
this MM is even worse than the of War Thunder.

whole day enemy got twice more T3 ships than my team. not even commenting on fact that my hangar is pure t2…


fucked up job

Welcome to SC, where the fights are utterly unbalanced, but everything is a-ok.

I have different problem. I am using my top end T2 ships - Fox-M, Swift Mk3 and Alligator M. All of them is filled with mk3 - military equipment. Most of time I’m matched with T2, but sometimes it matches me completely with T1 ships or early T3 ships. Being mixed with t3 is not that bad, but t1 ?

Result of an independent poll;



i was fondering my self when i fly all T2 ships why i get to T3 matches some times where thos ships are so advanced that there is no way to survive very long :smiley:

Well, 109 votes is hardly representative. Personally I don’t have a problem fighting higher-tier ships, as long as it’s just a few of them. From what I’ve seen, you play against the baddies from the next tier. The battle-hardened, chisel-jawed veterans play in different matches.

Well, 109 votes is hardly representative. Personally I don’t have a problem fighting higher-tier ships, as long as it’s just a few of them. From what I’ve seen, you play against the baddies from the next tier. The battle-hardened, chisel-jawed veterans play in different matches.

It’s 5% of the peak activity.

It’s 5% of the peak activity.


True for peak concurrent players, but not active players. 


There were 26k players who played at least five battles last week (

You’d also want about three times more for a decent confidence value, independent the total number of players.

My wife just started playing this game and I wanted to fly with her.  So I removed all my ships and just slotted the first fed. fighter (that I have never worked on - 0/4 - all mk1). The first battle we enter?  Three T3s and the rest T2s save for just a couple T1s besides us. Needless to say she was demolished.  We proceeded to to play about 10 games the other night, and most matches included a number of high rank T2s.  +/-3 ranks . . .yeah right.  I was seeing discrepancies of up to 6 or 7 ranks.  


We then split up, to test wether or not I was effecting her matchmaking . . .Nope.  All on her lonesome, at this point with a T1 rank 1, synergy 3 fighter, she was still going up against teams wit hat least 4+ T2, rank 5+ ships.  


Matchmaking is not working “right” even though it is wai.  We got her up to a T2 finally today, so we will see how it tonight.  


One good thing is that she can play the objective, so we ended up winning a few matches we should have had no chance in because she ninja capped with her cloaked fed. fighter.   

Hi, when i read the forums I feel like living in another world, am I the only one who doesn’t experience lag, wobbling, or tier jumps?

The maximum I’ve ever got was a 2 rank 7 ships in a tier 2 match, and strangely now that I got my first rank 7 ships it never happen to me what I said before, I only get full T3 matches.

I’m not sure if it’s me not paying attention but I think I would have noticed my sudden increase of deaths or the fact I couldn’t scratch a ship

Though, seeing your posts it seems like the matchmaking seriously need a fix


(hint: match-making was fixed in the meantime, prime example why necro posting can make you look stoopid ;))

Whoops it didn’t look so old sorry D: screw me for not checking post dates

The game tends to be patched weekly, although some things take months to fix.  Match making isn’t ideal yet, but it’s better than I remember.

Well, a [thread](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21494-matchmaking-in-a-nutshell/page-2) was closed by Error and pointed to this, so it wasnt really necro from his part, and not necro from mine either.


My problem with matchmaking is really theoretical.

When i bought T3, i mostly got into T2 battles, but thats ok, with lvl1 synergy and just a couple of Mk3 modules its fair to say you are at a disadvantage in T2, your ship is weak and you pay more for repairs. Thats fine. Nowadays i play T3 battles with a couple of T4(/5) guys, but thats fine too. I wrote this just to make it clear, my concern is nothing personal, where i am i’m totally fine with MM.

What my problem is the tons of people with win/loss significantly above 1.00. That is a shame of MM and probably ruins many people’s game.

Probably the system cant handle squads or just can’t measure personal skill?

Or they they get a lot of 1v1 matches or squad vs squad matches?

Or they they get a lot of 1v1 matches or squad vs squad matches?


Meaning the system cant handle squads and cant measure personal skill well  ;)wt

If it’s a 1v1 or a 3v3, there aren’t generally enough players in the queue.  If an American(North and South) evening T4 squad launches and waits, they will probably get a 3v3 match against random players.  Being a squad, they have a winning advantage from the start assuming they have experience together and can coordinate.

MM is fuging dumb.

most of time (±60% games) enemy team is made ONLY from squads of big corporation players and my team got some stranded loners.

obviously all those squads go full blue/purple setup and just rapes everything - game boring as hell, with almost 0 to none chance to either gain synergy or even try to loot something


Ive been to War Thunder, WoT and never experienced such fucked up MM

Contrary to public belief, corp players are not required to squad up all the time and non-corp players can squad up as well. Those other games probably have a much, much larger player base.

Most of the time some 1000 or so players are online and maybe 5-10% of them are actually queuing for a game. The rest is unavailable for matchmaking. Those players now divide into five different tiers and some of them select different regions. Ideally you want 24 players, or 25-50% of all players currently queuing, for a match.

The end result is that there simply do not exist a lot of combinations for matches. Even a totally theoretic, perfect matchmaking system cannot work under these circumstances.

Also those same corp\squad players that were on the opposing team may be on your team the very next match.