
So the number of ships on your hangar do not matter. People with 2 may be more effective than people with 4 6 or 10 !


It does matter. Stuff happens, you die.

If it’s realistic, you’re out. If players can’t spawn that has a pretty profound psychological effect on your team. Even if your last ship is crap, you’re not out of the game. Just play it save, stay back and be a bodyguard for some frigate, or whatever.

Some people argue that you’ll be feeding the other team kills. My experience tells me kills are largely irrelevant in realistic. Winning condition is mostly either capturing all beacons or destroying all enemy ships. The team that loses players early in the game usually loses.

Hello guyz,


I have some raising about the current matchmaking. Sometime, in the past as I can remember, the matchmaking was fully balanced. Only the same tiers competes, and it was totally fair and awesome. But know it is absolutely unbalanced, because there are T4 in mostly T3 and T2 matches and such absolutely unfair things. Why is that? I know that they balanced it this way, because there are matches where bigger Tiers enters the battle, but if they would correct the matchmaking to “only the same tiers competes” style, it is definitely much better. So the only thing I can say:




Happy Hunting,



Gear doesn’t matter. only your ships matter.



Nono, that number is based on equipped modules, not active ships.

Nonono. Each module in any given Tier has a certain value. The game grabs your highest ranked ship and adds up those module numbers and that’s what that 36 is.

Nope. What FunkyBacon said is correct. Gear has no relevance whatsoever. It goes by the rank of the highest slotted ship, that’s all. Current match-making spread in beta is +/- 3 ranks, so T3 fighting T4 is working as intended.

They’re planning on tightening the spread after release when a bigger player base supports it (the tighter the spread the longer the wait times and wait times can already be quite long currently - and were longer before the spread was widened).


 Nope. What FunkyBacon said is correct. Gear has no relevance whatsoever. It goes by the rank of the highest slotted ship, that’s all. Current match-making spread in beta is +/- 3 ranks, so T3 fighting T4 is working as intended.

They’re planning on tightening the spread after release when a bigger player base supports it (the tighter the spread the longer the wait times and wait times can already be quite long currently - and were longer before the spread was widened).

Have you tried equipping, ie, an R9 ship with either full blues or full Mk1s? It’ll put you in different queues.

Have you tried equipping, ie, an R9 ship with either full blues or full Mk1s? It’ll put you in different queues.


Yes I have, and no it doesn’t. Even if I strip all modules off a ship it’ll still give me the same (displayed/logged) MM value as when it’s full blue.


MM value = 15 + tier + 2 * rank.


So R9 is 36. 


I think Error said something about DSR being taken into account in some cases for match-making but I can’t really find evidence of that working. In any case it doesn’t affect that MM value above.

Has something broken in the matchmaking system the past few days? I have a Corp and spent some money to help my friends out. However, even when we all select T1 ships, we often find a T3 in the opposing side. If we are all T2, we’re fighting half T3. The huge difference in T2 and T3 ships is crushing. Seriously, I have a T2 fighter that has MK2 gear and can’t scratch a T3 interceptor. I will have great fights on all these ships, then see no damage done and a list of T3 weapons in the “killed by” screen. It’s infuriating and has caused my corp to rage quit several times now.


What gives? 


We’d rather wait 5 minutes in queue to have the same tier in our match, then 40 seconds and we’re in a match where we are hopelessly outgunned. 

Gaijin fucked up matchmaking long ago, and you’re just seeing the side-effects.


Bad patches force players away, and the new system just bundles as many people into one game as possible. Before, with player counts still fairly high, a Rank 6 match would be primarily T2 ships with maybe one or two Rank 7 [T3] ship. Now, T3 in a T2 match is the norm, and massive jumps (T1 vs T3, T2 vs T4) are coming in.


Gaijin have no intention of fixing this - it is working as intended. :facepalm:

It’s either this, waiting longer than playing or 3on3s with bots. None of these make a good impression on new players, but empty games and long waits are probably worse.

