Matchmaking / Balancing PvP

Winning without trying does not give any thrill factor in the long term. 


Then why troll T2 and T3?  ;)

For 99% of players, fun means winning. 

But then you say:

my point is this: not everyone has the determination to work for weeks or months at a time to get to radix’s level

You yourself state a paradox that cannot coexist. Choose one: stay a scrub, or get good. We’re willing to help you, but if you are busy antagonizing us and not learning how to improve yourself so you can win, then you’re beyond saving.


the learning curve and gear cost is so much

What else did you expect coming into this game? This is not some casual point-and-shoot space simulator. If you have unreasonable expectations for Star Conflict, you will be disappointed, which is evident in your poorly thought out reply to an offer for help.


getting beyond Mk2 weapons takes a LUDICROUS amount of time when you are only winning one match in every 10

That’s funny, considering how I just got my all-purple ship yesterday and yet I can still win more than 1 match every 10 as you say. Sure, higher mk equipment is marginally better, but as I said in my last post, the capability of using your equipment is far more important. You can have the BFG9000 for every ship but if you don’t know how to use it well, I can still shoot you down with my super shotgun. You’re missing my entire point - learn to read before you make such assumptions.


Tilowaty, or Tilotwaty (the latter being a far more appropriate name for him based on attitude and his composure) seems very reluctant to take on the players that need training the most. 

I’m sure your use of ad hominem here is really convincing everyone to side with you on this discussion.

And NASA is an experienced player’s corp - we do not simply take any t3 player into our ranks. If you want that, go join LAMPA or Ultra or any other multitude of more newbie-friendly corps out there.


If you wanna really benefit the game, you need to reach out and find players that need training. recruit them. you can’t sit by and watch the game burn as no one thinks to come to you. be friendly, supportive. if that’s not how you or NASA operates, or any of the corps that cause new players problems in T3, they need to reassess themselves and their values. 

See above.


All in all, it’s funny to see you trying to prove you’re right, when all you’re doing is antagonizing the veteran players _who are willing to help you, _in addition to not proving anything. Perhaps it’s better if you stay ignorant and let more worthy pilots join the ranks of NASA/WPK/OWL/Arch/ESB/etc in the future.


You are completely shutting them out reducing their level of interaction to launching and then dying.  How does that help growth?  How can anyone learn from that?

You learn by not dying, by taking evasive maneuvers when they focus on you, and by countering their ship composition and exploiting weaknesses. It’s like driving. Only by experience can you improve from the little Fiat up to a Formula F1 racer. Do you think that any NASCAR driver or The Stig got better by having someone hold their hand while driving? No. They got behind the wheel and drove themselves and pushed their limits.


I’m not asking for easy mode easy, I’m not asking for players not to have challenging matches. 

Then how can you improve your skills?


You guys keep dancing around the truth which is that no matter how you justify your behavior, you are helping to keep this game from growing.

We got here via our own hard work. Don’t expect to take any shortcuts. Blame yourself first before you blame others (learned that from my VP a few weeks back).


Once again, we’re willing to help you. But if you bite the hand that feeds you, do not expect any help.


Then why troll T2 and T3? :wink:

have you play t4t5? Skill level of those games is as bad as t3, the “t5 is end game for pros” is a lie. Arcade pvp is not an end game content, in any tier, t4 use to be 2 years ago, but after whining on slow progression, t5 is reachable in 2 weeks of active play, t3, t4 and t5 are equal as end game content. Currently,outside of tourneys on weekends and dreads that became very boring in the metagame, THERE IS NO PLACE for end game pilots, so they play t345.

But i agree that playing t2 is a big pedobearmove, no matter the excuses, except for those that being here for 1000s games, but they are naturaly “not do pros”, so they play on the same skill lvl they play years ago.

I normally play T2 these days for, aside from a certain fun factor, recruiting and training purposes for Behemoth. 

Within T2, I fight on the same level as the opponent, focusing on skill, rather than actually pushing myself to destroy them with every known trick at my disposal.

Yes, I try to win, but that’s never the end-goal.

I only really let loose when a good team is on the other side, or if I wish to test certain pilots for limits.

The only other reason would be to try and carry a team who’s about to lose to victory or a close game.

Kostyan I never asked for your help, and I currently don’t need your help.  But, if I do I’ll be sure to hit you up.  By the way, did you even read what I wrote?  (From the OP on down.)  Because we actually agree on a few points, and it seemed the rest of your comments were about you taking things out of context just to make yourself look right. 


