Nerf Long-Range

Hello everyone,

Escuse me first for my bad english.

Today, I want to propose a nerf for long-ranges, because i’ve seen load of this type of ships survive after an attack of two interceptors…

I think, because they have a good capacity, devs need to nerf their hull and their shield. It isn’t normal that these ships have a very good resistance with good weapons…


But it’s just a suggestion…

Inties pilots were bad.

One is more than enough to take an LRF down. If they have large resist / hull, they lack of mobility / the cooldown on mines is very high. They already have trade-offs, depends on the fit.

I won’t deny that in right hands they are powerfull, but so are the other ships.

Long Range Frigates generally have the least hitpoints out of all the frigates. What newer interceptor pilots tend to do is fly straight towards the LRF - LRF gets +50% damage so why would you fly straight towards it?! They also tend to fly around getting damaged by the mines instead of avoiding them.


I practiced fighting LRFs when I had my recons  in T2. I microwarped all the time to kill the LRFs and learnt how to avoid mines/fly behind them because they turn slow. You can also use unguided missiles or proxy mines to deal some damage - proxy mines may not be the best choice if the LRF has mines .

You want what? Nurf good pilots?

Yesterday I tried using my hawk-m to assassin the captain Engineer Styx which is about twice as study as an LRF, so I go in with 5 frigates around me shooting, I take no time and used Arc+Orion’ed the captain. The captain later rage on global chat saying how an interceptor can do 20k dmg within 2 second and accused me using hacks. If anything need to be nerfed it won’t be LRF, using the right weapon they’re like paper on the battlefield you can spawn camp an LRF over and over again.

I think NuclearHail recorded this, I say LRF is a bit under powered in lower-tier.

Milf, your little excurses with yo squad comes with all the bragging rights, but not really viable as a case study. we all know, you are a master of alpha strikes;


anyway, healerwise, the styx standing around is over. position is again important with engis. and styx as captain ship was a bad choice anyway, since like, forever.

finally, LRF is nowhere underpowered in T3, and T3 is not a lower tier.

also, the styx isn’t really tankier than a sigurdr, if it has a styx next to it

Milf, your little excurses with yo squad comes with all the bragging rights, but not really viable as a case study. we all know, you are a master of alpha strikes;


anyway, healerwise, the styx standing around is over. position is again important with engis. and styx as captain ship was a bad choice anyway, since like, forever.

finally, LRF is nowhere underpowered in T3, and T3 is not a lower tier.

also, the styx isn’t really tankier than a sigurdr, if it has a styx next to it




  1. A base Engineer Styx have a survivability of 36785 and a base Empire gold ship LRF with 15% hull/shield strength increase only have 25232, 68.6% of a Styx, Cerberus is even lower at 21658, 58.9% of a Styx, let alone Engineers can heal themselves and others pretty good and drones will attack anyone that’s near. Try sneak up on an engineer and they will notice right away since drones will attack you immediately. I will pick an Engineer teammate over LRF any days any game modes, the more LRF you have in a team, the more likely you will lose the match.


  1. I have seen many people missed sniping me even when I’m in guard. Most randoms will just sit at their spawn snipe or torpedo with mine fields or cruise missiles, how often do you see a random’s LRF get top place? They almost contribute nothing on the battle field but a sitting target.


There’s way too many times where I just use an ECM to shoot at the LRF’s rear exhaust and they can’t land a single hit, and it’s their death sentence if they use mine fields as System Hack module will turn that mine fields into my own. I say a buff to hull/shield/speed is needed for LRF class, they’re way too slow and fragile. Sorry about my English, it’s not my prime language.

I meant in resistance+module configuration, not in raw surv.: you have roughly 5k hull less on a sigurdr than on a styx with armored+double galva; the styx has 4k shields more, giving it a good median of standard fitted 58-62k surv vs. 38-43k surv on the sigurdr, however in hull alone, the differences become really small, given, that the role of lrf has more damage, while it has no healing aura, which on the styx now was nerfed. so in the end, the sigurdr can hull tank almost on the level of the styx, while being a LRF; shields do not really count on empire ships, even if the styx isnt that bad in shield tanking.


