Nerf Skrah launcher

skah rah does little dmg to frigates…except killing nearby deployables (repair/charging stations). The proyectile speed is not that great when fighting ceptors unless you have a rock nearby to make shots bounce. If you want easy aim (excluding bounce), plasma gun is much better. For extra dmg other weapons do better than ska rah…consider than total dps+bounce dmg (1/2) is not much more than total dps from pulse lasers, without bounce it deals less (although you may deal more dmg with ska rah cause pulse lasers have no aim assist). Heavy blaster deals way more dmg, close to double than ska rah, main difference is that HB has much more spread (and extra overheat and more range and more proy speed and no bounce and…).

As kost sayed, most dmg comes from crits, meaning that an ECM will get a nice buff from extra overheat, but will loose a lot of crit dmg from low CPU slots amount and no crit buffs unlike recon and cov op.

I use ska rah because the bounce mechanic is fun, as well as having high RoF (micromanagment to keep it winded up). For close quarters i do way better with pulse lasers (more dmg and more hits since proyectile weapons are terrible with high ping).

9 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

The cooling time/overheat is decent.

The range is good.

The damage is good.

The spread is low.

You deal even damage close to obstacles.

Actualy the damage is not high in comparison with other similar weapons. And this compensates by damaging the target close to obstacles. If you’re master of aiming, this weapon is really good, but vast majority of the players are not. We have no plans to nerf it at the moment.

2 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Actualy the damage is not high in comparison with other similar weapons. And this compensates by damaging the target close to obstacles. If you’re master of aiming, this weapon is really good, but vast majority of the players are not. We have no plans to nerf it at the moment.

IMO the only thing that should be changed is the DMG you do to the 2nd target, ATM 33% of your total DMG is dealt to the 2nd target and only 66% to your main target, changing it to 75/25 or 80/20 would be better since it wouldn’t make shooting obstacles a valid tactic to kill Intys. (Or reducing the range…)

3 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Actualy the damage is not high in comparison with other similar weapons. And this compensates by damaging the target close to obstacles. If you’re master of aiming, this weapon is really good, but vast majority of the players are not. We have no plans to nerf it at the moment.

You didn’t answer my question about how what percentage of interceptors are using it? Is it very popular, as my feelings tell me?

I can confirm this weapon is more effective than any other interceptor weapon.  I love it.  I hope it doesn’t get nerfed, but it definitely is more effective than anything else.  The Spread is amazing, the range and accuracy is amazing, killing other interceptors is incredibly easy, (especially after the adaptive nerf to hull), the projectile speed is good that peircing missiles can still be accurate with a bit of practice,  the ability to hit targets while cloaked just by hitting an object next to them. . . totally unfair ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”). 

but again:  I love the weapon so I can t complain.  By far my favorite weapon ever released. (Do i feel its op ? . . . . doesn’t matter no nerf coming ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) )

1 minute ago, AdamWest said:

I can confirm this weapon is more effective than any other interceptor weapon.  I love it.  I hope it doesn’t get nerfed, but it definitely is more effective than anything else.  The Spread is amazing, the range and accuracy is amazing, killing other interceptors is incredibly easy, (especially after the adaptive nerf to hull), the projectile speed is good that peircing missiles can still be accurate with a bit of practice,  the ability to hit targets while cloaked just by hitting an object next to them. . . totally unfair ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”). 

but again:  I love the weapon so I can t complain.  By far my favorite weapon ever released. (Do i feel its op ? . . . . doesn’t matter no nerf coming ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) )


I love it just because of the range really. Best range of any inty weapon I think. Might be beaten by plasma but idk. Anyways it’s a really cool weapon with fun properties that really adds to the game. And the fact that it’s behind a grind wall means that once the alien events are over it should become a lot less common. No harm done. Keep it as is.

1 hour ago, AdamWest said:

I can confirm this weapon is more effective than any other interceptor weapon.  I love it.  I hope it doesn’t get nerfed, but it definitely is more effective than anything else.  The Spread is amazing, the range and accuracy is amazing, killing other interceptors is incredibly easy, (especially after the adaptive nerf to hull), the projectile speed is good that peircing missiles can still be accurate with a bit of practice,  the ability to hit targets while cloaked just by hitting an object next to them. . . totally unfair ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”). 

but again:  I love the weapon so I can t complain.  By far my favorite weapon ever released. (Do i feel its op ? . . . . doesn’t matter no nerf coming ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) )

Thank you Adam, glad I’m not the only one round here that thinks that

Lol, you can never expect a player who is currently real mvp with the gun to want it to be nerfed… Not even I would like to get supercharger nerfed ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) I totally get kostya. But tbh it is quite op. No one really uses the other stuff like its not even in the game. Makes me sad 

1 hour ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

Lol, you can never expect a player who is currently real mvp with the gun to want it to be nerfed… Not even I would like to get supercharger nerfed ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) I totally get kostya. But tbh it is quite op. No one really uses the other stuff like its not even in the game. Makes me sad 


AdamWest, WIRYS and Skipidar had Skrah, I had regular PlasmaGun on my peregrine and Soul had Singularity (And we were not in the squad). I have Skrah on my caltrop, that rebuild from scratch specifically for Skrah, but without Extended Overheat time bonus (native to all ECMs) and bonus to kinetic, it requires quite a few passives slots investment to become a threat, just as RFB or Pulse Lasers.

