to see. The cost is very high - all of your shields and energy, to be exact, but you get a lot out of it. Upon activating, the module will drain all your remaining shields and energy and fire a massive sphere of mass in a straight line for 15000m. It deals AoE EM damage for 400m around it, and any ships within 750m will be pulled towards the projectile as it passes. If anything comes in contact with the centre, they immediately take massive Kinetic damage. Only Guards have the slightest chance of surviving this. However, the module requires an 8 second warm-up time to fire and cannot be interrupted by the user. The module is NOT affected by any damage or projectile speed buffs. In addition, this weapon will deal full friendly fire damage, regardless of whether you’re playing realistic or not.


Discourages firing it at friendlies capping a beacon. Very, very high damage (the formula for impact damage is SP+(3*E)/1.2, the AoE damage is SP+E/100 per second), so a Jericho Frigate with, say, 22000 Shields and 900 Energy will cause 20583 damage on impact and 229 EM damage per second for the AoE. The formulae are still being worked on. Though, when calculating damage, the formulae apply the shields and energy drained. So if you’re in the frigate given above, if you have 15000 shields and 500 energy remaining it uses those numbers for calculation.


EDIT: [Might as well.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20124-mass-rebalance-modules-ships-the-works/)


EDIT2: Wow, the word damage comes up 57 times on this page…

I’m in favour of debuffs that prevents healing rather than causing damage as the former is easier to balance

Seems logical to me that the Recon Inty could fill that role, seeing as they do it already to some degree. Maybe a “Nano-disruption Pod” that prevents all healing for 10-20 seconds.

the best anti heal role is the ECM


problem with that ship is it targets the source and in frigballs, the sources are many


although the ECM can easily manage 3 sources alone in under 10 seconds there are 2 obstacles that prevent it from being the all-in-one answer to heal squads


  1. Low survivability. It can be killed in 5 shots or in 1 shot by 5 frigs


  1. Ninja-Heals - there is no way to check energy levels, and the way the biggest culprit works (remote heals) it isn’t about deactivation but about making sure none of the engineers are able to activate it when needed. There is little you can guarantee that from happening and they are still able to sneak a heal burst.


What make this thread interesting is the idea of a Duration based AoE ability


Damage is hard to balance. But denying crowd healing is rawryespls.


Sabre’s fits the bill closest.

Mine also has a nasty little bonus you can exploit: if the opposition is stupid enough or doesn’t realise one of their members is infected, the virus can potentially infect every ship on their side of the field and stay there. This would absolutely ruin frig balls.


EDIT: Kine, I found this for you:
