Most viablefighter in T5

You know you could always come over to Nasa…we pay in GS sectors!  :good:

Question: what is a good Optimal build for gunshisp? I need something that suits my “fast and furious” Fighting style! 

Question: what is a good Optimal build for gunshisp? I need something that suits my “fast and furious” Fighting style! 

How about you come to NASA forums for once, i just checked you still can access them, if you didnt know we have a Section specifically for Sector Conquest, builds, tactics, maps you name it

Actually on that topic I just posted 2 different gunship builds in our Sec Con section of the forums JP.   Why don’t you stop being a stranger and come visit it every now and then lol  ;)wt


And in case you forgot where it is and get lost on the way…

How about you come to NASA forums for once, i just checked you still can access them, if you didnt know we have a Section specifically for Sector Conquest, builds, tactics, maps you name it


Fine…fine fine…But dont blame me if I stalk that forum all day…

Fine…fine fine…But dont blame me if I stalk that forum all day…


We need more forum stalkers  :taunt:

We need more forum stalkers  :taunt:

one(xKostyan) is not enough! I need company  :lol:

one(xKostyan) is not enough! I need company  :lol:

actually scrap it, i need a life… :facepalm:​ 

BACK to topic. 


Best gunship to use for speed? I mean the fastest viable gunship. 

actually scrap it, i need a life… :facepalm:


one(xKostyan) is not enough! I need company  :lol:



Hey now I’ve been on those forums just as much as you lately.   To be honest our forums needed a fresh breath of life and you helped revitalize them a lot!!

BACK to topic. 


Best gunship to use for speed? I mean the fastest viable gunship. 


There’s a build for that too on our forums…all in one thread actually.  Fed gunship builds, Empire Gunship builds you name it.

BACK to topic. 


Best gunship to use for speed? I mean the fastest viable gunship. 

You make it look like there is hell of a ton of choices for gunships in T5…

You make it look like there is hell of a ton of choices for gunships in T5…


FOUND IT! Oh god…I hit the gold mine. I forget that NASA has an archive…


/Abandoning thread. Good builds none-theless. 

FOUND IT! Oh god…I hit the gold mine. I forget that NASA has an archive…


/Abandoning thread. Good builds none-theless. 


and finally the lightbulb comes on  :lol:

Good job jp

Just to be sure… I’m thinking of mounting an energy recuparation system on the shield slot of  the aura. It says “Converts 13% of damage taken into energy”.

Now is it the damage taken by the shield or simply any damage? If it converts any damage in energy i think it’s  a great tool for regeneriting diffusion shield…


ES. 3000 dps per second will give you 3000x 13,2% (it’s the green Energy recup)= 396 energy pts wich means 3168 damage susttainned by diffusion shiled (396x8).Doesn’t this mean that the diffusion will stay always up…?

  • Sorry to burst your bubble, but it doesn’t work under diffusion shield:)

  • It only gives you energy (it doesn’t reduce dmg though) while you get hit into Shield hp

  • Sorry to burst your bubble, but it doesn’t work under diffusion shield:)

  • It only gives you energy (it doesn’t reduce dmg though) while you get hit into Shield hp


I thought kind of that kost lol

It was too nice to be true. Explanation should be fixed.


Has anyone ever found a good use for that module?  Even if it were 100%, would anyone use it?

not yert…maybe on some jeri ships…