new classified module revealed - extended shield barrier matrix a.k.a. Guardian

TOP SECRET CASE FILE: Recovered from Abandoned Outpost in Jericho space

Codename: "Guardian"

experimental - reverse engineered “shield matrix” technology





There are some indications that the basis of this technology came from a Defiler.

Techs have been able to uncover the basis of this technology to a certain point and it is ready for testing.

There are certain similarities, if you compare shield matrix of the current design with the one we have seen and analysed on a Defiler.

Further testing required…


Decryption in progress…

Decryption successful.


Opening file: 100% complete



Specifics for the module: "Guardian"


Ship class type: Engineer only

Tier restriction: T4/T5 (rank 10-15 or 11-15)

Role: Defensive role only

Obtainability: Workshop only - craftable

Standard version available: Yes

Pirate version available: Yes

Faction exclusive only: No

Deployable engineering station variant: No

Affected by implants/crews: Yes

Activate/Deactivate option on user’s demand: Yes


Crafting requirements for standard version:

T4: 20 monocrystals, 2 processing blocks, 2 screened batteries, 14 computing chips

T5: 30 monocrystals, 3 processing blocks, 3 screened batteries, 17 computing chips


Crafting requirements for pirate version:

T4: 20 monocrystals, 2 processing blocks, 2 screened batteries, 14 osmium crystals

T5: 30 monocrystals, 3 processing blocks, 3 screened batteries, 17 osmium crystals


Upgradable: Yes (mark I-IV)

Mark III faction - subfaction upgrade: Jericho - Techs (T4-150000, T5-180000) loyalty vouchers

Mark IV upgrade: T4 - 210, T5 - 250 artifacts/iridium

Mark V availability: Unknown/Possible


T4/T5 Mark IV example: (no implants/crews taken into consideration)


active engineer’s “guardian” active combat module

module duration - active time: 10 - 12 sec.

module cooldown - recharge time: 45 - 60 sec.

energy requirements: 400 energy points for an activation

active range: 2000m - 2500m (2,0 km - 2,5 km)

shield durability: 40000 hitpoints

shield resistances:

Thermal:0 / 0%




Resistances are still open for discussion. I think they should remain neutral, due to the high amount of hitpoints.


T4/T5 Mark IV Pirate version example: (no implants/crews taken into consideration)


module duration: active time: 8 - 10 sec.

module cooldown - recharge time: 60 - 75 sec.

energy requirements: 400 energy points for an activation

active range: 1500m - 2000m (1,5 km - 2,0 km)

shield durability: 50000 hitpoints

shield resistances:


EM: 0/0%

Kinetic: 0/0%


Resistances are still open for discussion. I think they should remain neutral, due to the high amount of hitpoints.



Visuals only:


visual transparency/visibility: 10% visibility only

full visual visible effects only on the point/spot of firing

visual effect color: blue or green or mix palette of both


Visual indicator/icon on the HUD with the countdown:


Icon should be visible on the middle top screen, like it is for the current examples, like for adaptive shield icon and/or Spectre Field, etc.

Small, but visible durability bar meter on the right side of the icon should be displayed as well that shows remaining shield’s integrity.




- round 360 degree sphere (picture below at the end)

- honeycomb structure

Both options are possible.




When and while extended shield barrier “Guardian” is active, most of enemy’s active combat modules can’t affect any locked target, if the target is safely inside of a barrier.

Missiles are stopped and neutralised as well. Missiles, which provide blast radius still create one on the point of impact, with the exception of debuff missiles, which are fully neutralised.

Extended shield barrier is a 360 degree round circle - a sphere/honeycomb shape. If a barrier is breached or collapsed, all the benefits of protection are lost. Allied fire can’t pass through a barrier.

All listed negative effects are neutralized/purged as well, but only if the enemy used them before and outside of the barrier.




T4/T5 Engineering ship equipped with this module becomes immobile for the duration of the effect, but it can still rotate. Attack drones are still functional, but engineer’s special module - combat drones is inoperable. Attack drones and missiles can’t be launched as well, unless if attack drones and missiles were already deployed/launched before of an activation of a module.

However, main weapon is still active and fully functional. Engineer’s engines come to a full stop - 0 m/s within 1 second of activating this module, then the barrier gets immediately deployed.




