Most viablefighter in T5

Are the single type cap mods or multiphase better for energy tanking?

Boosting your capacitor size is probably your best bet.  Regen helps of course, especially since you may not want to micromanage your auras.  Focus on energy stability while afterburning with at least one aura active first.  After that’s done, boost your volume.

With mk2s on my Spartacus (1 compact shield 2 multiphase 1 voltage regulator) i have i think 1600 size and 200 max regen. I think multiphase actually is quite good.

Are the single type cap mods or multiphase better for energy tanking?

Doesn’t really matter unless you have just 1 capacitor slot.


On empire commands - Put compact shield generator to increase cap. volume (mk4 increases cap. by 100%)

Passive armor is a good module for jericho commands


Focus on energy regen once your cap. volume is above 1k pts. Regen is better in most situations

Volume is great for tanking heavy damage spikes (sniper shots) but its the regen that will keep your shield up




 Tried what u said m8 and ENERGY went from 1335 to 615… :blink2:

speed went from 302 with AB to 343 without submatter…

I’m talking about all green stuff. Are u sure it’s a viable build. Isn’it energy too low for a command…


Atm i’m on ion or rails…



Try this build: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22027-video-seccon-from-my-pov/?p=244495)


You can fly it like a super-tanky Gunship.

Try this build: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22027-video-seccon-from-my-pov/?p=244495)


You can fly it like a super-tanky Gunship.


I use almost that exact same build. It’s my favorite ship in SecCon.



Doesn’t really matter unless you have just 1 capacitor slot.


On empire commands - Put compact shield generator to increase cap. volume (mk4 increases cap. by 100%)

Passive armor is a good module for jericho commands


Focus on energy regen once your cap. volume is above 1k pts. Regen is better in most situations

Volume is great for tanking heavy damage spikes (sniper shots) but its the regen that will keep your shield up



Try this build: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22027-video-seccon-from-my-pov/?p=244495)


You can fly it like a super-tanky Gunship.


I like to quote theese 2 posts coz they seems to say very well how to equip T5 command in order to make it a supertanky ship or a speedy one :wink:


Really thanx for posting guys. This helps pilots a lot. i’ll get into theese 2 buils and  let u know :wink:


Zap that builds look really great in good teams, but does it work in solo fightin? I’m not in team that often :wink:

I’m gonna try it anyway…It costed me 5 Millions to equip and upgrade to green new stuff lol

Nice video m8 and amazing music :wink:







Zap that builds look really great in good teams, but does it work in solo fightin? I’m not in team that often :wink:

I’m gonna try it anyway…It costed me 5 Millions to equip and upgrade to green new stuff lol

Nice video m8 and amazing music :wink:




Well, its a pseudo-Gunship… they tend to be team-dependent in general… 

You can run Gravi-Scanner, Diff-Shield and Polarizer at the same time (it really becomes a power-house at lvl 8) so you should be fine if you have to relocate quickly (with buff the ship gets a speed > 500m/s). 

So, yea, i would fly it in PuGs rather than a Gunship.

Of course a Lion might be the better choice if you feel the need to get out somewhere quickly.  

lightbringer medium range, apollo close range




Well, its a pseudo-Gunship… they tend to be team-dependent in general… 

You can run Gravi-Scanner, Diff-Shield and Polarizer at the same time (it really becomes a power-house at lvl 8) so you should be fine if you have to relocate quickly (with buff the ship gets a speed > 500m/s). 

So, yea, i would fly it in PuGs rather than a Gunship.

Of course a Lion might be the better choice if you feel the need to get out somewhere quickly.  


Ok aftre testing with builds a littel more i came to this:

In solo fighting: Piranha>Aura>Lion (Haven’t tried apollo or Lightbringer yet)


This is my build for Piranha:





I find it very viable in solo fightng coz you can easily get in and out from the battle with lot of survivability. Using speed and particle purge for ceptors and overdrive and aiming overcharge for anything else! ATM i’m on the 6th jeri implant but without using Bubbles anymore i thiink i’d switch back to the 6th fed one for crit.



About Aura:

Tried taht build (form zap) and it’s interesting but in solo fight it’s pure pain i think…When your team m8s fly around like headless cickens it’s very easy to remain alone among enemies and with taht buld an engie is always needed. It’s not fast enough to completely evade enemies fire and in order to use bubbles u got to get in dogfight every time. I can fight like this better with the Piranha. Maybe Zap Aura build it’s better in SecCon. It’s a bit a waste IMO. I found teh tanky build much more appropriate on this ship. Tis is mine atm:


i929136_Aura1.jpg i929135_Aura2.jpg


This way Aura is the best second line defensive ship and works great in medium range combat even in SecCon. It is tanky like hell. And if youy look the stats you can easily understand that even the shield works great with the Aegis. That ship is a monster flying solo in capture the beacons. I die only if a bubble gunship surprises me and nooob m8s don’t help. But if i see the gunship approaching i can ion him b4 he’s close enough for bubbles and usually they fly away form me :wink:


Obviously you always need an asteroid close to you :wink:


About Lion:

Unfortunally the invisibility doesn’t work that much I’d say 2 time on 3 u get discoveerd anyway coz of the recons, casual fire etc. That’s a pity coz it’s the most useful ship in missions like detonation and Combat Recon…But definetly i found aother 2 gives much more survuvanility that fed tacklers.