Anyway. . . 


It’s obvious that this is a very polarized issue.  I am only trying to get both sides to see this from the middle.  I’m not saying keep people out of any tier, all I’m suggesting is that players could be matched more closely according to their stats/performance/ship synergy/whatever suggestions people have, etc…


I’m trying to get people to unswell their heads for 5 minutes to see that this possibility exists: pitting high ranking kill squads -vs- average to below average pilots is discouraging people from getting through T3 and beyond.  This is why there are so few people queuing for T4 & T5 matches. 


I’d like to add that I appreciate the offers for help, and many of the points made by vets are valid.   I also have mad respect for those of you who were able to grind their way to the top levels.  I don’t want to diminish that at all.  It pays to learn, to work as a team, to not give up, to reach out, to challenge yourself to work around the problem, and that is definitely part of what makes gaming fun.  I agree that winning easily is not fun, nor should it exist in this game.   So, please stop throwing the “Get gud dude” attitude out there.


I’m merely trying to find a solution, for what I’ve realized through feedback, is a big downer as well as a possible reason why player retention suffers.


Can match making be tweaked in such a way that allows a challenging yet entertaining environment for ALL player types, and encourages ALL player types to stick with it rather than leave after rank 7 for another game?




Just another thought:  Would things like better tutorials, more transparency from the dev team, and marketing… in order to get more folks to play… be the answer?  Maybe both?

this game has low population problem that much is certain


many players who got into this game stop playing because of various reasons


and if anyone is saying repeated death and defeat in pvp is not one of those


reasons that person is delusional


I’m not saying vets don’t have right to play t3 or even t2. they spent their time


and even spent a lot of money on this game they have certain rights imo


but what’s the point of getting better or even being great if all that skills are mainly


used to slaughter novices? I mainly do t5 pvp or pve and I almost never go t3


let alone t2. so I’m not really familiar with these problems but yesterday one of my buddy


asked me to join t3 pvp then got dcd so I tried some t3 pvp since all my ships r already


set up but it wasn’t good, our team had this novice squad and the other team had


so called kill squad. 3 matchs in a row the members remained mostly same and


one sided match can’t even describe those matchs I was trying to do my part but


when team mates don’t even speak same language and one of them pings


everything he sees how can I coordinate?


after three matchs the novice team splited up but there was another novice team


who r unlucky enough to replace the old one.  I lost 4 matchs in a row


and even I was a little frustrated but I had t5 so I could just say ‘eff this’ and play t5


where people generally knows better(I know there r unskilled players such as myself


in t5 too but generally players r better) but guys who just got rank7 ship then got


slaughtered by a kill squad can’t. well at least they r more inclined to go t4 or t5


if they think they wanna give this game 1 more shot but guys in t2? I highly doubt


they would give a shot at all. people lose interests when they feel powerless over 


and over and over again. as someone said earlier some might take that as a chance


to improve themselves and become good then take their revenge or something whatever


but we all know the likelyhood is they become less active or even quit


few guys getting good and more active at this game doesn’t really matter


many guys getting less active and quiting on the other hand matters


I’m still not saying they don’t have a right to depress these new players


but is it a wise decision? it’s not gonna help solving low poplulation problem


unless there r some large inflow of masochists into this game that I don’t know about


imo they’re poisoning their own well while slaughtering those new players


and unfortunately I’m also drinking from that same well so it becomes my problem


as well as everyone’s problem who also drinks from that same well


as I said before if u wanna go t2 with kill squads it’s your right


but then u wanna complain t5 has so little pop u can’t even get a match


at least acknowledge the fact that u r part of that problem


certainly not the whole problem but at least some part of it

the sad truth is that this will always be the case in any kind of MMO. There is always a top-level maxxed-out uber l33t player who comes into the low-level zones to “have fun,” and in the process, discourage new players from joining the game. It sucks. It keeps players from advancing, and ultimately hurts the population of the game. 

The frustrating thing is that, pretty much always, there’s really not anything to do about it. Devs could lock high-level players out of T3 and below, but then vets wouldn’t be able to play with newbies at all, and people couldn’t invite their friends to join.

I wouldn’t want that either–I play T3 for funsies, and I usually run four purpled-out premium ships with top-of-the-line builds. I also try not to be a psycho about it–I keep track of who I’m killing and I try not to murder newbies over and over, sometimes I give people kills to keep the game close. I mess around with unconventional builds and die a lot–and it’s fun. Not everybody is interested in making sure all players have a good time. Not much to do about that.


