My 5300 SR

Did 2 hour of sec con today and gained almost 1k rating… just for test, went back to T2, did 1 battle, 10 kill no death 1st place, lost 300 rating :013j:

Did 2 hour of sec con today and gained almost 1k rating… just for test, went back to T2, did 1 battle, 10 kill no death 1st place, lost 300 rating :013j:

Probably cuz of 15 - 15 - 15, i don’t like that.

When i want to play T3 i become automatically a bad player because my “Skill” rating decreases.

Probably cuz of 15 - 15 - 15, i don’t like that.

When i want to play T3 i become automatically a bad player because my “Skill” rating decreases.

It is not a skill rating. It is a efficiency rating.


If you want the big numbers you have to play with the big toys.

You have to play with the big toys.

  1. The MM where the big toys are placed sucks.

  2. I’d like to do that when i could have smth bigger than 6v6 with a balanced team compared to the opponent.

  1. The MM where the big toys are placed sucks.

  2. I’d like to do that when i could have smth bigger than 6v6 with a balanced team compared to the opponent.

Fine, then don’t complain. And MM just sucks if you want to play in a 3 or 4 men squad. Playing solo or with another pilot is ok, and it would be fun if not for the ECM spam.

Lol, my SR = 1350, I think I need to play pvp more often 005j.png

I want 7777 Skill Rating.

SR says not much, my standard SR is around ~1850, once i’ve a bad day i drop to 1750 but in the ending i’m always at the same place ^^

1800 is very high  :01111: 

that means you are very skilled player.

i like new formula. i had very fair matches after patch  :rudolf:  

Let’s get the obvious out of the air, shall we?


  1. New SR is capped at 10k. You do NOT go past that number, no matter how hard you try. Remains to be seen if it really is the actual limit or if it’s just a hard-cap and can actually be broken through to low 11k or something.


  1. New SR takes into consideration, not only your kills and assists, but also OBJECTIVES. Planting bombs, capping Beacons… Those give you a lot more rating than simply killing, as is the main objective in Recon and TB, which is weird, to say the least. Top scores in Recon/TB gets you less rating than Det/Domi/CTB.


  1. New SR is TIER BASED. That means that, the lower you play, the lower the SR will drop. I don’t know numbers, but mine is at 56-5700-ish and it’s been dropping madly since I started playing, yesterday (solely T3 matches)


  1. Starting point is 2500 SR. This is the OLD 1000. What’s the new 1300? No one will ever know because SR now takes into consideration OBJECTIVES, which is what most high-SR pilots (myself included, tbh), don’t really focus on…


  1. Killing and getting killed functions the same way as the old SR. You lose more if you’re killed by low-SR pilots and earn more if you’re low and kill high-SR pilots.


  1. Rating earned per objective? You’ll never know, it depends on the objective. Planting a bomb and Capping a Beacon seem to earn you different amounts. I reckon it’s still too soon to tell, but it may also depend on how high your SR is.


And those are my findings in one night…

new patch - new rules  :012j:

there are only few modes for just killing other players. so i am very glad that objectives are awarded also   :01111:

Interesting, how will corps find out what to look for? I guess we have to look at everyones profiles…a tedious task. 

Interesting, how will corps find out what to look for? I guess we have to look at everyones profiles…a tedious task. 

I keep telling people you should never look at the SR alone. Well, now I’m wrong. The higher that number is, the better, now.


I reckon corps will start paying more attention to SR, alongside the usual Ratios.

I keep telling people you should never look at the SR alone. Well, now I’m wrong. The higher that number is, the better, now.


I reckon corps will start paying more attention to SR, alongside the usual Ratios.


thats still not entirely true. one number will never solve everything. you will rarely be first on the list playing engis. it does not make you less useful.

you will not have high SR if you play T3 mostly. so the SR is still a better number now, but it’s not interesting to be the only number for recruitment. Will that guy be more effective in a team? Is he more supporty or killy?

Your SR will also benefit from being surrounded by pilots with less skill, giving you better relative scores to them in battles.

Overall, knowing each number, and what it represents, gives you a better view of the player. High W/L means he is probably used to teamplay. High SR means he probably flies more higher tiers. Even the medals can tell you much, like prefered weapons, roles, etc. Having a guy who has medicore SR, but can fly multiple roles, could still be a guy, who actually is great with one or two of them, but the true power is, he can bring many tools into a battle.


Finally, recruitment is not neccessarily about what the pilot can give to your team, only - it’s also what the team gives to him. It can be, that a pilot with low ratings turns into a monster, once he has people supporting him.

thats still not entirely true. one number will never solve everything.

I said MORE attention than before…

So that may be some of the reasoning for such a low SR for some of us smucks sitting around in T2 :006j:    

Did 2 hour of sec con today and gained almost 1k rating… just for test, went back to T2, did 1 battle, 10 kill no death 1st place, lost 300 rating :013j:


I’m in a similar boat. After game in T3 (team battle) I got 11 kills, 18 assists, top efficiency score on both teams, never died, and lost 300 rating. But I did 1 hour of sec con before that match and gained about 400 rating when i got about 10 total kills, 12 deaths, 15 assists, and avg efficiency in the 6 or so battles I did. Where is the logic in this? Doing well loses rating, but doing ok gains you rating…

I’ve been told that the rating system will begin to level after a week or two, but I still don’t understand why I lost rating for doing well. I have since I numerous games in T3 where I do very well and lose rating, despite never dying or dying only once in each battle while getting a good efficiency rating.

Keep in mind that there is a direct relation to your Ship rank and rating curve. what is normal or high for T5 is extremely high for T3, and you must really carrying your team in order to not go down by rating, and by carrying i mean you must be THE major contributor to the team win, meaning that your efficiency score not only gotta be top in 2 teams, but your score has to be significantly higher then your team, percentage wise. 

 I started with 7974 rating when i logged in after the patch, after 20-30 games i had it at ~7600, and it is really tough to keep it at that mark, at least for me, every game we win and i don’t have 30-40% more efficiency than a guy in 2d spot, i am at some negative rating. What i found out is that, at least for me, deaths were not major contributors to final rating gain/loss, mostly ship rank, win, and efficiency ratio, and only then deaths.

With the SR thing lowering in lower tiers, that makes it hard for me cuz i don’t have all my t2s maxed out. :( 

Hit 6666 earlier :expressionless:  I like the new rating system.  I am staying away from T2 because my skill rating is going up much faster in T3 (was 100 pts per game, now about 20 or so for a win).  I am working on upgrading my T4 fleet to purple so that it’s evenly matched/superior, so I’m excited to see how my SR is reflected there.  Good system, imo.

Hit 6666 earlier :expressionless:  I like the new rating system.  I am staying away from T2 because my skill rating is going up much faster in T3 (was 100 pts per game, now about 20 or so for a win).  I am working on upgrading my T4 fleet to purple so that it’s evenly matched/superior, so I’m excited to see how my SR is reflected there.  Good system, imo.

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24897-developer-blog-from-october-15th-new-formula-for-skill-rating/page-4#entry292093)


Really, dude?.. After all the hatred…