Allies: Allied fire and missiles of any kind can’t pass through allied extended shield barrier. They are stopped and debuff missiles have no effects as well.

Enemies: Enemy weapons fire gets fully absorbed on the point of impact, including missiles. Most missiles of any kind, have no effect as well, if the barrier is still active**. **** See exceptions below.**

Protection 1: Already active barrier protects the bearer and the allied ships inside of it for the whole duration of the effect, until it expires or gets collapsed under heavy enemy fire.

Protection 2: All already active negative combat effects, the ones listed below, gets removed/purged immediately** , **** when an allied ship touches/breaches the shell of the barrier.**

Weakness 1: The protection from enemies weapons fire is gone, if they already have breached the barrier.

Weakness 2: Those listed negative effects DO NOT count, if the enemy uses/reuses them, AFTER they have breached the barrier.


Extended Shield Barrier, also known as “Guardian” protects you and your team from these effects below, if the enemy is outside of the barrier.


Examples: (special module and active combat modules)


ECM active special/combat modules: Ion Diffuser, Stasis Generator, Energy Absorber, Weapon System Inhibitor

Tackler active special/combat modules: Target Painter, Engine Suppressor, Inhibitor Beam, Sentry Drone, Heavy Guard Drone, ODG Chameleon - cloak (if used outside of the barrier)

Guard active special/combat modules: Pulsar, Missile Shield, Spectre Field (doesn’t work inside of the barrier, if activated)

Interceptor active special/combat modules: Spider web, White Noise Jammer, Adaptive Camo (if used, before entering the barrier)

Long Range Frigate Sniper/Torpedo active special/combat modules: Disintegrator, Guided torpedo, Weapon Overcharge, Tachyon Charge, EM Scattering Field (if active inside of the barrier - gets negated )

Gunship active special/combat modules: None

Engineering active special/combat modules: None

Command active special/combat modules: None

Recon active special/combat modules: Parasitic Remodulator

Other: All debuff missiles with area effect in general (see some exceptions below)


If the active barrier is breached/destroyed, the protection against those modules is lost!


Exceptions/excluded from the protection


ECM active special combat modules: Metastable Energy Field Generator

Tackler active special/combat modules: ODG Chameleon - cloak (if used inside of the barrier)

Guard active special/combat modules: Mass Propulsion Inhibitor, Signature Masking

Interceptor active special/combat modules: Plasma Arc, Self-Destruct, Adaptive Camo (if used after entering the barrier)

Long Range Frigate Sniper/Torpedo special/combat modules: IR Pulsar, EM Scattering Field - (only, if outside of the barrier - works normally), Reverse Thruster (shield barrier is not counted as an obstruction)

Gunship active special/combat modules: Particle Purge

Engineering active special/combat modules: None

Command active special/combat modules: None

Recon active special/combat modules: Phase Modulator, Spy Drones Container, Micro-locator

Other: guided torpedo blast/torpedo radiation cloud/EM torpedo blast, weapons with blast radius, ship’s debris - counts as an exception




All types of guided and unguided missiles. Missiles with debuffs, such as an energy neutralizing, ion-beam warhead and slowing field missiles gets fully stopped and neutralised on the point of impact. Enemy fire gets absorbed, but it drains the shield. The moment the shield collapses or expires, all protection is gone. All enemy fire is stopped on the point of impact.

If allied ships flee into the barrier, while it’s still active, they got all negative combat effects removed, which are listed above, since the barrier neutrailizes them.

Only 1 barrier may be active at a time. While the barrier is active, any other ships equipped with the same module have this module disabled (greyed out).

Barrier also absorbs full damage from all types of missiles. There are some exceptions, which still do full blast damage.

They are listed in Exceptions/Excluded from the protection section/ Other.


Sector Conquest: (friendly fire)


Damage to the barrier can only be done from the outside, from enemies or allies alike.


Description of the module in game:


See Specials section.




Example: (extended shield barrier screenshot taken from another game)

Shows: Support/Engineering ship: Capital ship - Dreadnought


I only wrote my initial idea and now we need to evaluate it.

Please, comment and stay on the topic.




With respect,  Koromac



Reason for edit: I added some additional and minor changes/adjustments, to clarify certain points.