23 hours ago, xKostyan said:

what is decent, what is good, what is low? Everything is relative, you wanna prove a point be so kind and provide some ground.

7s of firetime is good.

Extrem high range with 3km. Other have <2km

Low spread: For such a high range and damage compared to other.

Higher damage as any other weapon.


1 hour ago, Lord_Xenon said:

7s of firetime is good.

Higher damage as any other weapon.


it requires time to spin up (less than 7s at full dps). At full RoF it deals 910 dps, at min it deals 151,6 dps (armory stats)…

Keep in mind that Skrah takes

  • about 1.5 sec to go from min dmg to max dmg output

  • every time you stop shooting it loses dmg 

  • it has longest cool down cycle of all guns and it drops dmg to minimal as well

…and most of the times you are hitting 1 target only.

Okay we do the math:

How many do damage 2km+ far?

Skrah 792 x

Shrapnel 0

Blaster 0

Laser 0



Skrah 1° x

Shrapnel 4° So losing DPM/S

Blaster 3.9° So losing DPM/S

Laser 0.9° So on par with Skrah x


Skrah 792/182

Shrapnel 1005x/754x

Blaster 915/220

Laser 966/242


Skrah 8/2.5

Shrapnel 7/2

Blaster 30x/2x

Laser 3/1

Critically hardly any difference., but blaster would win due higher base critdmg.

So if we use all of these:

Skrah win in range.

Skrah win in mid range - shrapnel and blaster suck due dispersion. Laser throw themself often in CD.

Skrah can hit behind/near obstacles. Neither of the other do.

DPM win blaster due fire time.

So only a comparison between blaster and skrah. Skrah is better for long range and blaser for close range. Both other weapon suck in DPM.

12 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:


So you are comparing CQC weapons in MQC XD Since we are comparing the weapons at medium range, wheres PG/kinetic supercharger/phase suppressor/scatter cannon? Considering not all targets are frigates standing still, PG is much better since it has more proyectile speed and less spread. With ska rah you can: boost crit chance/base dmg but having mediocre proy speed and spread, use speed ammo to have good proy speed but have low dmg and bad spread, or reduce spread but have mediocre proy speed and dmg. Now considering implants and mods, ska rah can be specialized in certain aspects, but will lack performance in others (as previously stated)…the fact of seing yellow numbers constantly doesnt mean you are hitting all shots; they fire so fast that a bunch of shots are displayed in a single number. If you go for close range you wont mind about proy speed and spread, but other weapons will beat it with higher dps and crit dmg.The only thing this weapon excels compared to the other guns is its range, all other stats can be surpassed by the other weapons (excluding the bounce feature, which is not life changing with the exception of engineers (and heavy repair drones)).

On 9/3/2016 at 4:13 PM, Papitas said:

(excluding the bounce feature, which is not life changing with the exception of engineers (and heavy repair drones)).

the paaaaaain

Bump. Still too strong.

You all are kidding right. Its the first decent thing the broker missions have released in a while and you all want to nerf it.


The only thing wrong witht he SkiRah Cannon is when you are being shot with it, you don’t here it. If i heard it i would know to look for the easy intie to kill. thats my only complaint as the guy being shot by it. As far as being a user of it, I think its not strong enough.


WTF. I am so sick of everything getting nerfed. Instead of nerfing this why not make other things stronger?

guys the problem is that skar launcher and thilit are the equivalent of an ion emitter with aimbot, the difference is the first 2 are legal the third is not, the players skills go extremely down with this

in recent times the game boring me thanks to thilit, skar, and adaptive nerf ,i’m disappointed this game is turning in fractured space ;(

this game is special for the speed but with recents wrong nerf and new alien weapon this game he has revised the return of frigballs with ecm(skar) and spark(thilit)  

sincerly i hope in a nerf on this weapon or a buff on inti

Ski rah does not aim for you. Its pretty useless on tanked out frigs and desies unless you got a ecm or coverts help. Thi lith does aim for you, but its useless for anything other than taking out inties.

The weapons alone are powerless, they need help from complimenting classes to be effective. Most battles you don’t have much help. The reason these items seem op is because of teamwork, Not because the items are OP.

You guys need to stop complaining, and learn to counter. The one thing this game does whether you ask for it or not is nerf everything. I have all this stuff. I don use it, because I don’t think its all that great.