New game mode. Team Survival Discussion

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I think the game mode can be fun for the casual players, that aren’t necessary familiar or great at all the small perks, tuning, and capabilities of star conflict ships.

But for those that are average and above average “min-maxer” players, this gonna be the opposite and more frustrating game mode. 

Worst is when you get both type of players in the same match, since it is well possible to do 1 shot = 1 kill, and in some cases 2 birds with 1 stone ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Positron crit damage Mauler,on normal,it can one-shot inties without EB,on this maybe the fighters and Fed frigates,I need to try out one of my balanced builds for this!

Sorry but this game mod makes no sense to me. It’s not fun at all, especially when it’s over in 3 mins with 25/0.

It’s interesting to fly a fighter in this mode. Less maneuverability than interceptors, less tank than frigates. Gets pwned by interceptors with plasma gun. Or anybody with anything, really, when every weapon does nearly 1000 damage per hit.

Add some lag to it and feel the frustration. Esp. on the burrito map.

I haven’t been able to find this game mode. Where is it?

I am disappointed with this game mode. It’s nothing new. Really, damage and module bonus and the same rules? You can’t come up with anything better?

Well, that’s why we’re here. I will suggest something new and we, meaning, our community, we will get something entirely new.

They said something about “training before heading into the alien world” it is either only for OS,or maybe a event about striking the aliens in their territory might come up.

It’s fun for a change, but I don’t really see much change in strategy compared to team battle

1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

They said something about “training before heading into the alien world” it is either only for OS,or maybe a event about striking the aliens in their territory might come up.

Or just a random quote with absolutely no real meaning at all

3 hours ago, StatueofLibroty said:

It’s interesting to fly a fighter in this mode. Less maneuverability than interceptors, less tank than frigates. Gets pwned by interceptors with plasma gun. Or anybody with anything, really, when every weapon does nearly 1000 damage per hit.

are you saying regardless of rof weapons are doing 1k hits in this game mode?  I  think ion emitters geared for range and pulse lasers geared for crit will be doing the best due to hitscan nature with high projectile speed charge guns being a strong competitor for that first place spot, possibly interchangeable depending on ping.

I also see destroyers being a big problem in this game mode because of the extreme range available on their weapons.  The art of modern war is kill them before they get in range to kill you. Translating that to this game, well, fancing combat maneuvers that interceptors like to use lose almost all of their value at range because It’s only effective when you’re moving outside of a target’s field of vision. So if you can cut out projectile travel time and get the damage to the target long before they can get close enough to hit you, in theory they should die first because you start the damage race first.  With that said I still see people who look like they’re using automovement from time to time, and the lag I have causes them to slide and teleport all over the place. In such situations aim assist weapons are better.

Everybody should have a ship built for range and crit just for this game mode. I Imagine gauss cannon, flux phaser, and a horison ion will do very well.

Nope. Definitely gauss and positron here !

Simply i don’t like it. Too much lucky random shots and you are instant death. I will try some other configurations, but i can’t understand the needs of this change.

I liked the game mode my 1st few runs of it, people treated it like a team battle then tried to adapt when certain ships went down too fast. Very dynamic, very fast pace, much splosions, i liked.

Then players happened.

2 hours ago, Battlecruiser_NA said:

Everybody should have a ship built for range and crit just for this game mode. I Imagine gauss cannon, flux phaser, and a horison ion will do very well.

Yep this all over, every other player camping it out. Just like they try to do for… well every other game mode. Well done SC playerbase ![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”). Many of these same players dont seem to realise that new team battle rules apply here too. So sitting near spawn with range is going to make your team lose as a single aggressive player can die twice and kill one such player and still be a benefit to their team and its so much easier to do with the increased damage.

Its just disappointing though, the game mode promotes a kind of careless aggressive flying by the seat of your pants play but i have seen just the opposite evolve inside of a few hours.

Well, big surprise there. Less survivable ships cause more cautious gameplay, even if surprise flank attacks are now more potent than ever.

I do like the firepower though. Normally everyone just escapes and gets repaired in seconds. Nice to see those ECMs actually die now. Destroyers are much less of an issue too; they just get murdered by Disintegrator, Guided Torpedo and Anomaly Generator now.

Combat Reboot and Emergency Barrier got quite a big indirect buff though. Then again, weapon range advantage of frigates matters much more now.

Kinda reminds me of the ridiculous weapon damage bonus in Leviathan for a while. This one dude would take the 90 second cloak buff, then take a 1000x damage buff, then come up behind and try to one-shot you. I only managed to get him back once, and that was because he kept missing after my EB proc.


But yes. If the intention was to make people be more aggressive in this game mode, this is exactly the wrong way to go about it. Everybody’s more afraid than ever, what with the extra damage. Turtle tactics galore.

Useless mode.

Really… 3x damage is damn fufu nothing else.

Is this mode only this weekend? If yes, when will it be back?

I’m not really a big fan of this game mode now that I’ve tried it.

If you have a ship with ANY kind of long range gun, it’s pretty much insta OP.

Did a team survival with my gauss cannon equiped Prometheus and I absolutely wrecked everything, it was crazy.