
I am constantly matched against people who have T4 equipped. Either 1 of their ships or all 4.

My hangar consists of 3 T3 ships and one T2.


Is this the reason ?



Note how the lines go one over another.

And from what I see it is not all about the hangar. Has something to do with rating or something. Because with the exact same hangar I sometimes drop to 31 and sometimes jump to 38.

It has something to do with equipped gear, I believe. DSR plays a secondary role in matchmaking.

Gear doesn’t matter. only your ships matter.

Gear doesn’t matter. only your ships matter.

Nono, that number is based on equipped modules, not active ships.

and I keep getting matched into T3/4 games even thou I have T2 and 3x T3 equiped ?


cause 3.6 is actually 3 and a half => in the middle of the tiers ?

and I keep getting matched into T3/4 games even thou I have T2 and 3x T3 equiped ?


cause 3.6 is actually 3 and a half => in the middle of the tiers ?

Nonono. Each module in any given Tier has a certain value. The game grabs your highest ranked ship and adds up those module numbers and that’s what that 36 is.

Nonono. Each module in any given Tier has a certain value. The game grabs your highest ranked ship and adds up those module numbers and that’s what that 36 is.

Thanks. So since I am full blue and a purple or 2 I am actually matched with the next tier. Way to force someone going T4 w/o a single R12 loyalty level ^^

Thanks for the info

But here’s where it gets funky.


You’re not queued in just that queue, alone. You’re placed in 4-6 queues and those queues include +/-3 Ranks, hence why you see R12 ships mixed with R6 ships! They say it’s impossible, but screenshots prove otherwise.

This still doesn’t make sense. I have 2 T3s (rank 7 and 8) and a T4 (rank 10) with mostly MK1 gear on it and I still get into fights with T5 ships. Honestly, after 2,000 played games I’m about ready to quit the game.

For the most part I still play T3, but even then I’ve had games with T4 and some T5s.

This still doesn’t make sense. I have 2 T3s (rank 7 and 8) and a T4 (rank 10) with mostly MK1 gear on it and I still get into fights with T5 ships. Honestly, after 2,000 played games I’m about ready to quit the game.

For the most part I still play T3, but even then I’ve had games with T4 and some T5s.

The matchmaking system will only consider the R10 ship and ignore the rest. It’s placing you in T4 matches, where applicable. You’ll only be forced down to T3 IFF there aren’t any open spots in T4.


You also get T5 ships in your matches because you’re T4. Eventually, they’ll be pitted against you because the matchmaking system has you in T4 queues, as well.

Yes I get that, but what I’m saying is I am frequently getting matches with +1 or +2 tiers higher than me. Even if I fly all T3, I almost always get T4 and sometimes T5. When I have 1 crappy T4, I’m fighting T5.

It’s frustrating and I’m tired of it.


Edit: To add to this frustration, it wasn’t even a week ago I was flying R4 ships and in a squad with 3 people all using Tier 1. When we qued we were fighting all Tier 3. Needless to say my 2 options were to switch to T1 or to leave the squad… I ended up leaving my squad. For the most part, with a few exceptions, every Tier is faster–stronger–better.

Other HUGE problem with the matchmaking is the amount of discrepancy between the two teams that happens in realistic mode. Every single time today i had a massive ship number gap, every single time, the odds were against my team (and i’m not joking, i count every single time…). I had one last game today were they had 8*4 ships + 2*3 ships. We had 1*1 +7*3 + 2*4. I’m not even going to start on how it was one-sided from the start, facing an almost full team of R12+ players in a T3 game. But did they really need to have 38 ships against our 30? Do they need 27% more ships than our team to beat us, when they already have better implants, gear and stuff?


Matchmaking needs to be better. It also needs to weight DSR WAY more. Atm i can tell from the starting screen who is going to win depending solely on DSR, which i shouldn’t if team were evenly matched.

It also needs to weight DSR WAY more.

DSR’s also very broken.  The general rule is “ignore it.”

The thing is, everybody is indeed ignoring it. Apart maybe for a very few number of people who are trying to manipulate it. But for the most part it is an accurate measurment of player skill, since it reflects your capability to kill and not be killed and it is not manipulated in a counter-productive way (objective-wise).

The thing is, everybody is indeed ignoring it. Apart maybe for a very few number of people who are trying to manipulate it. But for the most part it is an accurate measurment of player skill, since it reflects your capability to kill and not be killed and it is not manipulated in a counter-productive way (objective-wise).


Well, it can be “unintetionally manipulated” with playing certain tiers, and certain ships, which can be counter-productive


Clearly you die less in certain ships than in others, and kill more in certain ships than in others.


Thus, I disagree in DRS being measurement of player skill. Only crudely, bearing in mind it can mislead.

The thing is, everybody is indeed ignoring it. Apart maybe for a very few number of people who are trying to manipulate it. But for the most part it is an accurate measurment of player skill, since it reflects your capability to kill and not be killed and it is not manipulated in a counter-productive way (objective-wise).

It really isn’t. It’s a good measuring point in Combat Recon matches. That’s IT. It serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever in telling other pilots “Yeah, this guy is a good pilot”. DSR basically tells you how well you kill other people without killing yourself in the process. It says jack xxxx about your skills as a team player and objective completion (which, btw, is EXACTLY what you should be searching in other pilots).


DSR IS counter-productive.

You do realize that if you teamplay, you die less, thus increasing your score? Its a VERY GOOD overall measurment. Of course sometimes you will have this guys who just do hit and tun in his inty and is completely useless because he never commits, never do anything and never dies. But i’ve never seen this behaviour up to T3.


Also, even if you are doing your thing solo in your corner, you can be quite useful by drawing away one or more people from the other team. This game is also about mindgames, and when you repeteadly pick off lone guys, attack objectives alone, and never die for it, you become the number one target and sometimes people in the other team stop caring about the objective. Even if they ignore you, you are useful for the aforementioned reasons.


Some guys may have a high score because of their insane piloting skills, some may only because they stick together with their teamates, do a good assisting job etc. Both type of pilots are a force to be reckoned with in their on way.


Btw, my main argument was about realistic battles and matchmaking. You can not have a more objective factor than counting the number of ships on each side, and their is no place for debate here, there shouldn’t be a 38vs30 ship battle this is unfair. On the other hand, we can always agree to disagree on how DSR should be weighted in the matchmaking formula.

You do realize that if you teamplay, you die less, thus increasing your score?


Try killing the enemy captain and dieing in the process. You achieved a tremendous result for your team, yet your DSR would take a beating. Ergo, it has its flaws.

So for example a recon pilot who only concentrates on droning tacklers/CO/other recons, eating shields and ofc jumping from beacon to beacon to help towards the match goal w/o dieing and ends up 0 xx is LESS “productive” than some Ace gunship who gets there, activates all he/she got get 3 kills 2 assists and die ? 



Edit (posts added after I started typing) : Dude it does not matter if it is 38 vs 30 ships.  I flew with 3 people from my friend list. The match was 8vs8 . 2 of our random guys had 4 ships each and they lost them in 5 minutes making us go 6v8 for most of the match.

By 10th min we were 3 vs 7. I was still on my first ship.


So the number of ships on your hangar do not matter. People with 2 may be more effective than people with 4 6 or 10 !

Because recon pilots who plays like that never gets kills? I’ve already seen 1K5+ DSR rating recon pilots who do EXACTLY what you said, get a few kills here and there and never dies. Yup.


Your point on realistic is : “if you are much better than the opposition, yes you can overcome a huge ship number disadvantage”. Well thank you captain obvious. 

My point still stands, realistic is about :

  1. Capping.

  2. Killing all the opposition.


When both teams are equally skilled but it ends up that one has 8 more ships and win solely because of thats, there is a problem. Thats what balance is about.


@Eviltactician : Players who actually manage to do that on a regular basis alone or in a wolfpack usually are good enough to get their DSR back-up in other games. Also do remember that captain is about having more kills than other team around half of the time, so player who do that but never manage to kill the captain because they are not good enough are actually detrimental to your team.