new classified module revealed - extended shield barrier matrix a.k.a. Guardian

Nice effort, well presented / explained (this is how suggestion threads should look) but I think this mechanic will just encourage more static gameplay in competitive and casual PvP. Casual PvP will turn into a frigball fest even more so than it is now (every team battle and most combat recon games is already too much)


A way for engi’s to negate some burst damage in higher tiers is a good idea but at the moment it is like having combat reboot that lasts for 12 seconds

I think, this module is perhaps too strong on an engineer. Perhaps better on a command ship? If an engineer gets too much survivability, it is just too heavy. But I still like the basic idea of this module.

Nice effort, well presented / explained (this is how suggestion threads should look) but I think this mechanic will just encourage more static gameplay in competitive and casual PvP. Casual PvP will turn into a frigball fest even more so than it is now (every team battle and most combat recon games is already too much)


A way for engi’s to negate some burst damage in higher tiers is a good idea but at the moment it is like having combat reboot that lasts for 12 seconds


I agree. Idea is good. Now, all we need to do, is to execute it correctly. After that, testing is needed to evaluate those theoretical assumptions and to put it to practice in the game.


I originally meant to use this module on a Command ship, since the Guard and Engineer already got some new modules (Spectre Field, Repair, Recharge station).

All cooldowns and durability could get adjusted as well. Maybe implants should have no effect on this module? However, all of them have effects so far, so it needs to be discussed further.

Penalties could vary. They could only be applied on your ship and/or also your allied ships inside.


About camping issues. I don’t think there would be too much of abuse, if the module specifications would be made in such a way, that you must really only use it, when you really need it, so that you don’t abuse it on the earliest possible opportunity.

Also, you forget, that the barrier isn’t impenetrable, but it’s passable by any enemy ship. This means that one interceptor or ECM can quickly disable such module.


The module in the current state isn’t exactly balanced, but that doesn’t make it overpowered.

I think, this module is perhaps too strong on an engineer. Perhaps better on a command ship? If an engineer gets too much survivability, it is just too heavy. But I still like the basic idea of this module.


I will consider every possible advice or feedback given here.

The module will come. The real question is, on what ship and how will it work in the final form.

The main problem with this is not the class, nor the durability, imo.  It is the recharge rate of the module.  It should be something that can only be activated with full energy, and uses up more energy to deploy.  Additionally, there should be bounds as to what can and cannot pass through it.  I do not like the idea of the allied team not being able to shoot, nor of the enemy not being able to shoot, either.  What would be awesome is increased healing rates (by 5% or so) and basically a huge combat reboot without the invulnerability.  So basically all debufs are negated and prevented for the shield’s duration, but it does nothing to block damage at all.  It lasts for 10-15 seconds, maybe 30 max. It recharges every 90-120 seconds.

The main problem with this is not the class, nor the durability, imo.  It is the recharge rate of the module.  It should be something that can only be activated with full energy, and uses up more energy to deploy.  Additionally, there should be bounds as to what can and cannot pass through it.  I do not like the idea of the allied team not being able to shoot, nor of the enemy not being able to shoot, either.  What would be awesome is increased healing rates (by 5% or so) and basically a huge combat reboot without the invulnerability.  So basically all debufs are negated and prevented for the shield’s duration, but it does nothing to block damage at all.  It lasts for 10-15 seconds, maybe 30 max. It recharges every 90-120 seconds.


The barrier already neutralizes the negative active effects and it prevents the new ones inside. Even from aura missiles. See General section for further details.

I did wanted to raise energy requirements for an activation to 600 points, but no module, not a single one so far, have such high requirements, so I selected the highest energy requirement, which is 400 pts.

It can easily get raised.


I already thought of many possible options.


Option 1:


Engineer would be completely defenseless (no weapons online) or/and that the it would also get penalties, such as shutdown of any healing/regen auras for the duration of this module, or decreased resistance for either the whole team or just the bearer of this module.


Option 2:


Another option is that all allied’s shields are temporarily completely disabled, when the barrier is active, so that only hull and hull resistances alone matters, which would make a Guard and some other frigates to lose thier best advantage for such temporary trade-off. However, to remedy such situation, allied fire can pass through the barrier. Enemy shields would stay intact, if the barrier is breached.

Loyalty vouchers should get changed to Raid faction then.


Option 3:


Engineer/Guard/Command can move. while this shield is active, they absorb enemy’s fire only. It’s meant to be used as a means to protect your own ship for a short duration, but enough, to either regroup together or move to a different, more strategic area.


There is more options as well.


Tomorrow, I will have a staff meeting with ESB Super-Testers, where we will discuss already existing issues and possible alternatives and remedies for certain issues, which arised.

Right, I did read the full post before commenting.  But I still think that this would either make engie OP or cripple it.  Ally shields should not go down; there is no real reason for this.  They should give energy instead.  The engineer should maintain its defensive stature, especially since my alteration would simply make the engie an anti-buff platform.

Right, I did read the full post before commenting.  But I still think that this would either make engie OP or cripple it.  Ally shields should not go down; there is no real reason for this.  They should give energy instead.  The engineer should maintain its defensive stature, especially since my alteration would simply make the engie an anti-buff platform.


