Nerf the biomorphs

Empire have LRFs so what’s your problem?


IonBringers are good too or BubbleBringers!

What if I don’t want to be LRF? What if I think that ALL classes should be usable? What if I don’t want to be forced to bring an ESB-built T5 ship?


Seriously, the utter lack of awareness of this community is painful at this point.

Then you have a problem if you don’t want to use ships that can solo sector…


anyway it’s team-based game(so I was told)… 

R10 sectors should be hard and possible to deal with only in squads.

LRFs are OP atm in Invasion… only in pirate/alien farm for others purposes they suck and there are better ships to gathering loot from ore or to pvp

And what about everywhere else? Even R7 sectors can become overwhelming and force people to bring LRF.


Also, I find it ridiculous you’re arguing that this mode is a “team game” when the mode makes it near impossible to form teams on the fly.

Also, I find it ridiculous you’re arguing that this mode is a “team game” when the mode makes it near impossible to form teams on the fly.

It’s pretty easy to form teams on the fly, plus you’re in a corp so how about you squad with them?

And even though you don’t want to hear it, every ship type is viable in open space, I see them get used successfully all the time. If R7 is too hard for you, go to easier sectors, problem solved.

Where is the challange when you can kill everything on your own:)


You still can… using LRF and em scatter :good:

Also, I find it ridiculous you’re arguing that this mode is a “team game” when the mode makes it near impossible to form teams on the fly.

Aren’t you in a Corp? I’m fairly sure it wouldn’t be hard to ask in global chat for a group for Invasion beforehand. Plenty of people do it for PvP and PvE when they don’t have a corp to belong to. If you see someone in open space you can just PM them and invite them through the chat commands. How is it “near impossible”?

Aren’t you in a Corp? I’m fairly sure it wouldn’t be hard to ask in global chat for a group for Invasion beforehand. Plenty of people do it for PvP and PvE when they don’t have a corp to belong to. If you see someone in open space you can just PM them and invite them through the chat commands. How is it “near impossible”?

You know… Jasan want to have ship that fly with 700m/s w/o AB can take down 4x biomorph + Hunter solo and that ship should have at least 8cargo spaces.

You know… Jasan want to have ship that fly with 700m/s w/o AB can take down 4x biomorph + Hunter solo and that ship should have at least 8cargo spaces.

Once ship crafting gets released that’s what I’ll build! :yes_yes:

(until then I’ll just let LRFs kill the hunters, get them killed and steal their loot with my 700m/s w/o AB recon)

Once ship crafting gets released that’s what I’ll build! :yes_yes:

(until then I’ll just let LRFs kill the hunters, get them killed and steal their loot with my 700m/s w/o AB recon)

We should work together! 

I have to kill shitload of pirates/police/aliens and I’m too lazy to pick up stuff…

And Tillo wants a ship where module range is determined by Ego so he can use plasma arc on targetd 60 parsecs away.

Forming groups doesn’t work properly on Invasion. Groups can (and will) get split up while jumping. Moreover, the mode is built around mechanics that are not consistent with the rest of the game.

Pvp / PvE / sq: automatically teamed up, squads not required.

Invasion: no teams. Everyone is a potential enemy unless you squad with them. No option for ad-hoc, on the spot teaming.

Unless the devs plan to change that, the mode should be designed to reflect the forced-solo playstyle.

Invasion: no teams. Everyone is a potential enemy unless you squad with them. No option for ad-hoc, on the spot teaming.

Unless the devs plan to change that, the mode should be designed to reflect the forced-solo playstyle.

That is a definition of SandBox PvP game. And again you can team up with whoever you like (granted they have to accept your desire) on the spot, for now it is only via console command (which simply indicates that simple interface is just not implemented yet)


I still don’t see how is it forced solo play, and something like putting a squad on a same servers is hardly something that will not be implemented, it is just common sense.

And Tillo wants a ship where module range is determined by Ego so he can use plasma arc on targetd 60 parsecs away.

