Nerf the Styx

It’s survivability is too damn high for an Engineer.


That is all.

It’s survivability is too damn high for an Engineer.


That is all.


The styx is fine.  What it has in tank, it gives up in speed and manoeuvrability.  If you are having problems killing one, just take a gunship.




What mill said. The Styx, for all its tank, cannot survive focus fire when out of position. And given that the Styx is so slow, it’s pretty easy to get out of position in one.

The styx doesn’t need a nerf. Sure, you can make it very tanky (mine has 64k survivability), but this is at the cost of a lot of maneuverability, acceleration, and speed.

The Styx does a great job as a healer so long as it doesn’t over-extend and has teammates who will protect it, but the second it over-extends, or if teammates won’t protect it, it will die pretty quickly under focus-fire.

Pretty much all of the responses here are accurate. The Styx is very slow and not very maneuverable either.


To add to that, Engineer is a crucial role for the team, and playing one is already difficult enough as it is with everyone focusing you down (and most of the time, nobody covering you).

If you make something LESS enjoyable to play, fewer people will play it. There are already enough matches out there where teams get screwed by a sucky or a complete lack of an Engineer. Don’t make the problem worse.


If you’re having a problem killing an Engie, take a DPS outlet like a CovOps or a Gunship. Or team up on it. Engineers go down real easy when you focus them.

Do you play engineer at all SoldiersFortune?  And if yes, I’d be interested to know how often.

Nerf the nerfs!

Nerf Self Destruct, it’s too strong!

In my opinion the Valor is already more useful in most ways and if you nerf the sytx which is not a premium ship you would get the whole P2W thing.


It’s like most ships in the game. Well fitted and well piloted it is dangerous. If not it dies like the rest.

Do you play engineer at all SoldiersFortune?  And if yes, I’d be interested to know how often.


Alligator Mk 2 is my current Engineer for T3. I usually play it during Combat Recon, and occasionally during Team Battles. So yes, I have played, and do play an Engineer. I also have the Anaconda, but prefer the setup of the Alligator for my purposes. I even went up to the Grizzly, before deciding I wasn’t a good enough Engineer pilot for Tier 4.


Something is wrong when a Styx carries the enemy team in a 3v3 Beacon Capture match, simply because it can melt everything coming against it before the other team can pierce it’s armor. Add to that it’s infuriating ability to regen itself to full health before the you can respawn, and you have a problem.


Players used to openly admit the Styx was the most OP Engineer in the game. So what changed? Did everyone just start flying them and decide they liked the unofficial Empire Guard frigate, or what?

Alligator Mk 2 is my current Engineer for T3. I usually play it during Combat Recon, and occasionally during Team Battles. So yes, I have played, and do play an Engineer. I also have the Anaconda, but prefer the setup of the Alligator for my purposes. I even went up to the Grizzly, before deciding I wasn’t a good enough Engineer pilot for Tier 4.


Something is wrong when a Styx carries the enemy team in a 3v3 Beacon Capture match, simply because it can melt everything coming against it before the other team can pierce it’s armor. Add to that it’s infuriating ability to regen itself to full health before the you can respawn, and you have a problem.


Players used to openly admit the Styx was the most OP Engineer in the game. So what changed? Did everyone just start flying them and decide they liked the unofficial Empire Guard frigate, or what?


With the correct tank, that styx is flying at 220 m/s, at which point there is really a problem if you didn’t manage to kill it by the time it crossed the whole map from beacon B to beacon C or capture the beacon before it got there.


What changed is that the devs removed the eclipse cannon self-heal mechanism.  Now THAT was really OP.


And as Nutz says, the styx is only strong with the right fit.  Just like any other ship.  I would choose the valor any day over the styx in any gamemode that requires movement for example beacon hunt, domination, detonation or CTB (which is not in t3 anymore i know).




Nerf Self Destruct, it’s too strong!



It’s embarassing and demoralising factor is far too strong.  When I die to it, I have to stop playing for a day in shame :01414:    Pls nerf

It’s embarassing and demoralising factor is far too strong.  When I die to it, I have to stop playing for a day in shame :01414:    Pls nerf

Lol, in future i take self destruct into my cov ops and if i see you i kill you with it… xD


Something is wrong when a Styx carries the enemy team in a 3v3 Beacon Capture match, simply because it can melt everything coming against it before the other team can pierce it’s armor. Add to that it’s infuriating ability to regen itself to full health before the you can respawn, and you have a problem.


I would say that was more of a MM issue that the other stronger team was keeping the Styx alive rather than the Styx melting you. Maybe your team had a weak player that just wasn’t helping you. In a 3v3 that’s all it takes.

Styx is pretty strong, def one of best ships in T3. I think a little nerf would be ok. Though i d rather improve some other T3 ships…

The thing is, Styx is powerful but slow. it’s a sitting duck. They die regularly in game. 

Alligator Mk 2 is my current Engineer for T3.

Also you’re trying to compare two completely different ships. One is a R7 that has only a single shield slot for any sort of survivability to a R9 that has 3 hull and a shield slot for improving survivability. Alligator is literally wet tissue paper to a Styx. Even the Anaconda is squishy, but it can run an Adaptive fit, same with Valor.

Get some better fit Engineer ships, or fly the Styx yourself and learn first hand what it’s weakness are before you call for a nerf.

Alligator is literally wet tissue paper to a Styx

That is the truest to truly true statements.

fed t3 engis suck imo. except valor.