I also thought of that. It would work very similar, like Spectre Field, but instead of draining shields, you would drain energy from your ships inside. That means that the module would have to be made in such a way that it can only get sustained, if there is enough constant energy. Not a bad idea, but there is still something missing. We need to define some more details.

I also thought of that. It would work very similar, like Spectre Field, but instead of draining shields, you would drain energy from your ships inside. That means that the module would have to be made in such a way that it can only get sustained, if there is enough constant energy. Not bad idea, but there is still something missing.


It requires a tremendous amount of energy to run, but a small one can run within 500 m using the engie’s own power.  To get to the distance you are discussing, it must draw from a larger amount of ships to sustain it.  Perhaps it would be an EM field that scatters enemy sensors within the bubble, and prevents ship buffs and debuffs (i.e. the active modules are greyed out).  They can use modules that repair hull/shield, any special modules are allowable, but sensor scramblers are greyed, as well as the others you can imagine.  As an additional feature, healing rates are increased in the sphere, but only so long as the engineer is not out of energy.  The engineer can turn this shield off if he needs to by reactivating the module, but this causes it to begin cooldown and is unusable for that duration.  Because of the energy drain, perhaps the energy emitter can simply funnel into the shield’s creation, instead of to the rest of the team while the shield is active.  Just throwing ideas out at this point.

It requires a tremendous amount of energy to run, but a small one can run within 500 m using the engie’s own power.  To get to the distance you are discussing, it must draw from a larger amount of ships to sustain it.  Perhaps it would be an EM field that scatters enemy sensors within the bubble, and prevents ship buffs and debuffs (i.e. the active modules are greyed out).  They can use modules that repair hull/shield, any special modules are allowable, but sensor scramblers are greyed, as well as the others you can imagine.  As an additional feature, healing rates are increased in the sphere, but only so long as the engineer is not out of energy.  The engineer can turn this shield off if he needs to by reactivating the module, but this causes it to begin cooldown and is unusable for that duration.  Because of the energy drain, perhaps the energy emitter can simply funnel into the shield’s creation, instead of to the rest of the team while the shield is active.  Just throwing ideas out at this point.


Well, a Command ship heavily relies on energy. Diffusion shield as well. If a Command would feature such a module, (right now we are talking about engineering) it wouldn’t make much sense, but an engineering class has energy emitter and with the help of more ships getting more total energy that would increase the shield/barrier…

I was thinking, that if we got multiple ships with the same module, the same module on some other ships would get greyed out, while the other’s is active, but only the same module in use.


The main purpose is not to protect yourself, but a group. If we would want to make such a module, it would also complicate more things, since you need to account additional factors as well. To scatter enemy sensors, enemy ships would have to be inside, which is the opposite of what we want. You probably also meant, that it shouldn’t happen, if you’re not locked, but it should only happen, if enemy breaches the barrier. Overall good points, but that also raises more problems. Energy Emitter is essential, if you want to sustain this. If you want to increase it, you need more ships.


Actually, your proposal and your alternatives are more moving to a different kind of protection and maybe it would be more suitable on a Command ship. Maybe you have given me an additional idea for another module.

Right now we need to find a solution for mainly defensive module, which can be moved, or be immobile and the only thing that needs to be determined is what kind of penalty should affect you/your ships inside, specifications in general, such as duration/cooldown/shield capacity, etc. Same goes for the enemy team.

It is an interesting idea, perhaps a general pilot testing would get some valuable feedback, but perhaps not.

I like the idea, and thank you for bringing such ideas to the community for comments. unfortunately you will hear the same

types of complaints about being op as from most all new modules, but improvements as stated by you could make it effective and not over powering, it does have options that could be abused but testing would resolve those, I do not think however it should be implemented with any other ship then an engineer.


Then, since you want to keep this defensive, the barrier is essentially a morphed shield drawn from all allied ships’ energy.  What if this shield begins at 1000 m in radius, moving up by 100 m for every ally within range, up to a maximum of 2000 m.  For each 100 m increased, the energy draw increases exponentially, following something like this:


1000 m = 100% energy draw (the initial cost to engage [400 eu]) [this is the only time that the 400 eu is used, all other instances are per second].

1100 m = 115% energy draw = 63 e./s, so take 1100/900 (basically 1000+100 / 1000-50) and multiply 400 by this, then subtract 400.

1200 m = 133% energy draw = 133 e./s (1000+200 / 1000-100 * 400 - 400)

1300 m = 153% energy draw = 212 e./s

1400 m = 175% energy draw = 300 e./s

1500 m = 200% energy draw = 400 e./s

1600 m = 229% energy draw = 514 e./s

1700 m = 262% energy draw = 646 e./s

1800 m = 300% energy draw = 800 e./s

1900 m = 345% energy draw = 982 e./s

2000 m = 400% energy draw = 1200 e./s


Those numbers can change very easily, but it seems realistic to me, especially when more ships are added, the energy is shared between all of them.  1200/s is a lot, but for all ships to share it might not be that bad.  

