New game mode. Team Survival Discussion

just delete this mode, pliz pliz pliz DO IT.

i explain: i play star conflict cause it is an hardcore shooter moba, it takes long time to reach the build thats makes a player efficient with ships in all game modes,  BUT survival throw all this to the garbage + it is hypernoob, casual and brainless.

i am felling such frustrated when i see i am going to play this mode, same if i can chain kill 5ppl in a row with my lrf in 20 sec, i feel.

if you continue with casual maj (destroyer+survival, whats next?) this game will just go crap and communauty will be an army of unskilled pubbies spamming frigates making this game looking more a tank game than a space ship game where we are sense to PILOT AND FLY fastly and with skill. it’s just anormal that FAT, slow, and over tanky ship can change games so much, or give us possibility to depop this insanity faster, Aces can rule now in pvp by just farming and p2w, ppl unable to fly fast and shoot in the same time must not have a chance like this, they must just train their skill .

i am playing lesser and lesser since survival appeared, cause i feel bad when i see wrote"survival", i feel i will lost 5 min of my life if i stay playing a other game than sc, a poor game for pubbies.


11 hours ago, MightyHoot said:

git gud

i cri ivritiem

It’s the craziest mode evah and i like it. Blowing stuff up is always fun, i would only suggest more “lives” to keep the chaos going for a bit longer ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

9 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

i cri ivritiem

It’s the craziest mode evah and i like it. Blowing stuff up is always fun, i would only suggest more “lives” to keep the chaos going for a bit longer ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Eh. I’d lower (or maybe even remove) the respawn timer. As it is, it’s too easy to die when everything deals 3x the damage. If we’re going for an arcady feel, might as well reduce module cooldowns and increase module duration/effectiveness, too.

LOL, better rename it to total carnage rather than survival

57 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

LOL, better rename it to total carnage rather than survival

Hey, if you’re looking for chaos, that’s how you do it ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

14 hours ago, MightyHoot said:

git gud

no surprise this game mode fits to you.

yeah, and with new buff to low rank ships, I’m doing 15k hits with positron on a r6 engi not built for damage. It’s funny killing stuff in one shot.

The mode really isn’t that good. Just boils down to who has longer range or spots others faster. If you have 7k+ range, you can kill anything that has midrange before it even gets in firing range.

Best ships for that mode: destroyers with long range or long range frigates that one shot everything with crit. builds^^. I was first excited at the announcement of a new pvp mode and then this came. A little underwhelmed here. Should be removed imho.

Hate this mode, absolutely kills the fun of the game, and competently negates the versatility of game plays this game has to offer outside of this mode. 

This gamemode is a joke. A destroyer is a bad choice because even with mobility it gets target by LRFs and die.

I may have adapted to the wrong mode as it seems lol xD 

1 minute ago, ORCA1911 said:

I may have adapted to the wrong mode as it seems lol xD 

It is not a matter of adapting, it is not hard to adopt, but man it is boring comparing to the rest of the game.

4 minutes ago, ntboble said:

This gamemode is a joke. A destroyer is a bad choice because even with mobility it gets target by LRFs and die.

lol sorry but that’s not true for me… I can kill the lrf’s with ease using the Photon and usually get top score in survival using dessy. I use barriers to block the lrf snipe fire and keep moving like the TIPS say to do. I also don’t move into there territory which is suicide. If they want to lrf then so will I but I hit harder and can hit you even using em scattering I can still see you.

It’s just a long range fest. The only strategy I have found that works other than camping, is cloaky cov ops to go kill stuff on their spawn. But I usually die after one or two kills anyway, once the surprise is gone.

I hate this mode.

i would be happy if they would give as a choice of what gamemodes we want to play ffor example if i want to play just domination i would get only domination matches right now yo have to play everything which is stupid

5 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

lol sorry but that’s not true for me… I can kill the lrf’s with ease using the Photon and usually get top score in survival using dessy. I use barriers to block the lrf snipe fire and keep moving like the TIPS say to do. I also don’t move into there territory which is suicide. If they want to lrf then so will I but I hit harder and can hit you even using em scattering I can still see you.

Iif you are able to do that you have my admiration, but i have seen more LRF than destroyers topping kills in this game mode.

2 minutes ago, ntboble said:

Iif you are able to do that you have my admiration, but i have seen more LRF than destroyers topping kills in this game mode.

My thoughts are that you are talking mainly about r8 and not the r11/14 destroyers. If I didn’t have photon then it would be much more difficult ofc.

10 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

My thoughts are that you are talking mainly about r8 and not the r11/14 destroyers. If I didn’t have photon then it would be much more difficult ofc.

You are correct… mostly. With destroyers rank 8, with other ships rank 10.

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

It is not a matter of adapting, it is not hard to adopt, but man it is boring comparing to the rest of the game.

Well it is kinda a nobrainer mode but i guess you cant always win everything everytime, but, just for the record, is it really that hated, by everyone? I kinda missed that.

Idk, sometimes it can be fun. People only don’t like it because they get to be exploded using their normal tactics ;p

well, i call it positron or gauss practice mode.

i actually like the mode, but to be honest, the “die in your spawn costs” rule makes it ridiculous on some maps, where one team spawns in the open, and the other behind cover, the game just turns into an insta spawnfest.

so actually, while this game mode for me is just slightly better than combat recon in terms of fun factor, the real deal i have with this stupid “game acceleration rule” (which has so many logical problems); it contradicts good games and makes every team just try to spawncamp. and it doesnt always make the better playing team win.

seriously, whoever had this idea, should probably go into exile, never touch games again. I mean I know why it was done but its not working.