You really underestimate MY EGO… It would be at least 300 parsecs away!


*Probably OVER 9000 parsecs away*

And again you can team up with whoever you like (granted they have to accept your desire) on the spot, for now it is only via console command (which simply indicates that simple interface is just not implemented yet)

Part of the interface is there, you can right click their name in chat. Since it’s polite to ask someone first instead of blind inviting them anyway that’s not even an inconvenience.

Unless the devs plan to change that, the mode should be designed to reflect the forced-solo playstyle.

That’s not how open world ‘MMOs’ work. Just because you can go in solo doesn’t mean you should nor does it mean the game should cater to that playstyle specifically. If you could solo everything it would defeat the point of squads or make them able to easily clear an entire zone. If you want to be forced into groups go do traditional PvP or SC. If you want to do solo Invasion then you have to stay in the easy areas. If you’re complaining about the “on the fly” system of adding people into your squad needs work I agree, but it does work. Inside the station there are plenty of ways to invite people into your group be it global chat or inviting from your corporation.


I do think Biomorphs need a slight nerf or that EM Scattering Field needs to work on Aliens/Pirates like it does on bots, but more than 1 shouldn’t be soloable. They’ll likely need balancing once more people get into Unknown Space without a LFR though. Getting split up by server also needs work. Neither of those mean that all enemies should be soloable.

So your solution is “fly Recon or GTFO”?


Nope. Fly a Tackler and use cloak. :slight_smile:

Where is the challange when you can kill everything on your own:)


I hope this is not serious. Challenge is great, but if one ship can do it in an indefinite immortal mode, gaining money and loot by metric tons - while others have to cloak and run, it’s not really a good design, now is it?


This is not a challenge, this is an exploit of poorly designed feature.



Seriously, the utter lack of awareness of this community is painful at this point.

Agree, elitism kills that game as much as lack of media representation does.

I actually agree, that biomorphs are not really a challenge, they are just annoyingly aiming perfect.


make them more tanky, give them some nice specials other npcs don’t use (cloak? scattering field? some alien gadgetry?), but this way, npcs in the world are actually either farmed by LRFs or avoided.


Especially if the ping is bad, or the occasional lags (which even happen on good ping).

Or a better idea might be not to try and make individual Biomorphs auto-win uber-powered, but instead balance them by numbers and role synergy.


Or to put it another way; a T3 Tackler is not very dangerous for a T4+ ship (or even a properly built T3 ship of most classes). Two T3 Tacklers are more dangerous, but 1x Tackler and 1x ECM are more dangerous than two Tacklers.


So, built the ships with this in mind. In low-level Sectors have Bios that just focus on dealing damage and have T4 equivalent stats. In tougher sectors give them T5 stats, but also throw in more roles; give them Commands, Engineers, Tacklers, etc. and make it so what makes them tough isn’t their stupidly high health or their 100% accurate bubble guns, but the fact they use classes and use them properly.


People want to talk about challenge? Imagine if in the Frontier the Bios were flying max-Synergy T5 equivalent ships, built to ESB standards (not the idiotic defaults the Devs think work) and equipped with Mk V modules across the board. That would be a nightmare for anyone but an organised squad, especially when they deploy in Wing strength!

Or a better idea might be not to try and make individual Biomorphs auto-win uber-powered, but instead balance them by numbers and role synergy.

So, built the ships with this in mind. In low-level Sectors have Bios that just focus on dealing damage and have T4 equivalent stats. In tougher sectors give them T5 stats, but also throw in more roles; give them Commands, Engineers, Tacklers, etc. and make it so what makes them tough isn’t their stupidly high health or their 100% accurate bubble guns, but the fact they use classes and use them properly.


I like this idea, but the thought of Hunters with combat drones is gonna give me nightmares.

Infinite Pulsar is worse than drones anyway. I think it even stacks if multiple Hunters are around too. At least from the way it looks in Unknown Space.