This makes LRF hard to balance in T3 imho, because too much buff on LRF would overpower the sigurdr; it was until now similar with the styx: too much buff on engi buffed the styx, not the other engies. but with the new healing meta, a moving engineer becomes a lot more viable, since it has time to regen energy and use it’s heals, while the styx until now could simply stand around and tank with the passive aura and his hull resistances.


so I don’t really contradict you, of course the styx should tank a torp more, but in the end, they are very close in vivo, especially since the sigurdr has other means of evasion; it is completely a different story if you look at all the other LRFs, if you would compare “engineers to lrfs”, but if you want to compare the styx, you gotta compare it with the sigurdr, because they are the triple hull tanks in the same ship base. the cerberus has a similar slot setup for defense like the styx aswell, but is R8.


I actually see a lot of LRFs getting top places, in horrible matches, where you have a lot of LRFs. Since among 3-4 snipers one of them eventually land some killshots, sometimes the one which camps the most might even get first, but ultimately lead to the loss of the team, playing LRF in a camper style is simply often rewarding enough not to notice, if you have no other experience.

I can see that on both sides: I can see why my team wins too easily, and I can see when we did all we could, and we still lost with some LRF first place. Happens every week or so for me to see such a result.


Imho this is a problem in SC, since LRFs we got like hell, and many of them are not really different from the next, and you probably just take the strongest of the tier anyway and just switch between jerri and empire. There should be simply less LRFs and they should not be mandatory to get to engineers or other classes. From experience, players who get stuck in the LRF at start, will fall behind on understanding playing the game objectives, (I don’t blame them for it, but it is hard if you just look through a looking glass and try to shoot ships), especially if they avoid using other classes. So for me it’s not the ship per se, it’s the amount of them you gotta synergize, and the easy reward for avoiding confrontation.

And the class has no alternative: imho they could get an alternative use-case, or many of those frigates could be redefined into some other role. Because clearly, we could not just buff them across the board blindly;


Once you see however a LRF played with experience, you will not really assume, its underpowered, at all.

Judging by how milf performed in dreads in LRF it needs a buff ))

imho, if some of the secondary lrfs would get more speed, or the class gets some kind of “siege mode” like the destroyer/dreadnought in starbattle/starcraft, i would not object, but i still say, some are tanky enough. Imho LRFs are not tanks, they are artillery, and it would be unfair if they can just yolo in the line of fire or sneak in into the enemy base… Wait, they already do.


A lrf buff would make tillo quite happy, I suppose.

Hello everyone,

Escuse me first for my bad english.

Today, I want to propose a nerf for long-ranges, because i’ve seen load of this type of ships survive after an attack of two interceptors…

I think, because they have a good capacity, devs need to nerf their hull and their shield. It isn’t normal that these ships have a very good resistance with good weapons…


But it’s just a suggestion…

LRF"s have need nerfed enough thay are good,you should ask for player nerfs :slight_smile:

Actually that module could be fun in a reversal siege mode kind of way:

module which if activated (stays active like an aura but needs no energy) gives the sniper greater speed, but deactivates sniping in his main module, but whatever, he can use it as scope and fire main guns or something.

once you deactivate it (or get ecmd), it slows you down to your original sniper speed, and the first sniper shot has a longer loading time, and the module goes in cooldown. after that use sniper as given.


voila, you got the m24 mid range sniper, and not everybody runs camps around with the m95, killing aces with satchels.

LRFs are underpowered atm, Roger… They gettin nerf every 3-4 months

LRFs are underpowered atm, Roger… They gettin nerf every 3-4 months

That’s why I want them to be fun as attack frigates, so I can ninja to you and kill you in your favourite ship. Coz I will never outsnipe you…


Poor LRFs. but see topic, they are still nerfable. It can still become worse.

That’s why I want them to be fun as attack frigates, so I can ninja to you and kill you in your favourite ship. Coz I will never outsnipe you…


Poor LRFs. but see topic, they are still nerfable. It can still become worse.

that’s why we have jeri snipers to gunboat with 'em

LRFs are underpowered atm, Roger… They gettin nerf every 3-4 months

critical positron lrf is stell good :wink:

critical positron lrf is stell good :wink:

oh rly? didn’t know dat

tell me moar

oh rly? didn’t know dat

tell me moar


so you go and like invis and then be like pew pew and ayeah

oh rly? didn’t know dat

tell me moar


so you go and like invis and then be like pew pew and ayeah

like this?