
Just because there are a lot of Squads on the other team doesn’t mean you are finished. Try and Type in chat to coordinate your team, and use the Ping mechanism to point out targets. I know that sometimes it is like trying to herd cats, but it can be done. The whole thing hinges on you making an effort to turn the tide. Yes I am in a Corp (CEO actually), no we are not a Zerg Corp (less than 20 members), and I fly solo quite often as I play at all times of the day/night where as most of my Corp is on at night. You won’t always be able to coordinate the team as there is always those that think they are better than you, and they want to play hero by rushing in to just die all the time. The few times that it does work though can be Epic battles.

With the new matchmaking system I can’t play with my friend… Nice
+3 rank for 4 players… Srlsy ?

With the new matchmaking system I can’t play with my friend… Nice

+3 rank for 4 players… Srlsy ?

+3 ranks for 3 players and +6 for 4.

Not ranks, more like notches on the queue, but then the queues get mixed together for a match…  If you’re all rated high enough, then a four man T2 could face T4.

[…] If you’re all rated high enough, then a four man T2 WILL face T4.

Corrected cuz it’s true. T3 very very easily faces T5. 3 man T3 squads also have a quite easy chance of doing so. So a 4 man T2 team has all the chances of encountering T4, at the very least R10. Gonna test it later afternoon eventually and update you guys.

I’ve played a little myself and whilst it is doable, the balance in matches is way off due to these changes.


It’s basically saying “oh you guys got good/organised, let’s punish that and ensure you fight increasingly impossible odds just to keep the stats of all players around the same level”. Personally, I feel if people who are exceptionally good at a game cannot distinguish themselves properly and get penalised artificially just to give others a change, the game loses all meaning and any reflection of a competitive spirit.


You want to do better? Practice and become better.


All this hand holding has killed many games before and if this trend continues, the same will eventually occur here.


Let’s hope the devs take at least some notice to the comments made by the community in this regard.


All this hand holding has killed many games before and if this trend continues, the same will eventually occur here.


Hand holding’… Words are not enough to emphasize how much this concept ruins every new game in existence… Most companies started doing this and all games affected by it are from the start boring or are becoming boring at a fast pace. I’d go on about it, but it’s not a light subject, nor something i’d like to start arguing about with people.

The squad changes are the opposite of hand holding.  If you want to be in a four man squad, you have to play better.  The concept of match making is making fair and balanced matches for your teammates and opponents, not easy wins for squads.

The squad changes are the opposite of hand holding.  If you want to be in a four man squad, you have to play better.  The concept of match making is making fair and balanced matches for your teammates and opponents, not easy wins for squads.

Not really jr. It leans a lot more towards penalizing the good players and hand holding weaker players than balancing. You give n00bs the ability to play with n00bs and keep a low learning curve, while the pros who are already high above get the even higher learning curve in the process. In other words as MM stands now those n00bs will NEVER be at the pros’ level because they are constantly matched down, while the others are constantly matched up, enlarging this gap in between. I’ve actually noticed this difference occuring more and more often.

Penalties for making a strong team/squad in team based tactical game. I never realized why do they do that.

Sure, some handicap have to be put, BUT I agree on :

2 = +1

3 = +2

4 = +3


Just separate the tiers and enforce + 1 2 3.


If you play r7/10 ships and in 3 men squad you stay in the same tier. If you fly r8/11 and duo = same tier.

If you insist on 4 men squad -> next tier for sure, BUT not the one after that. 

That way T3 for example will face T4 but not T5.


I am sick of facing T2 in my mixed T3/T4 match. Or T5 in my T3 matches.

The squad changes are the opposite of hand holding.  If you want to be in a four man squad, you have to play better.  The concept of match making is making fair and balanced matches for your teammates and opponents, not easy wins for squads.


You forget that it would be much simpler to ensure teams are balanced/squads are matched appropriately than it is to outright penalise squads / good players.

You forget that it would be much simpler to ensure teams are balanced/squads are matched appropriately than it is to outright penalise squads / good players.

This is the long standing issue of the devs not having a proper rating system for players.  Given the data we know they collect and use, it’s w/l ratio, ship ranks and ranks of modules, DSR, and now squad size.  It’s an initial test to see how effective it can for limiting domination by four man squads.  Several people have stated they’re still able to compete and win against teams two tiers higher.  Based on comments on the forums, it’s either “we’re no longer OP, fix it” or “this is still playable and fun.”