I think the piranha will be better if you switch the horizon for an electronic guidance, and the crit ammo for the rof ammo. But that is just a matter of taste.


The Aura is almost perfect, no comments about that.



For piranha I’d go with 2x adaptive on shield slots and galvanized + armor plate on hull slots (and change r1 implant to armadillo)… shield tanking is not the best thing to do specially on a gunship with PP

Your rotation speed is pretty bad. Either switch to 2x vernier or use velox implant

Proton wall is important. Without it you will be ECM’d for eternity (r11 implant, duration bonus on some ECMs)


Standard missiles are also meh. Use EM missiles… they have better manoeuvrability


You need combat reboot on active slots. maybe drop engine overcharge or shield boost (which is not as good as a repair kit if you want a restoration module)


With adaptive shield and CR you can escape the scene with many people shooting at you in vain

I’ll change that EM shield for the Energy one that reduces shield.




I think the piranha will be better if you switch the horizon for an electronic guidance, and the crit ammo for the rof ammo. But that is just a matter of taste.


The Aura is almost perfect, no comments about that.


Yeah, Quite nice. I’ll try it. Anyway reason for the horizon is that Piranha has great bonus on rails ( speed is 6800k atm lol) and with horizon Optimal range is around 2700. Distance is definetly not a problem for those rails.


For piranha I’d go with 2x adaptive on shield slots and galvanized + armor plate on hull slots (and change r1 implant to armadillo)… shield tanking is not the best thing to do specially on a gunship with PP

Your rotation speed is pretty bad. Either switch to 2x vernier or use velox implant

Proton wall is important. Without it you will be ECM’d for eternity (r11 implant, duration bonus on some ECMs)


Standard missiles are also meh. Use EM missiles… they have better manoeuvrability


You need combat reboot on active slots. maybe drop engine overcharge or shield boost (which is not as good as a repair kit if you want a restoration module)


With adaptive shield and CR you can escape the scene with many people shooting at you in vain


This build look pretty good for bubbles and dogfightin. Do u use it with rails? Usually i fight at mid distance with Pirahna, rails don’t work very well in close combat, and use a lot of strafing. Anyway terror i’ve always tought that shiled regen is a must with Particle purge. I mean parrticle and regen again and again. Also with engine overcharge i can fly at 600 ms. Evading it’s not a probelm atm

I’ll change that EM shield for the Energy one that reduces shield.


Nice one. I’m trying this. Energy is around 1850 now (it means kinda 15k damaging absorbing for the diffusion shield).

Another thing i’d like to try later on is a pure energy rgen build with 3x voltage regulator and 1 x passive armour  wich reduces hull pts by 10 for each damage and increase energy regen (there’s the 40 pts coatin polarizer bonus anyway) With some calculation (i’m not that greeat in it and some help needed lol) i think you can get 400 energy regen. This means taht you can toitally absorb 3200 dmg per second ( 400 x 8) I bet tis would mean to be totally unvulnerable in 1 vs 1 for 15 sec…This worth a try…

Nice one. I’m trying this. Energy is around 1850 now (it means kinda 15k damaging absorbing for the diffusion shield).

Another thing i’d like to try later on is a pure energy rgen build with 3x voltage regulator and 1 x passive armour  wich reduces hull pts by 10 for each damage and increase energy regen (there’s the 40 pts coatin polarizer bonus anyway) With some calculation (i’m not that greeat in it and some help needed lol) i think you can get 400 energy regen. This means taht you can toitally absorb 3200 dmg per second ( 400 x 8) I bet tis would mean to be totally unvulnerable in 1 vs 1 for 15 sec…This worth a try…


This is what you would get (consider I have armadillo): 


INteresting residente… It’s really far form 400…Now can’t understand how this percentages work… Looks like the percentages are alway applied to the initial amount of energy…That’s a bit faulty…

INteresting residente… It’s really far form 400…Now can’t understand how this percentages work… Looks like the percentages are alway applied to the initial amount of energy…That’s a bit faulty…


Yes AfaIk they are applied to the initial amount of energy. With those 2 Stabilizers to purple you may have 290 or so, but it’s still the same xD. Although the regen is insane, after your phase shield is done you would have a lot of problems to survive Imo.

Yes AfaIk they are applied to the initial amount of energy. With those 2 Stabilizers to purple you may have 290 or so, but it’s still the same xD. Although the regen is insane, after your phase shield is done you would have a lot of problems to survive Imo.

You are not allowed to have Empire sticker on it! You are a Federation dog!

You are not allowed to have Empire sticker on it! You are a Federation dog!


Hah, I’m a mercenary, my heart belongs to the one who pays me more!