Not really. I got seriously put off quite a few multiplayer games because their matchmaking consisted of being put into a game with top-rank players, and then spend fifteen minutes spawning and dying over and over.


It’s better to avoid doing that. You want to convince people your game is fun, and that means letting them fly long enough to try the mechanics and get something done. The 0.7.x matchmaking was great for lower tiered players, but Gaijin doesn’t care about new players; they have their old guard to look after, and the old guard want more people to farm.

Would it have been better to find out that you have to wait 5 minutes and only ever get into games with bots?

Matchmaking is hard enough if you have lots of people (e.g. Dota 2), but if you have maybe 60 people queuing most of the time, for at least 3 different tiers, it can’t work properly. T3 seems to be well populated right now though.

Yes. Because currently, it’s hard for me to get anyone to join. I’ve got a 100+ guild that simply won’t join because they get instant pwn’t by T3 ships. The player count will never get better as long as this huge gulf between the tiers exists.

The proof the game is dying is in T2. A month ago people complained that they were seeing a couple of T3 pilots every few matches. Now, it’s the norm that a third of a T2 match are flying T3, and every other match you see rank 8 or 9 opponents.

Game is dying because matchmaking is poorly implemented. Poor implementation gets worse because game is dying. Nobody at Gaijin can be arsed fixing because their T5 Russians are happy - the fucked system let’s Rank 15 blue/purples farm Rank 10 pilots.

I’ma start trolling - dropping rating below 1000 and use +1 tiered ships in pvp. If it’s allowed, then why not have fun with it? Good luck… *sarcasm to the dark side of the moon and back*

I’ma start trolling - dropping rating below 1000 and use +1 tiered ships in pvp. If it’s allowed, then why not have fun with it? Good luck… *sarcasm to the dark side of the moon and back*

I’m inclined to join you. Today, I saw Rank 12 ships in T3 matches. Not one, not two, but TWO players with FOUR T4 ships EACH.


Dear devs:



The proof the game is dying is in T2. A month ago people complained that they were seeing a couple of T3 pilots every few matches. Now, it’s the norm that a third of a T2 match are flying T3, and every other match you see rank 8 or 9 opponents.

Game is dying because matchmaking is poorly implemented. Poor implementation gets worse because game is dying. Nobody at Gaijin can be arsed fixing because their T5 Russians are happy - the fucked system let’s Rank 15 blue/purples farm Rank 10 pilots.

Were the T3 players using R7 or R9 ships?  Maybe they’d recently upgraded and Gaijin was being a little nice.


Here’s a match I had Sunday night.  I was the only one without a T4 in the line.  Some of them had T3’s in their lineup still.



It started out with the other team as fighters, vs my 700m/s Eagle-B.  Later on one changed to an engineer.  I never lost more than half my shields.  I think my teammate started as an inty, then changed later when he saw the speed difference between me and him.  I can’t say I’m angry for being in T4 for that match.

I’m inclined to join you. Today, I saw Rank 12 ships in T3 matches. Not one, not two, but TWO players with FOUR T4 ships EACH.


For some reason my rating doesn’t want to drop… played as a complete target dummy yet i was scoring enough kills and to keep my rating, even to boost it up… wtf! Time for T1 rumba lol

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20671-premium-ships-and-synergy/#entry216270)

That almeica guy has constantly been in T3 matches with 4 T4 ships. him and another one.

For some reason my rating doesn’t want to drop… played as a complete target dummy yet i was scoring enough kills and to keep my rating, even to boost it up… wtf! Time for T1 rumba lol

If you’re scoring enough kills, you’re not a playing as a complete target dummy.  Take an empire LRF, use every passive module that’ll reduce strength, and remove every active module.  Then just use your main gun like a fighter.  If people see the shields down, they know you’re fair game.  Once half your hull’s down, you’re easy game.  Then you can lower your score.

this MM is even worse than the of War Thunder.

whole day enemy got twice more T3 ships than my team. not even commenting on fact that my hangar is pure t2…


fucked up job