Last edited:       Saturday, 21th of March 2015 at 05:00 PM (UTC/GMT +1)


Status:               Finalised

Consultation:   Closed

Development:  Unknown

Super testing:**   Unknown**

  • It seems fairly useless if neither side can shoot through it. It will just freeze the game for a couple of seconds while everyone just waits until the shield dies.

  • From your description it seems like a Metastable field for engineers, but a bit bigger, and other ships can enter it. I do not think engineers should have this strength, as it will make them very hard to kill when they are in an organised squad. Imagine: the enemy engineer is called as target, everyone focusses him, use all their agressive modules, and then all of a sudden, POOF he is invulnerable!

  • What geometry does it have? Size? Compared to the current engi shield?

  • If the engi is travelling while it is activated, is the forward momentum maintained or does he come automatically to a stop ?

I am all for new modules and adding to the engi’s modules is very good as this is my favourite ship type, but I do believe that in the current state of your proposed module, it is too strong.

Engi already has static barrier to prevent teammates from being shot - this just seems like a static barrier on steroids.

perhaps make this function like the particle purge - a pulse rather than an energy bubble. Let it deactivate enemy modules and destroy enemy missiles, rendering enemy unable to fire for 2-3 sec, but have a substantial cooldown

All i can say is that is a Nexus the Jupiter Incident screenshot :stuck_out_tongue:

Engi already has static barrier to prevent teammates from being shot - this just seems like a static barrier on steroids.


The one we have is a joke and this one is more extensive.

Read the whole topic.

perhaps make this function like the particle purge - a pulse rather than an energy bubble. Let it deactivate enemy modules and destroy enemy missiles, rendering enemy unable to fire for 2-3 sec, but have a substantial cooldown


Particle Purge visuals when deployed is very similar, if not the same.

  • It seems fairly useless if neither side can shoot through it. It will just freeze the game for a couple of seconds while everyone just waits until the shield dies.

  • From your description it seems like a Metastable field for engineers, but a bit bigger, and other ships can enter it. I do not think engineers should have this strength, as it will make them very hard to kill when they are in an organised squad. Imagine: the enemy engineer is called as target, everyone focusses him, use all their agressive modules, and then all of a sudden, POOF he is invulnerable!

  • What geometry does it have? Size? Compared to the current engi shield?

  • If the engi is travelling while it is activated, is the forward momentum maintained or does he come automatically to a stop ?

I am all for new modules and adding to the engi’s modules is very good as this is my favourite ship type, but I do believe that in the current state of your proposed module, it is too strong.


Please, read the whole post, before you start asking questions. I already explained everything there.

However, I added some additional info to the upper section to make it more understandable.


I have been thinking about offensive use as well, but after talking with all ESB Super-Testers, I have concluded that if allied fire would be allowed to be fired through the shield, it would simply be too strong.

Shield in this state, if fired upon with a single T5 interceptor with EM damage and Orion module can collapse in 2-4 seconds, if not even less.


Ship automatically comes to a full hold - stop immediately.

Please, read the whole post, before you start asking questions. I already explained everything there.

However, I added some additional info to the upper section to make it more understandable.

I have been thinking about offensive use as well, but after talking with all ESB Super-Testers, I have concluded that if allied fire would be allow to be fired through the shield, it would simply be too strong.

Shield in this state, if fired upon with a T5 interceptor with EM damage and Orion module can collapse in 2-4 seconds, if not even less.

Ship automatically comes to a full hold - stop immediately.

I did read the whole post and nowhere did you describe the geometry. You have corrected this so I understand now. (I could not see the example picture while being on my phone btw).

Ok I agree allies being able to fire through it would be too strong. I have a different proposition to make in order to reduce stagnant gameplay: make the shield a hemisphere rather than a sphere, pointing out of the front of the engi when he launches it. Also allied ships can travel through it, but enemies have to travel around it. Apart from that, characteristics remain the same. The benefits of this: if an allies ship is being chased or has been ECMed, he can run through the shield and shake off his pursuers and negative effects. The pursuer has to take a longer path around and when he enters the hemisphere willl come under a lot of focussed fire. I realise this is making the module even more defensive, but all the engi’s modules are defensive anyway.

