Nerf the biomorphs

Just like the title says

It’s hard to go to other faction spaces when biomorphs pop out of nowhere and kill you in 20 shots

Get better ship!


Biomorphs/Aliens are just ok! and shouldn’t be nerfed!

Yes, they should nerf Tillowatys in Open World, they are annoying! :lol:

Biomorphs are ok, if you want safe travel pick a recon. Cloak -> hide behind asteroid -> jump to next gate.

700m/s tackler works as well, longer cloaking time and fast travel speed, or camo covert ops.

if biomorphs are nerfed then the em scattering field should have no effect

Get better ship!


Biomorphs/Aliens are just ok! and shouldn’t be nerfed!

says mr mauler?  :lol:

says mr mauler?  :lol:

I have like 5cm of dust on my Mauler!  :yes_yes:

There are better ships!

Bio Morphs should be tweaked in a sense. A bit too strong for my tastes. It should be easy enough to take them on with any ship or other wise open world would be “Take only this this or this” 

Where is the challange when you can kill everything on your own:)

Where is the challange when you can kill everything on your own:)

There is a difference between challenging and broken. This mode needs more variation in difficulty. As it is, it is far too hard - that’s why everyone’s abusing the EM Scattering Field so they’re invulnerable.

Aliens popping out of nowhere (or hell, high level pirate mobs jumping you from two directions)? Slap on some sensor range and fly to avoid danger.

Aliens popping out of nowhere (or hell, high level pirate mobs jumping you from two directions)? Slap on some sensor range and fly to avoid danger.

So your solution is “fly Recon or GTFO”? What If I’m flying an Empire Engineer, or an Empire ship in general? They can’t outrun pirate ships, let alone bios. I tried bringing a pure Purple Phoenix to R7 areas and it was impossible to stay alive once the bios appeared.

So your solution is “fly Recon or GTFO”? What If I’m flying an Empire Engineer, or an Empire ship in general? They can’t outrun pirate ships, let alone bios. I tried bringing a pure Purple Phoenix to R7 areas and it was impossible to stay alive once the bios appeared.


I often fly into the Attacked Sectors alone. In turn, I tend to pick my battles and make sure I don’t bump into just anyone. I use Federation R2 implant, and I put at least one Enhanced Scanner on whatever ship I’m flying when I get out there.


If you can see mobs making a pass at a range of 5+km (pirate LRFs aggro at 4~km), chances are you can avoid them.

I often fly into the Attacked Sectors alone. In turn, I tend to pick my battles and make sure I don’t bump into just anyone. I use Federation R2 implant, and I put at least one Enhanced Scanner on whatever ship I’m flying when I get out there.


If you can see mobs making a pass at a range of 5+km (pirate LRFs aggro at 4~km), chances are you can avoid them.

I’ve had hostiles spawn within weapons range of me before now. I’ve had Bios spawn around 6-7km away and fly straight toward me faster than I can flee. And what happens when your mission requires you to come into contact? I was flying in a sector the other day where the pirate count jumped from 3-4 ships to over a dozen in the space of a few seconds, and then the Bios joined in. Running ceased to be an option because there was nowhere to run to.

Aliens make it so players either have to fly a recon(to avoid them) or cheese it with EM Scattering Field. It’s fine to be challenging, but they practically force you to fly only 2 specific roles. I can’t imagine how a group would look in Unknown Space unless they all rolled LFR.

I’ve had hostiles spawn within weapons range of me before now. I’ve had Bios spawn around 6-7km away and fly straight toward me faster than I can flee.


Ouch. Had a few situations like that (the Pirate Transport spawn in Ontregos Drift lies near an Alien entry point, and I made the mistake of sitting in the area in between). If they aggro’d at that distance, something has to be done.



And what happens when your mission requires you to come into contact? I was flying in a sector the other day where the pirate count jumped from 3-4 ships to over a dozen in the space of a few seconds, and then the Bios joined in. Running ceased to be an option because there was nowhere to run to.


I’d say the solution to that is plotting your course once you enter a sector (observing pirate patrol rotations, picking isolated squads etc). Even taking that measure, I do think that some of these mobs shouldn’t be roaming so close to each other; getting the attention of two or more enemy mobs at once happens often enough in R10 sectors that escape no longer becomes an option, as you say.


Now that I think about it, you can only take so much preventive measures against alien ships.

What If I’m flying an Empire Engineer, or an Empire ship in general?


Then you are part of the problem. But that’s offtopic here. You have to choose the ship to the situation.

Then you are part of the problem. But that’s offtopic here. You have to choose the ship to the situation.

So I’m not allowed to fly Empire because… reasons? You’ve got to do a LOT better than that mate.

Empire have LRFs so what’s your problem?


IonBringers are good too or BubbleBringers!