New game mode. Team Survival Discussion

I love it tbh. LRF is the best imo. That and CovOps/Gunships.

Guided torps can insta-pop pretty much anything and gunship bubbles obliterate destroyers in seconds. So epic.

insta popping people with ions from 5km, while a nostalgic reminder of times past is not a fair or balanced style of gameplay. This game type runs so completely opposite to the rest of the game types that it really has no place in the skirmish queue, although if given the option I would play just this until the stack range meme became too widespread and my easy farming advantage became the cookie cutter meta, then I’d probably return to using this game to heat my room at night  in the winter and doing the occasional destroyer related event missions to build an r14 and win the game.

In case you’re still having a hard time wrapping your head around this;

Damage increase, while hitpoints remain the same. This means horizon penalty is insignificant even when triple stacked no matter what weapon you use and the most efficient weapon isthe longest range one with no projectile travel time while those having fast travel times are in close competition. Sure you trade off on crits but as you’re basically doing crits all the time anyway you’re still evaporating people. Throw this in with a gunship’s crit boost and the ion’s resistance reduction and well, you’ve got something that with the right aim, will never fail to stack up free kills on people who bring “speed tanks” which as you know, since interceptors are so popular, means every game devolves into who can catch and kill the most interceptors before you hit the kill limit.  Although, I did note that lrf frigates are everywhere, so you do need to be fast enough to dodge disintigrator beams and positrons. this rules out doing this kind of thing with beam cannon on most maps because frigates are hard to strafe quickly with.  I think it’s just gunships that synergize the best with this game mode because of their crit boost allowing you to go range+rof and filling in the gaps with active modules when you really need it.

Yeah, I tried the new game mode. 

Not fun! If you don’t have the good build, ship, and weapon, you’re useless. 

In fact, if you don’t have an LRF, you’re useless. 

LRF are totally broken here. 


Increased damage, OK. But by itself it makes ships focused on damage stronger then other ships (So covert ops, gunships, and LRF are much more powerful here, while guards/commands totally useless). 

This game mode need something to make other ships viable too! Like x3 all healing too! And x3 energy regen, and also reduce the cooldown of everything for everyone. 



13 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:


This game mode need something to make other ships viable too!



This is probably the most constructive thing that can be said about survival if the developers intend to have it in the skirmish rotation, and possibly overall if they’re eyeing it as some form of competitive mode. Or maybe some kind of lockout for certain ships, or a removal from that game type if you don’t have certain ships, or maybe a method to select maps and game modes you want to play, but if they do that then they’re devaluing content in their own game.

Needs work.

Certain ships already have potential to instagib other ships so this basically means there is no reaction time anymore. Wasn’t fun, not even on the winning side. 

Changing just one modifier and calling the whole thing a new game mode shows lack of ideas and creativity, by now I think it’s obvious that this poor attempt isn’t going to be successful. 

x3 healing = useless with OS/insta rip
The mode itself is unbalanced as hell.
Maybe just introduced for all those Q.Q kiddies that want a FPS shooter(= headshot = 1 kill) thing?
Or want to insta rip a destroyer(Cov)?

Make it a small map with a lot of power ups you can pick up…constant battle with erratic “balance”

Or make it like URF in LOL (because it clearly seems like they wanted to do something similar), and instead of damage buff, do a 80% base cooldown reduce on everything + increase the base speed of all ships (100 for interceptors and 50 for the rest) and remove the respawn timer and repair cost penalty. 


And BOOM, funnier. 

3 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Or make it like URF in LOL (because it clearly seems like they wanted to do something similar), and instead of damage buff, do a 80% base cooldown reduce on everything + increase the base speed of all ships (100 for interceptors and 50 for the rest) and remove the respawn timer and repair cost penalty. 


And BOOM, funnier. 

That’d be pretty cool. If they want to make a game mode where people are more aggressive, they should change it to one with a damage and cooldown reduction. Base speed would just be a nice extra ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)


As it is, people are too scared of being attacked by the souper spooky DPS ships that they’re turtling even more than normal.

2 hours ago, StatueofLibroty said:

That’d be pretty cool. If they want to make a game mode where people are more aggressive, they should change it to one with a damage and cooldown reduction. Base speed would just be a nice extra ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)


As it is, people are too scared of being attacked by the souper spooky DPS ships that they’re turtling even more than normal.

i thought meta would be fed interceptors…cant be touched, cant be killed.

11 minutes ago, Papitas said:

i thought meta would be fed interceptors…cant be touched, cant be killed.

Nah gauss/positron wrecks them before they even get close in that mode

10 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

In fact, if you don’t have an LRF, you’re useless. 

LRF are totally broken here. 

Increased damage, OK. But by itself it makes ships focused on damage stronger then other ships (So covert ops, gunships, and LRF are much more powerful here, while guards/commands totally useless).

Atleast Patriarch works fine, since it has CPU slots for weapon and sensor range. Energy Converter is silly powerful with triple damage.

And Sword is a beast with Cruise Engine.


Only this weekend!  To get in “Team Battle. Survival” fly in Custom Battle with friends or just luanch Skirmish fight! 

It’s not the weekend anymore, but this game mode is still available. Wat


BTW, this time it was ME who were playing an LRF. 

My dear graphic card named mauler one shot absolutely everything. That’s so stupid.


 Interceptors ? Tachyon + F = one shot

Fighters/Frigates ? One charged positron = dead. 

Destroyers ? Throw a torp + guided torp, they are dead.


I did a 3vs3 in this mode. At the end of the match it was something  13 kills for me, 0 for my team, ~3 for the enemies.

Seriously this game mode is so unbalanced. 

5 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

It’s not the weekend anymore, but this game mode is still available. Wat

We decided to look how it’s going a little bit more. Will be making changes there, I believe it will go out before this week ends)

Just remove this mode forever. Better done with the same devpower as to failtry to balance it.
Such a mode should never be in normal PvP.

I think it is a stupid mode, made for Aces. It s filled with long range ships and guided torpedos as these are all powerfull in this mode. Only people that dont want to aim should be happy with this mode. This is nothing more then spray and pray.

I still aim…it’s pretty effective :stuck_out_tongue:

Dessy modules are all super fun in this gamemode. One-shotting torpedoes, Inescapble Black Holes, Hellfire Missiles, the whole package. I just wonder what T5 dessy will be like in it. XD

I hate it.


36 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:


That’s not proper pew pew ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)