Most viablefighter in T5

Herer we are!

New poll (I like them lol) and pretty nice one. Well i think i know what fighter is gonna win this poll but to make things more interesting I enabled multiple choices!


The thing with T5 is obviously SecCon. And a fighter needs to perfform well there!

I’m trying fed ones and Aura (none of jericho yet).


Atm Aura look to be very situational in T5 while it was pure joy till the T4. I mean it’s a good ship but in T5 and SecCon if your squad get in trouble u get in trouble too. Ship is slow and when things get worse there’s nothing you can really do but resisting till the end, and the end will come for sure.


I like tackler Lion MK II more. It is quite tanky, very very viable in team work. And if u get in trouble u can always disappear…Proble is disappearing doen’t work anytime coz of Recon drones and ECM, and plasma web etc etc,


I find Pirahna a great ship, prolly the one with best survivability i tried till now (haven’t tried Empire gunships yet) thanx to the amazing speed to run away form troubles. And those rails bonuses simply rock lol


Guys I’d like you to talk about the T5 fighters you tried and wich one you prefer :wink:

Herer we are!

New poll (I like them lol) and pretty nice one. Well i think i know what fighter is gonna win this poll but to make things more interesting I enabled multiple choices!


The thing with T5 is obviously SecCon. And a fighter needs to perfform well there!

I’m trying fed ones and Aura (none of jericho yet).


Atm Aura look to be very situational in T5 while it was pure joy till the T4. I mean it’s a good ship but in T5 and SecCon if your squad get in trouble u get in trouble too. Ship is slow and when things get worse there’s nothing you can really do but resisting till the end, and the end will come for sure.


I like tackler Lion MK II more. It is quite tanky, very very viable in team work. And if u get in trouble u can always disappear…Proble is disappearing doen’t work anytime coz of Recon drones and ECM, and plasma web etc etc,


I find Pirahna a great ship, prolly the one with best survivability i tried till now (haven’t tried Empire gunships yet) thanx to the amazing speed to run away form troubles. And those rails bonuses simply rock lol

I think that it depends on what you are looking for. If you want to be able to run to safety, fed fighters are a no brainer. Both tacklers and the gunship has speed and modules to just dissapear and go behind the first line.


Empire ships in the other way have staying power. You can be there and fight them for more time.


Jerry ships are somewhat in the middle. Faster than empire ones, but with more survivability than fed ones.


All of this are just my opinions in watching them play. I don’t have any T5 yet. I have unlocked them, but I still don’t have a reason to buy them.

You can go for pretty much all Empire ships, ofc. I personally enjoy the Aura most. 

For some reasons I see a lot of vets flying with the Apollo instead of the Lightbringer, you might look into that, too.


Lion has superior agility, if you can cope with Bubbles on a tackler its worth a try.

The Piranha went from the most hated to my favorite Gunship in T5… but only if you reached lvl 8+ and if you can work with assault Rails. (Most ships are barely playable on a lvl < 6)


For Jerry ships: Forget about the commands, they are not worth it. The tackler can be nice with Ions tho.


Conclusion: Go Empire or Fed. Jerry Ships are still a pain to fly. (Gauss eases the Pain a bit tho) 

Aura and Apollo are my favs right now. You’re very wrong saying Aura is situational. Its a must have IMO. You need at least one, it will give allies 40% Damage with Valkyrie and 45.5 or so hull resist.

And its tanky as hell! It has the better phase shield of the whole game and his base stats are awesome. If you think its slow you should see Zapp or D6KA flying it :stuck_out_tongue:

we already know it would be lightbringer.


too overpowered.


up to 28 000 survival,


Healing kit heals double because 100 resistance point on all hull types, same with Healer heals double then.


this is why its overpowered and works as a tank if its healed. 

I don’t see the relation between 50% resistances against damage on hull and “healing double”. Pls tell me your formula I want to know it.


And Castor can hit 40 survivability and that doesn’t make him as op as the Lightbringer. The “problem” with Lightbringer is the triple CPU, wich allows you to put 1 Proton Wall and still have 2 crit modules to increase your damage output.

if a weapon is supposed to deal 3000 dmg, but enemy has 100 resistance. = 1500 dmg.  and 1500  + 100% = 3000.


420 healing station would then heal the same as hull worth of 840.


thats why guards is perfect. and healing kit? 4000 hp becomes same as hull worth 8000. this is why its so tanky. 