Guard only:

If it would be on the Guard, then the phase shield special ability would then be disabled, since the shields on the guard would go offline for the duration of the effect.
The use of modules on the guard would probably still not be possible or maybe only regenerative modules for shield/hull or multipurpose modules should have no effect.
Missile of the other debuffs on the Guard would still be active.

Command only:

Well, if this module, the one I described, would be on the Command ship, everything would stay the same, only one thing would change.
All special modules/regular buff modules and multipurpose modules would get disabled, but the ship could move on it’s own.

As you can see, this module can easily get adopted by some other class, or slightly get changed only in case of penalties.
The rest would remain the same.


Then, since you want to keep this defensive, the barrier is essentially a morphed shield drawn from all allied ships’ energy. What if this shield begins at 1000 m in radius, moving up by 100 m for every ally within range, up to a maximum of 2000 m. For each 100 m increased, the energy draw increases exponentially, following something like this:

1000 m = 100% energy draw (the initial cost to engage [400 eu]) [this is the only time that the 400 eu is used, all other instances are per second].
1100 m = 115% energy draw = 63 e./s, so take 1100/900 (basically 1000+100 / 1000-50) and multiply 400 by this, then subtract 400.
1200 m = 133% energy draw = 133 e./s (1000+200 / 1000-100 * 400 - 400)
1300 m = 153% energy draw = 212 e./s
1400 m = 175% energy draw = 300 e./s
1500 m = 200% energy draw = 400 e./s
1600 m = 229% energy draw = 514 e./s
1700 m = 262% energy draw = 646 e./s
1800 m = 300% energy draw = 800 e./s
1900 m = 345% energy draw = 982 e./s
2000 m = 400% energy draw = 1200 e./s

Those numbers can change very easily, but it seems realistic to me, especially when more ships are added, the energy is shared between all of them. 1200/s is a lot, but for all ships to share it might not be that bad.

This is useful for frigballs, which have a lot of capacitors/capacity on their ships.
It wouldn’t be possible to do that with interceptors or fighters.
I need additional opinions on this one. I think that defeats the purpose of this barrier, since the module alone is meant to be an energy source.
I will consult with some other members about your idea as well, just to see, if I understand it correctly.

This post is reserved for all the people, which contributed to main idea of this module with advice/suggestions and so on, so please, don’t remove it.

A bit off-topic, but still…


Main post is already finished. This is the final form and it won’t be changed in the near future in terms of new contents. I may only fix some typo, if it confuses someone.

90% of asked people agree with the current description. 10% disagree, no matter how good or bad your arguments are. I respect all opinions and I am not looking for a grudge.

I wish to help myself and the community with all the ideas I can read, or think off on this forum, to make this game more interesting. To add something new, refreshing. It’s been a long time.

I wish to thank all of you for your support. Please, spread the word, if you haven’t already done so.


There are some minor issues, but nothing that we can’t be fixed later.

I think that most likely recharge time, duration and maybe range, will get changed. Who knows.


As for resistances, I can’t give you the exact answer. The module will go into development and later into testing, but that will happen only “major update” is out. At least, I and majority of other people hope so.

The rest of the details or possible adjustments will be tested later. Now it’s all in gekaler’s hands and most importantly, the responsibility of the developers themselves, to make this module come to life sometime soon.

It’s not my place to judge it, when. What matters is that we get, what we wanted.

Balanced, new engineer module, which will be only one of many more modules in general for all classes, because of community feedback.

However, if there are any unanswered questions/dilemmas left about this, let me know.



Thank you.

This is useful for frigballs, which have a lot of capacitors/capacity on their ships.

It wouldn’t be possible to do that with interceptors or fighters.

I need additional opinions on this one. I think that defeats the purpose of this barrier, since the module alone is meant to be an energy source.

I will consult with some other members about your idea as well, just to see, if I understand it correctly.

I think you misunderstand.

1000 m = 0 e./s (but 400 startup)

1100 m = 63 e./s / 2 ships = 32 e./s/ship

1200 m = 133 e./s / 3 ships = 44 e./s/ship

1300 m = 212 e./s / 4 ships = 53 e./s/ship

1400 m = 300 e./s / 5 ships = 60 e./s/ship

1500 m = 400 e./s / 6 ships = 67 e./s/ship

1600 m = 514 e./s / 7 ships = 73 e./s/ship

1700 m = 646 e./s / 8 ships = 81 e./s/ship

1800 m = 800 e./s / 9 ships = 89 e./s/ship

1900 m = 982 e./s / 10 ships = 98 e./s/ship

2000 m = 1200 e./s / 11 ships = 109 e./s/ship

So if those #'s are too high, just reduce the original equations to get what you want.

thanks for your input - forwarded to the Devs

thanks for your input - forwarded to the Devs

When you forward something to them, do they discuss it on a forum? Or is it contained to their workplaces? If it is a forum, I would very much like links :slight_smile:

I may even do a short video clip, but it will be taken from another game called Nexus - The Jupiter Incident.

Shield should not establish instantly. It needs a small duration time, before creating a full circle. However, this is optional.

they discuss it on their desk -  no public notes