TL;DR bullies will always be bullies and there’s not much to do about it, except to squad up with a friendly veteran. I agree with ZJ’s assessment–it’s a problem, it keeps people from continuing with the games, and it makes every third match suck. But…I don’t know what can be done about that. 

Mecron, you have a point. that reply was inane and poorly thought out. I’m not asking for handouts, I’m not asking for handicaps, and I’m not biting the hand that feeds because radix/ wpk certainly don’t feed in the rather large community I’m involved in. you have definitely disproved multiple points in my argument (nice vocabulary usage too, someone’s been using a thesaurus :wink: proud of you) but here’s the thing: I’m not arguing for my self. I’m speaking for the discouraged T3 pilots who don’t think to read the forums. from what I’ve seen, many pilots on the forums are vets, and the voices of the newbies are seldom heard here. I’m not trying to speak for all of them, because I’m not their congressman, but I’m speaking for my corporation at the very least. I’m trying to stay in line with Zero’s OP, but I stepped over the line with that last one. I’m rescinding my statement regarding this in my first post to ArcTic and revamping it: play t3, but if you’re a vet, don’t fly with vets. the MM has proven very inefficient at matching teams when all that is available for groups is a vet squad and a newbie squad. If you solo queue, I would wager you wouldn’t get as many “go back to T5” or “f u man friggin haxor” messages as you do when in a group. 

Thanks for that insight Mecron. 



Plus, its not the fault of killsquads entirely. the game itself (yes I’m aware star conflict is not a light commitment, I appreciate your concerns but that last post did not accurately reflect my best thought process at work). definitely contains some bumps and issues that can be easily hammered out. 


Zero’s point here is quite interesting:



Just another thought:  Would things like better tutorials, more transparency from the dev team, and marketing… in order to get more folks to play… be the answer?  Maybe both?

out of curiosity, what did you study? you have excellent debate skills (compared to my rely, albeit being very futile and driven by annoyance, so it wasn’t hard to refute). 

wow such painful experience last 4 days. loses no stop. literally i barely manage to get the summer done. dropped from 1.5 to 1.3 and im not a bad player. the problem as you well know is the matchmaking. i somehow keep getting the :special: teams that never group and suicide 1 by 1 or have total xxxx fits. also i notice the game keeps putting me with the same players over and over again resulting in the increasing amount of losses. i get it there are not enough players to fill big rooms buuuuuut … 5+ matches in a row with the same teams gets very annoying when they havent heard of teamplay. just the thing to make you ragequit for the day :slight_smile:

(There might be lots of mistakes in this post as English is not my native language.)

Frustration is exactly the word that describes my feeling after moving from T2 to T3. I was frustrated due to lots of matches lost in a row. The problem was in a lack of skill and in white/green modules and weapons. So what I’ve done:

  1. Bought as high rank ship in T3 as possible to open all contracts available for T3.

  2. Returned to T2 where i was still often wining.

  3. Saved as much loyalty points as possible without spending them on T2 modules.

  4. Read forum to look for better builds for my favorite roles.

  5. Equipped my favorite roles ships on T3 with modules that were recommended on forum.

  6. Upgraded these modules to mk4 using earned loyalty points and iridium.

  7. Improved my skill on T2 often fighting against pedobears.

  8. Tried my T3 ships with different modules in custom created fights against bots.

  9. Used free synergy to level up my T3 ships to get first bonus at least.


I went to T3 when i started finding myself on the top position in aftermatch rating in 7-8 matches out of 10.

For now i have not all my T3 ships fully synergized (is there such word?), currently i’m trying to level up all my federation and imperial ships and i’m having good results even on r7 ships for an average player without experienced squad.

So my advice for you is returning to T2 until you are able to fit your T3 ships with mk4 equipment and get more skilled in process.



I don’t doubt what you say is true.  However you’re missing the point.  (I have fully synergized all of my T2, and most of my T3 ships in all factions.)  


This isn’t about how to get good.  This is about the matchmaking system pitting player squads of very high skill and ship level against players who aren’t even close.  When these guys drop into battle everyone leaves that tier, players log off because it’s too frustrating.  Thus creating an imbalance and driving newer players away.  (This may not be a problem for some games, but SC has always had issues and is still suffering from player retention.)  The ace kill squads should be matched against other squads of similar skill/ship synergy.


I suggest you read (or re-read) the OP.