Technically that doesn’t mean that it “heals double” as you said, it heals the same, you just take less damage thanks to your resists, resists that Tacklers or Fighters with Ion can reduce/ignore.

so far ive gotten the t5 jerry cov ops and t5 jerry ecm and there fun Idk much about the others but I love t5 its awesome




Aura and Apollo are my favs right now. You’re very wrong saying Aura is situational. Its a must have IMO. You need at least one, it will give allies 40% Damage with Valkyrie and 45.5 or so hull resist.
And its tanky as hell! It has the better phase shield of the whole game and his base stats are awesome. If you think its slow you should see Zapp or D6KA flying it :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh well i have it… i suppose it’s not that  great yet coz it’s not even full mkII yet…

Must get into that ship with a better build i suppose…

Bubble-rahnia ftw.

Technically that doesn’t mean that it “heals double” as you said, it heals the same, you just take less damage thanks to your resists, resists that Tacklers or Fighters with Ion can reduce/ignore.


I haven’t done any theory crafting for this game. but technically, it does mean it heals double. when it comes to your hull, shield, etc. all that matters is your effective health/survivibility. if you’re talking about health/survivibility, you should automatically be adding in effectiveness. otherwise we aren’t comparing apples to apples. ever. 100 hull on a jerry guard isn’t the same as 100 health on a rep guard. just like 200 hull on a recon can be worth less than 100 hull on guard. 


This is a common calculation in almost any game where there are resistances. if I can mitigate 20% of incoming damage, than any health i recover is worth 20% more. If I mitigate 20% more damage than anyone else in my squad, than any health i have is worth 20% more than what everyone else has. 


What duck said could have been worded better (it’s possible english is not his first language) what he is saying is widely accepted as a true statement if you step into the realm of theory crafting. and it’s fairly clear that’s what he means. if you want to argue semantics, his only error was he should have said effective health is doubled when you heal instead of the heal is doubled. in all practicality, they are the same thing. 

I haven’t done any theory crafting for this game. but technically, it does mean it heals double. when it comes to your hull, shield, etc. all that matters is your effective health/survivibility. if you’re talking about health/survivibility, you should automatically be adding in effectiveness. otherwise we aren’t comparing apples to apples. ever. 100 hull on a jerry guard isn’t the same as 100 health on a rep guard. just like 200 hull on a recon can be worth less than 100 hull on guard. 


This is a common calculation in almost any game where there are resistances. if I can mitigate 20% of incoming damage, than any health i recover is worth 20% more. If I mitigate 20% more damage than anyone else in my squad, than any health i have is worth 20% more than what everyone else has. 


What duck said could have been worded better (it’s possible english is not his first language) what he is saying is widely accepted as a true statement if you step into the realm of theory crafting. and it’s fairly clear that’s what he means. if you want to argue semantics, his only error was he should have said effective health is doubled when you heal instead of the heal is doubled. in all practicality, they are the same thing. 


I don’t know what to answer to the obvious, you just said that the healed health is worth double, something I already said, that doesn’t mean you heal double. If a Styx heals you 190 shield, you will get 190 shield healed no matter what kind of resist you have, the shield just is more worthy the more resists you have.


So no, technically you don’t get healed x2, you just take /2 the damage they fire to you.


But yeah his English is hard to understand.

I don’t know what to answer to the obvious, you just said that the healed health is worth double, something I already said, that doesn’t mean you heal double. If a Styx heals you 190 shield, you will get 190 shield healed no matter what kind of resist you have, the shield just is more worthy the more resists you have.


So no, technically you don’t get healed x2, you just take /2 the damage they fire to you.


But yeah his English is hard to understand.


I’m in favor of assuming people don’t speak english as their primarly language whenever i’m on a forum. for this game especially. If I know what someone means, i’ll continue the discussion in that regard. 


it was obvious what duck meant. arguing the semantics of it doesn’t really help anything. especially out in the open. i think it’s fairly obvious that anyone with any knowledge of the game also knew what he meant. so at that point it looks like you’re trying to bully him. which isn’t cool in my opinion. (hence my post directed at you) it’s especially not the type of behavior i’d expect from a GM. 

I’m in favor of assuming people don’t speak english as their primarly language whenever i’m on a forum. for this game especially.


