Nerf the biomorphs

I want some cloaked LRF aliens to camp gates with an Alien Disintegrator.

I want some cloaked LRF aliens to camp gates with an Alien Disintegrator.


Oooh, purple disintegrator with 100% accuracy and constant tachyon. I want it!

Oooh, purple disintegrator with 100% accuracy and constant tachyon. I want it!

Comes with EM disruption generator that disables EM cloaking fields in a 15k radius and launches two attack drones equipped with MWD and ECM modules. Would clean up this mess quickly! :lol:

Infinite Pulsar is worse than drones anyway. I think it even stacks if multiple Hunters are around too.


The ‘Alien Defense Module’ does indeed stack (I got killed by three Hunters sitting on me, each of them having their own not-pulsar active). It’s not infinite; it also has a duration, albeit a wee bit too long for the unholy damage it deals.

The ‘Alien Defense Module’ does indeed stack (I got killed by three Hunters sitting on me, each of them having their own not-pulsar active). It’s not infinite; it also has a duration, albeit a wee bit too long for the unholy damage it deals.



Pfft, in NASA, Hunter protects YOU! RIP Hunter, got shot down by pirates :lol:

On Topic: The aliens are tough to kill but if we nerfed it, then it’s too easy for T5 lrf to farm those artifact I think. Well at least fix the ADM module that stacks for now?

The ‘Alien Defense Module’ does indeed stack (I got killed by three Hunters sitting on me, each of them having their own not-pulsar active). It’s not infinite; it also has a duration, albeit a wee bit too long for the unholy damage it deals.

Alien pulsar does indeed stack unlike player pulsar. It has the same duration as the player version but has no cooldown.

I always kill LRF in the unknown sector with my recon that way - as soon as you get in range non-cloaked they start their pulsar, and since they cluster around the cloaked LRF it gets to enjoy the full hurt. Rinse repeat until the LRF runs out of lifes, wait a moment for hunters to move on, then loot and move on yourself. :wink:

excuse me while I hide inside this Hunter.avi




Thanks for the bloody laugh.



It has the same duration as the player version but has no cooldown.

no cooldown.

no cooldown.


Welp. I think something has to be done about that too, aside from the unholy effect stacking.

On Topic: The aliens are tough to kill but if we nerfed it, then it’s too easy for T5 lrf to farm those artifact I think.

Can hardly get any easier.

Maybe a nerf(or fix depending on how you see it) to EM Scattering Field in addition to making their pulsar function like the players(CD, no stacking) would work. Any biomorph nerf by itself will probably just make it easier for LRF while still leaving all the other classes in the same spot. Any LRF nerf still leaves aliens just as annoying.

Maybe a nerf(or fix depending on how you see it) to EM Scattering Field in addition to making their pulsar function like the players(CD, no stacking) would work. Any biomorph nerf by itself will probably just make it easier for LRF while still leaving all the other classes in the same spot. Any LRF nerf still leaves aliens just as annoying.


Agreed, it’s not like EM SF doesn’t work with AI, like in pve AI still shoots you if you enable EM SF, so there’s something wrong that AI won’t shoot you when EM SF is enabled, maybe it’s code related?

maybe it’s code related?

I would hope so. It doesn’t make sense thematically for the pirates/aliens to not function the same. If anything it makes less sense for an ancient hyper advanced race to lose to EM SF.

Get a squad of tacklers together. One gets killed, the other cloaks and restores first ship. Repeat. Drones help too.

EM field and camo no longer do anything in open world, so you will just be flying a potato if you go LRF.

Get a squad of tacklers together. One gets killed, the other cloaks and restores first ship. Repeat. Drones help too.

EM field and camo no longer do anything in open world, so you will just be flying a potato if you go LRF.

No Dominixes here…

what is a dominix?

what is a dominix?

a flying potato


a flying potato


This is the current dominix model. As you can see, is not very different from the one Snib posted XD



This is the current dominix model. As you can see, is not very different from the one Snib posted XD



Hey, that one is old, that’s a render made by a player back when I still played. Think that one was from 2008. Reminds me of this one, do you know/remember this series?


I totally agree, biomorphs are way to strong. maybe if you have a rank 15 ship they are ok, but for people in lower teirs, biomorphs rape you in 10 hits. i cant even escape them with my recon, unless if I happen to have the warp ready. in my other ships, they obliterate me. really, nerf em, cybers are hard enough!

That is nice necro



invasion had like 10 massive changes since then