Nerf the Styx

For the record, I was not taking an Alligator 2 against a Styx.


I was taking a Blood Tormentor against a Styx, and losing. And yes, I had the shields set to EM to counter his Eclipse launcher.

For the record, I was not taking an Alligator 2 against a Styx.


I was taking a Blood Tormentor against a Styx, and losing. And yes, I had the shields set to EM to counter his Eclipse launcher.


Then your blood tormentor was fit badly.  My styx usually does 200 damage to a blood tormentor. 400 with crit.

For the record, I was not taking an Alligator 2 against a Styx.


I was taking a Blood Tormentor against a Styx, and losing. And yes, I had the shields set to EM to counter his Eclipse launcher.

lol ur blood tormentor sucks then. perhaps you were being triple teamed by a couple gunships and an engi? 

lol ur blood tormentor sucks then. perhaps you were being triple teamed by a couple gunships and an engi? 

I commonly take eclipse styx with purple eclipse launchers and credit attack drones.

I get my own focus fire (2x drones+Eclipse) on any target I may so choose.

I’ve even killed off an enemy styx in combat recon like this, where he had coils and no drones.

Yeah, BT vs Styx 1v1. You’re doing something really wrong if you lose that one. Losing to anything 1v1 as a Guard means you’re doing Guard wrong.

Dunno…i think Styx could take an average guard.

Dunno…i think Styx could take an average guard.

A well-fit Styx could. Coils on the BT make that tougher, but I’ve seen derp BTs with Beam Lasers and no build-around on that and those crumple easily to my Styx.


Gear, gear level, base stats, and player skill are a few of the many factors that go into who will walk away victorious from an engagement. That’s why more than just anecdotal or opinionated evidence is needed to truly requisite a nerf or a buff.


Looking at usage data and the results of that is one of the best ways to do so, coupled with player feedback based on the performance of certain things. (Like the Scatter Gun survey, except as soon as it got a proper damage type and was moved to Recons it became harmless)

A well-fit Styx could. Coils on the BT make that tougher, but I’ve seen derp BTs with Beam Lasers and no build-around on that and those crumple easily to my Styx.


Gear, gear level, base stats, and player skill are a few of the many factors that go into who will walk away victorious from an engagement. That’s why more than just anecdotal or opinionated evidence is needed to truly requisite a nerf or a buff.


Looking at usage data and the results of that is one of the best ways to do so, coupled with player feedback based on the performance of certain things. (Like the Scatter Gun survey, except as soon as it got a proper damage type and was moved to Recons it became harmless)

strapping Electro Guidance and horizons with supernova on the scatter (and having Mk3/4 EG and Horizon Mk.2+) makes it quite viable for my berserker.

But outside of this and the homing effect (fun fun fun!) it’s just a giant EM Scatter Gun with worse spread.

Dunno…i think Styx could take an average guard.

Nope. Guards have phase shield (which gives both damage and resists), and burst heals that styx just can’t match

The Alligator is mainly a backup healer with some posi action, and the Anaconda is usually a speed nanny with healing beacons, and only viable as main healer in pairs, or supporting another healer.


They do not exactly suck, but the Valor does the job simply better (R9 + engi effect bonus), otherwise the difference to the anaconda is rather minimal; played well as a secondary healer, both free feds do their job well; well the alligator is kinda obsolete quick however as the whole lineup of R7’s is mainly something you have to “get over”. Fully purple, the Alligator with its small size and nice positron abilities can be quite fun. The Phoenix also fits nicely into the tier imho, as the king of eclipse permafire.


But the Styx itself is fine. It’s the main reason, T3 battles usually have some kind of order, and more clear frontlines. It is also a truly nice ship for intermediate players who want a good free ship as healer in T3.


Grizzlies, like the Valor, are good speed healers, and do their job nicely; while the Minotaur itself is even a completely different monster in tank, but slow a slug. It just doesn’t get the same attention, because T4 is less crowded, and in T5 base speed is way more important;


No nerf needed imho. Instead, they should not be excluded from 4squads, because its keeping larger squads out of the game.

Anaconda allows nice crit builds

Dunno…i think Styx could take an average guard.

A well-fit Styx could. Coils on the BT make that tougher, but I’ve seen derp BTs with Beam Lasers and no build-around on that and those crumple easily to my Styx.


Gear, gear level, base stats, and player skill are a few of the many factors that go into who will walk away victorious from an engagement. That’s why more than just anecdotal or opinionated evidence is needed to truly requisite a nerf or a buff.


Looking at usage data and the results of that is one of the best ways to do so, coupled with player feedback based on the performance of certain things. (Like the Scatter Gun survey, except as soon as it got a proper damage type and was moved to Recons it became harmless)

No chance even the best styx could beat my guard. 

Instead, they should not be excluded from 4squads, because its keeping larger squads out of the game.


No R9 standard ships should be excluded from 4squads. It’s highly unfair to the players who actually want to use teamwork (the most important aspect of this game that the devs seem to do everything possible to nerf/make impossible). But that’s a topic for a different thread.


In all seriousness, if your guard is losing 1v1 to a Styx, it is a very poor build. Even some mediocre guard builds could beat a Styx 1v1. Styx’s lack the high damage output of guards and lrfs. Sure, some styx’s can be very tanky, but their damage can’t match the tank/burst regen of a guard, especially with Eclipse Launchers.


The best way to take down a styx is with focus fire and teamwork. Grab a couple teammates (or tell them in chat) to focus the Styx. A gunship, engie, and covops combo always works nicely against a styx, or even bring a guard instead of the covops. The engie would just be there to make sure the gunship and covops/guard stay alive long enough to kill the Styx and get out.


Through my experience in the game, a good pilot in a well-built Styx becomes the backbone of a team. Without that player, the team will fall apart, so it is natural that most experienced pilots know that protecting their engie is crucial for victory.