Another question. While you were talking to the other testers (do you speak russian btw or did you just chat to rakza and alex?) did anyone suggest making this a missile? It would work a bit like a slowing-field missile, producing a zone where all enemy negative effects are stopped and no new ones can be applied. I think many specifics would have to be changed for this to be not OP though. But I just wanted to put this out there, to see what you think.

Reading the whole post again this morning, I am starting to really like the sound of this module :slight_smile:

I did read the whole post and nowhere did you describe the geometry. You have corrected this so I understand now. (I could not see the example picture while being on my phone btw).

Ok I agree allies being able to fire through it would be too strong. I have a different proposition to make in order to reduce stagnant gameplay: make the shield a hemisphere rather than a sphere, pointing out of the front of the engi when he launches it. Also allied ships can travel through it, but enemies have to travel around it. Apart from that, characteristics remain the same. The benefits of this: if an allies ship is being chased or has been ECMed, he can run through the shield and shake off his pursuers and negative effects. The pursuer has to take a longer path around and when he enters the hemisphere willl come under a lot of focussed fire. I realise this is making the module even more defensive, but all the engi’s modules are defensive anyway.

Another question. While you were talking to the other testers (do you speak russian btw or did you just chat to rakza and alex?) did anyone suggest making this a missile? It would work a bit like a slowing-field missile, producing a zone where all enemy negative effects are stopped and no new ones can be applied. I think many specifics would have to be changed for this to be not OP though. But I just wanted to put this out there, to see what you think.

Reading the whole post again this morning, I am starting to really like the sound of this module :slight_smile:


Yes, I have consulted or at least mentioned this to many of DNO, ESB, TUF, OWL, R4ge, people I know, but Super-Testers I spoke with, were mainly from ESB.

Some of them understand English and we discussed this, though some were only aware of my idea and they told me that they will read it, evaluate it and then post a comment about possible modifications.

The main most important thing is that the idea is out here for the public to see.

At this time, this matter is still open for debate. Characteristics may change a bit as well.

It is obvious that this module would have to be tested on different test servers by Super-Testers themselves to evaluate it and adjust it accordingly, if need be.


I will look at all of your comments. If it’s necessary, we can assemble in TS3/Mumble at specified time and discuss this more fluently.

hm, in t5, most engis are pretty weak and maybe could make use of this

i like the fact, that for an adaptive engi, this is less useful, because i dont want octopuses be even more tanky, they are already quite hard to remove

while nearly all other engis are rather weak to a quick attack.


The energy drain inside the sphere might be a tidbit too much however as an effect. The speed debuff for the engi should persist a bit longer, than this shield, maybe. While I am okay with it breaking modules needing direct line of sight, dot modules should still pass through the shield.


finally with all these modules, dont forget the fps; spamming bubble ammo already impacts fps a lot, multiple instances of this shield would need it to be hardware friendly. I find the range a bit too much.


Finally I would have to see this in real situations to give a complete yes or no, so lets just say: the idea sounds interesting, but I am not sure if it will fit completely.


Possible nos also arise from the fact how easy you could defend against up to 4 torps at the same time, you could completely cover a beacon from taking / killing the drones.

hm, in t5, most engis are pretty weak and maybe could make use of this

i like the fact, that for an adaptive engi, this is less useful, because i dont want octopuses be even more tanky, they are already quite hard to remove

while nearly all other engis are rather weak to a quick attack.


The energy drain inside the sphere might be a tidbit too much however as an effect. The speed debuff for the engi should persist a bit longer, than this shield, maybe. While I am okay with it breaking modules needing direct line of sight, dot modules should still pass through the shield.


finally with all these modules, dont forget the fps; spamming bubble ammo already impacts fps a lot, multiple instances of this shield would need it to be hardware friendly. I find the range a bit too much.


Finally I would have to see this in real situations to give a complete yes or no, so lets just say: the idea sounds interesting, but I am not sure if it will fit completely.


Possible nos also arise from the fact how easy you could defend against up to 4 torps at the same time, you could completely cover a beacon from taking / killing the drones.


4 torps would collapse the barrier instantly with 0% resistance in T5.

As for the enemy debuff effect, once they enter the barrier, it’s still open for discussion.

