My 5300 SR

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24897-developer-blog-from-october-15th-new-formula-for-skill-rating/page-4#entry292093)


Really, dude?.. After all the hatred…


Lol, then I played some more and realized what was happening :wink:

Hit 6666 earlier :expressionless:  I like the new rating system.  I am staying away from T2 because my skill rating is going up much faster in T3 (was 100 pts per game, now about 20 or so for a win).  I am working on upgrading my T4 fleet to purple so that it’s evenly matched/superior, so I’m excited to see how my SR is reflected there.  Good system, imo.


We are going to MISS YOU !!!   :012j:

We are going to MISS YOU !!!   :012j:


Aye.  We’ve played some great games together and against each other.  You might see me every now and then :wink:

I find it to be better than the old one, but not the best it could be.