New game mode. Team Survival Discussion

How about a safezone in spawn where u can’t be killed as long as u stay there and don’t shoot? 

21 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

How about a safezone in spawn where u can’t be killed as long as u stay there and don’t shoot? 

this is something we’ve been needing for a long time now. Spawncamping is no fun, regardless of which side you’re on. Spawncamping ruins games and the actual solution to give the killer extra points for doing it is just… wrong. It encourages it.

Well, i don’t mind it because when people let it happen, it’s a clear sign they need to improve at some point or at least re-evaluate their tactics and stuff. I’m not too keen on winning as much as credit and syn gains and thats about it.

Take a JLRF and trop those dessy. No R11+ survive that as they are instarekt after max of 3. And who is faster? 300m/s 400m³ dessy or 500m/s torp?

i am not against spawn camps - so to make them impossible to happen. i even like the safe zone in overwatch, which isnt making you invulnerable, but it would kinda look a bit arcady - maybe more things could happen in respawn (like delay spawning a bit to go together, or some influence on where, more in the line of battlefield)

but you should get points to defend your spawn successfully, and press the other team into a fight, not for being pressed back from early game - which again, is only really painful in synergy with maps, that have different covers for both sides. so maybe some things can even be adressed with map design adjustments.

as far as i understand, the defending team doesnt get points for killing an enemy in their own spawn zone, so it takes out the risk of just going for it.

I do get it, that it should animate people to move out of spawn and accelerate already decided games a bit, which i find okay. But to be honest, it never feels that it makes close and fair matches, which usually happen if everybody is actually playing on the field.

The mode is under discussions about possible changes in it ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

In that case secure spawnpoint without time limit would be a nice start to counter spawncamping. Shooting and going 1000m from spawn removes protection, kinda simple.

How in this mode works counting of team remaining point? Because i played and the score was aprox 40-23 3sec before i died, after resp. 5sec score was 25-23. Thats kinda weird