As a side note:  As T4 dread battles start to roll out T3 will no longer be the game’s only competition tier.   Perhaps this dynamic of T3 being broken by kill squads may start to dwindle.



I don’t doubt what you say is true.  However you’re missing the point.  (I have fully synergized all of my T2, and most of my T3 ships in all factions.)  


This isn’t about how to get good.  This is about the matchmaking system pitting player squads of very high skill and ship level against players who aren’t even close.  When these guys drop into battle everyone leaves that tier, players log off because it’s too frustrating.  Thus creating an imbalance and driving newer players away.  (This may not be a problem for some games, but SC has always had issues and is still suffering from player retention.)  The ace kill squads should be matched against other squads of similar skill/ship synergy.


I suggest you read (or re-read) the OP.


As a side note:  As T4 dread battles start to roll out T3 will no longer be the game’s only competition tier.   Perhaps this dynamic of T3 being broken by kill squads may start to dwindle.

we higher skill squads go t3 because it’s the only tier we can usually launch. Nobody wants to get roflstomped, no matter what tier. 

T4 dreads beeb around for months


Matchmaking code leaked:

Line 1: local teams = math.random()

hahahah this is an EPIC comment!!! i would thumb you up 10 times xD

BTW, i do think MM is screwed. I usually get on top of my team score and loose a lot…being skilled doesnt mean you have a granted win: you get a xxxx team you have to carry harder. Since i dont usually fly the best ships clases to carry, my support work is completely wasted, wich means in defeat. Why cant i choose a support ship, do a great job and win?


EDIT: i wouldnt mind that much getting loose streaks if synergy rewards for winning and loosing would be similar (instead of getting like double or more when winning over loosing) and also if many of the contracts require to win several times (atm i found those contracts the hardest ones).



In my experience I haven’t had too much trouble queuing for T4/T5 PvP.  In fact this last month or so I’ve exclusively avoided T3 to see if what you claim is true.  


It isn’t.  


But, if the wait is a bit too long for higher tiers, it’s very easy to get a few pilots to synch drop and you’ll get matches within 2 min every time.  Everyone wins.


I have no problem with wait times for high tiers, and this is during the same time when I see RADIX (I’ve noticed NASA and WPK squads have backed way off T3 making RADIX the major culprit.) kill squads are busy chasing folks out of T3.  (This also applies to T2)  


No matter how you guys slice it:  These dudes who are way beyond the capabilities of the competition in T2/T3 are having fun being king of the hill and don’t give a rat’s behind that it hurts player retention, and continue to dance around, deflect, and even slander others to avoid the truth.  

Again, for the sake of continuity.  I am saying that the kill squads should not be in existence.  There needs to be less benefit for trolling lower tiers once you’ve reached a certain rank/rating, and more reward for those pilots to stay in the higher tiers.  I also think MM should be programmed to avoid kill squads dominating lower tiers, they should be matched against squads of similar caliber. 

imo the best way are two leagues, for players who exp ships and for all stars.

Again, for the sake of continuity.  I am saying that the kill squads should not be in existence.  There needs to be less benefit for trolling lower tiers once you’ve reached a certain rank/rating, and more reward for those pilots to stay in the higher tiers.  I also think MM should be programmed to avoid kill squads dominating lower tiers, they should be matched against squads of similar caliber. 

Lets remove squads posibility to queue in PVP and let players who have reached R15 in any faction only be able to play T5 (even if they dont have all ships at max synergy) :smiley:

Lets remove squads posibility to queue in PVP and let players who have reached R15 in any faction only be able to play T5 (even if they dont have all ships at max synergy) :smiley:

Super idea!!!

While said players may be “killable” it is usually unlikely that the few time you kill them will have any effect. Most times the opposing squad is far outclassed and the other randoms do not have the coordination to take on fully maxed ships with high dps and aim that prompts “aimbot” reports, all while circling the casual player in a way that they hardly land a shot. The few “good” players that may exist in the team will get focused and not be able to carry their team, even getting 2x score/kills/whatever is not enough.


After listening to casual players on a voice chat, it quickly went from being amused by a name to leaving the game because of the dominance, unable to hit the interceptor while it flies around you with extreme accuracy and high damage. Standard players complain about standard player interceptors let alone people who have played games for years.


That and the matchmaker seems to compensate by putting the highest current player not in a squad on the opposing team, so you end up with not just casual squad people getting pissed off, but the other high rank players that get put on the losing team 90% of the time. (This seems to happen everywhere but is more prevalent when it tries to balance a 2 vs 3 man squad)