My 5300 SR

I like the new number, but it would be cooler if nobody else’s was that high. Heck tho, it’s higher than takaminas which makes no sense. Maybe we’re scoring like golf and lower is better? I did not see anything about it in the announcement, but maybe i’m blind. Thanks!

I like the new number, but it would be cooler if nobody else’s was that high. Heck tho, it’s higher than takaminas which makes no sense. Maybe we’re scoring like golf and lower is better? I did not see anything about it in the announcement, but maybe i’m blind. Thanks!

Now the score is linked to efficiency, tier and deaths. It is more an usefulness rating than a raw skill rating.

Now the score is linked to efficiency, tier and deaths. It is more an usefulness rating than a raw skill rating.

Now? They already implemented it?

No not efficiency. my corp mate sun is rank 46 on pvp effectiveness, and his sr is lower than mine.

Another confusing thing is that a lot of my corp mates have SRs that are higher than my ESB friends. 

No not efficiency. my corp mate sun is rank 46 on pvp effectiveness, and his sr is lower than mine.

Another confusing thing is that a lot of my corp mates have SRs that are higher than my ESB friends.

Efficiency per game and pvp effectiveness are not remotely the same.

No not efficiency. my corp mate sun is rank 46 on pvp effectiveness, and his sr is lower than mine.

Another confusing thing is that a lot of my corp mates have SRs that are higher than my ESB friends.

SR says not much, my standard SR is around ~1850, once i’ve a bad day i drop to 1750 but in the ending i’m always at the same place ^^

lol 1800 is extremely low now. U are 7700 which is interesting. my corp mate Kazz who previously had an sr in the 1200s is up to 8300 which beats most players. He’s extremely useful in a battle. I’m just looking at this whole change going, wow, that dude with the 1700sr now has a lower sr than i do. 

I think i’m just 7700 because i avoid high tiers but let’s see, 10000 is in range :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe i’m going for 10k

Mine is 1869, step up guys.

I think i’m just 7700 because i avoid high tiers but let’s see, 10000 is in range :stuck_out_tongue:

Then yours is likely to be close to 5800, like mine.

Lol no it’s not based on that at all. it’s usefulness. my 1200sr corp mate went to the 4000s while the other 1200 sr one went to the 8000s. 

It looks like they have been collecting data for past 14 days, and based on these results they made you new rating. All who were offline for 15+ days, got default 2500 rating. Everyone who weer online but did not really play seriously or much at all, got some very low numbers that does not remotely represent their “skill”. 

7570, here. though it is dropping a little. 1 loss and it went down by 300 points, or so.

Haha me2

I had 5190 at start and dropped to 4700. Had a horrible day.

4700= new 1300

How did you know my skill rating? Actually old SR ranged from 1320-50.

Formula for it?

8700 here! :smiley:

You got some time, today i’ll go to T5 and make it to “Over 9000”, just to make terrorblade’s vision real.