Me too, I’m not British or American, in fact I’m Spanish and we have one of the worst English levels in the school in the whole EU.



it was obvious what duck meant. arguing the semantics of it doesn’t really help anything. especially out in the open. i think it’s fairly obvious that anyone with any knowledge of the game also knew what he meant. so at that point it looks like you’re trying to bully him. which isn’t cool in my opinion. (hence my post directed at you) it’s especially not the type of behavior i’d expect from a GM. 


Not sure if you know who is Duck, but I do, and as a GM I’m “forced” to politely reply to him and help him as much as I can, I’m not any bully here, far from that, believe me, just take a look at his whole forum history and then you will understand why I’m not biased anymore towards him.



Was nice to talk to you. We can keep talking about the matter via PM if you want, bot not here.



From now on, lets keep talking about Fighters in T5, if it’s not much to ask.






Oh well i have it… i suppose it’s not that  great yet coz it’s not even full mkII yet…

Must get into that ship with a better build i suppose…



Yes, you should, and you will love it, I promise. If you don’t we will give back your money (not true).


One of the best things about that ship it’s that you can build it in different ways. It’s the best Command in the game by far, best auras in the games, extra energy pool, good base stats etc.


But, it has 2 engines and 3 cap, what allows you to build him as a fast support fighter. You can put 1-2 Unit Conduit, 1 Catalyst and 1 Vernier (the last capacitor for Barrier or energy regen). 


You can also put Submatter Shield and be even faster (once I have all the blues/purples I will try it myself). So Idk, explore, try things, that ship is very nice for alternative builds.



Yes, you should, and you will love it, I promise. If you don’t we will give back your money (not true).


One of the best things about that ship it’s that you can build it in different ways. It’s the best Command in the game by far, best auras in the games, extra energy pool, good base stats etc.


But, it has 2 engines and 3 cap, what allows you to build him as a fast support fighter. You can put 1-2 Unit Conduit, 1 Catalyst and 1 Vernier (the last capacitor for Barrier or energy regen). 


You can also put Submatter Shield and be even faster (once I have all the blues/purples I will try it myself). So Idk, explore, try things, that ship is very nice for alternative builds.

 Tried what u said m8 and ENERGY went from 1335 to 615… :blink2:

speed went from 302 with AB to 343 without submatter…

I’m talking about all green stuff. Are u sure it’s a viable build. Isn’it energy too low for a command…


Atm i’m on ion or rails…





 Tried what u said m8 and ENERGY went from 1335 to 615… :blink2:

speed went from 302 with AB to 343 without submatter…

I’m talking about all green stuff. Are u sure it’s a viable build. Isn’it energy too low for a command…



Yes, it is viable, and yes, it is very low for a command, but your phase shield will not be needed.


I just told you another way to build the Aura, if you want to fully fulfill the command role, go for leak stabilizers and other energy modules.


If you want some fast and fun ship, get those unit conduits to purple and you will enjoy a lot that ship with railguns or bubbles.

OK residente now try this… put 2 x leak and 1 x voltage regulator (or 2x voltage and 1 x leak… still undertsandig what’s better) 1 x auxiliary generator and 1 x lightweight hull… It should be even faster and still got same energy… i know about aux generator draining but i think it’s better…give it a try and let me know :wink: ( u got 25% more AB draining but 60% more energy)

OK residente now try this… put 2 x leak and 1 x voltage regulator (or 2x voltage and 1 x leak… still undertsandig what’s better) 1 x auxiliary generator and 1 x lightweight hull… It should be even faster and still got same energy… i know about aux generator draining but i think it’s better…give it a try and let me know :wink: ( u got 25% more AB draining but 60% more energy)


Nah, unless the ship has energy afterburner reduction, the Auxiliary Generator is a waste, high tiers have very high afterburn energy costs, and the aux will just make them too high. Unless you remove the passive aura(s) you better don’t use that thing. Also a Light Hull on the Aura… I don’t see it, it would reduce his tankiness too much. You are an assault Command with the speed build, yes, but you need to keep having decent survivability. With 1 blue catalisy, 1 blue submatter shield and 1 green unit conduit I have 340 speed. I could put a second unit conduit and change the r9 Gigas 2 for the fed one, and upgrade both conduits to purple, catalist to purple and submatter to purple, I think I would get 370-390 speed.


But, as I said before, the usual energy tank build is very strong on that ship. You can also try putting x3 heatsinks and then put rails or ions, the dps increases a lot.