new classified module revealed - extended shield barrier matrix a.k.a. Guardian

Enough time has passed. Any new info, gekaler?

Enough time has passed. Any new info, gekaler?

lol :fed014:

Enough time has passed. Any new info, gekaler?


Give it a couple of months more.

Give it a couple of months more.

Okay, 1 year should do it then.

Okay, 1 year should do it then.


I think so, lets see in 2017 Koromac

I think so, lets see in 2017 Koromac

You meant to say 2016?

By the way, is it possible to implement such module in the game?

You meant to say 2016?


No, I was just following your joke. 

Good day! No need to wait for year. We needed time for analyzing the idea. From our point of view this module may influence the engies. In some way it reminds the “Static barrier”. We suppose it’ll be hard for a player choose between them. But we will for sure keep in mind this idea for future modifications.

Good day! No need to wait for year. We needed time for analyzing the idea. From our point of view this module may influence the engies. In some way it reminds the “Static barrier”. We suppose it’ll be hard for a player choose between them. But we will for sure keep in mind this idea for future modifications.

I will provide a video from another game, which may confirm or deny, if the idea was understood correctly. When you will see it, you will know my intention.

It resembles the mechanics of the Static Barrier, yes, but it’s much more than that.

I admit, this module tends to be a bit more complex, than any others, but it also changes a lot from strategic perspective, since the workings on it are unique.

Example from the video. Watch from 3:00 to 3:30 or 4:00.


The workings of such module is shown from the Colossus’s capital support ship.

Adaptations will be needed, but it can sink into Star Conflict just fine.

This module should also come in handy, when capturing the Beacon, without losing a link to it, provided that the enemy did not already penetrated it.

It is also useful for any transport escort. Same for Invasion mode. You would be able to protect your cargo transport from the rockets in Fort Muerto as well.

I finally understand your main suggestion koromac (yay!) :slight_smile: and for this… unpenetratable version with the hp pool w/o res. is quite too strong. Perhaps maybe make an undestructable sphere where all bullets or damage dealing elements get a huge nerf on their damage (lets say +25 resistance pts on all damage types on all ships in the sphere). My thing is, if two interceptors want to deal some damage to the frigs inside the sphere, they won’t deal enough damage, which means, that 10-12 seconds is enough for a reguard to regen its shields. And no, @Aliskosan, from what I understand, this is completely different than static barrier. Also the recharge time should be more than a minute. 120 seconds fine for me.

Alright i think i got it now. It is pretty difficult one though looks really interesting. Our designers liked the idea they may implement it in some way for future modules.

Alright i think i got it now. It is pretty difficult one though looks really interesting. Our designers liked the idea they may implement it in some way for future modules.

That’s all I ask. Some people did not get the right idea at first, but I think we all know now.

We can adapt this module, it’s only the matter of programming such features now and I know that it is more complex, but the main thing is, that it can be done.

All information about this module is on page 1.


Thank you, Aliskosan.

Destroyers are more or less double sized than frigates…awesome, i might start drawing some sketches for them :stuck_out_tongue:

Destroyers are more or less double sized than frigates…awesome, i might start drawing some sketches for them :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I just hope that they won’t “disassembled” like Cruiser is… ship’s parts falling off…

Well, I just hope that they won’t “disassembled” like Cruiser is… ship’s parts falling off…

we will see soon :stuck_out_tongue:


EDIT: damnit i just realised my previous comment was intented to go on developers blog XD not here (“Destroyers are more or less double sized than frigates…awesome, i might start drawing some sketches for them :P”)