There could be no enemy debuffs. I am still considering alternatives.

hm, in t5, most engis are pretty weak and maybe could make use of this

i like the fact, that for an adaptive engi, this is less useful, because i dont want octopuses be even more tanky, they are already quite hard to remove

while nearly all other engis are rather weak to a quick attack.


The energy drain inside the sphere might be a tidbit too much however as an effect. The speed debuff for the engi should persist a bit longer, than this shield, maybe. While I am okay with it breaking modules needing direct line of sight, dot modules should still pass through the shield.


finally with all these modules, dont forget the fps; spamming bubble ammo already impacts fps a lot, multiple instances of this shield would need it to be hardware friendly. I find the range a bit too much.


Finally I would have to see this in real situations to give a complete yes or no, so lets just say: the idea sounds interesting, but I am not sure if it will fit completely.


Possible nos also arise from the fact how easy you could defend against up to 4 torps at the same time, you could completely cover a beacon from taking / killing the drones.


Who said the octopus is adaptive? o.O


Yes, the energy drain is too much.  If anyone gets inside, he should be able to have a direct shot at killing the engi or any other player


I didn’t consider my poor FPS, but yes this would increase hardware demands.  At least however, it will not be possible to have several active, only one per engi, as opposed to the “field-generating” missiles which can be spammed.  So as long as this module does not require more hardware specs than the slowing/energy drain fields, I don’t see a problem.


You cannot protect all three beacons at the ame time though… I don’t find this a problem.


My main issue with this, as I ssaid before, is it is bascially giving a metastable to an engi, which will make it very hard to kill.  It might be wise to add a “warm-up” time, a bit like the reverse thruster, during which the engi is more vulnerable.

I like it~ but maybe we can make it more op by having a “radiation field” in it and slightly outside it that effects enemies. Would keep them from wanting to hide inside.

Koromac, I really have to say that I respect you for how much you think about new suggestions and how much time you invest on these, in order to bring them to the community. Regardless of whether they are useful or not, stuff like this is what a community needs. Thank you for that.


Now for this proposal: I think, just like some other people here, that this module is way too strong. I like the idea in general, but perhaps it should be modified somehow. I wouldn’t know what to change though. I leave that up to you for discussion :wink:

Koromac, I really have to say that I respect you for how much you think about new suggestions and how much time you invest on these, in order to bring them to the community. Regardless of whether they are useful or not, stuff like this is what a community needs. Thank you for that.


Now for this proposal: I think, just like some other people here, that this module is way too strong. I like the idea in general, but perhaps it should be modified somehow. I wouldn’t know what to change though. I leave that up to you for discussion :wink:


Thank you.


I am aware of this, in fact. Energy penalties for enemies could get removed, since it’s meant to be purely defensive module only, so there should be no debuffs inside.

About the sustainability of the module itself, I think it’s not so strong. 0% resistances and we all know how much damage can a single interceptor do in 1 second with Orion and RF blasters.

Multiply this a few times more and this module is duration based as well. Recharge time maybe should get increased.

Idea is good, but we need to account for every possible factor. I will add more info, or clarify certain points pretty soon, if needed.

In the meantime, please comment on what you think this module should be, but stay with the original idea, or at least, state both, if you must.

Really detailed.


I would see this causing more matches going to time.



This module would encourage Frig-balling around objectives. Engineer with this module + Guard with pulsar and destructor lasers would be unstoppable for guarding objectives.



This module would encourage Frig-balling around objectives. Engineer with this module + Guard with pulsar and destructor lasers would be unstoppable for guarding objectives.


Definitely not true, but I understand your fears.

Remember, it’s all the matter of balance. Cooldown could get increased, duration is fine as it is, like 10-12 seconds.

Constant spam by the engineers will not be as effective as one would hope it to be.

I also mentioned that this weapon “Destructor” would be ineffective for guards as well, because they can’t really use it inside of the barrier.

Please, read the whole post and offer me some additional alternatives or solutions.

I have already came with some different variations, but I will only post them, once I get enough feedback.

is nice that pilots do use their free time to evalute game. the idea is real good even if part of reply posts do only tell what is not according to their thoughts instead of making suggestions for improvements. some minor balance problem perhaps but still a good idea. we need more pilots doing such efforts