Matchmaking / Balancing PvP

i have the same problem with xelavian , and I agree to Z3roj33 , I have 10 loosing streak last night , against them, but its different team, Milfeulle , TomiUndergallow and ImInUrBase , the funny part is, their team got 25 points against 0 on our team on team battle, we didn’t even kill anyone of them because their are spawn camping, they usually go with 2 recons and 1 dedicated engineer, there is also one more team who is ravaging tier 3, from Arch, NuclearHail , Engle and  Arch1 , which my team got wiped too multiple times, there is a team from OWL too, with a guy named TESLA and some random dudes.


its not that I hate them but I think us the new players deserve to have a better match making balance, we are getting wiped by corps with good members like WPK,Arch , OWL,RadiX, NASA and all other corps with a Death Squads,

This is something that needs to be fixed on a design-level. Asking people not to play a tier because they are “too good for it” is not gonna help. On that topic, someone once wrote me “go play at your own level”… that was in t5


P.S. Don’t forget this thread

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23320-gaijins-fix-for-no-games-in-t4-t5/)

This is something that needs to be fixed on a design-level. Asking people not to play a tier because they are “too good for it” is not gonna help. On that topic, someone once wrote me “go play at your own level”… that was in t5

Maybe he implied that you were terrible and sent you to play t2

:005j:  :005j:  :005j:

Maybe he implied that you were terrible and sent you to play t2

:005j:  :005j:  :005j:

totally :>


His brand new osprey was too stronk for me spark

I tested T2 a bit, and i think people are right. I flew against Narcis who had a fully synergized Razor tackler, and he dominated all the games i played. Normally he got to 2000plus points while the rest averaged about 200 and i normally got 1000.


I flew two half synergized ships with green/grey gear, so to simulate a normal player. Even with my skills from over 5000 battles, i couldnt really turn the tide.


I remember playing the game whe i started, it was like “oh the pretty colors!” I didnt care xxxx if i lost or won. But any newb who actually wants to win gets a heartattack in this game as soon as he enters T2.

I tested T2 a bit, and i think people are right. I flew against Narcis who had a fully synergized Razor tackler, and he dominated all the games i played. Normally he got to 2000plus points while the rest averaged about 200 and i normally got 1000.


I flew two half synergized ships with green/grey gear, so to simulate a normal player. Even with my skills from over 5000 battles, i couldnt really turn the tide.


I remember playing the game whe i started, it was like “oh the pretty colors!” I didnt care xxxx if i lost or won. But any newb who actually wants to win gets a heartattack in this game as soon as he enters T2.

A standard fit recon, even with green stuff will just kill a razor, no matter how good you are.


Razor advantage in tier 2 is the range and the almost energy stability. And that nobody knows how to deal with cloaked ships.

A standard fit recon, even with green stuff will just kill a razor, no matter how good you are.


Razor advantage in tier 2 is the range and the almost energy stability. And that nobody knows how to deal with cloaked ships.

Sure…you know that, i know that…but how many nabs know it? Most likely zero. And even if they knew…perhaps they just have two or three ships in T2, and none of that is a recon?

there is also one more team who is ravaging tier 3, from Arch, NuclearHail , Engle and Arch1

Vets in Tier 3 isn’t unusual, nor is it game breaking. One of the major reasons for this phenomenon is the presence of so many unique T3 premiums that you can’t take with you to the upper tiers. The Reaper, Sai, Phoenix, Grim, Bear, Deagle, Dragonfly, etc. Those ships are unique and fun. You can’t expect players to just drop their favorite ships that they paid for just because they “are too skilled for their tier”.

Considering Tier 3 is mid-game content, you really don’t have it that bad. Not like when vets were farming Tier 1 and 2 for sector conquest…

Sure…you know that, i know that…but how many nabs know it? Most likely zero. And even if they knew…perhaps they just have two or three ships in T2, and none of that is a recon?

Well, if you are a n00b, no matter what you do, you will die to a good player.


I usually play with a tackler in tier 2. Is quite relaxing and safe.

Well, if you are a n00b, no matter what you do, you will die to a good player.


I usually play with a tackler in tier 2. Is quite relaxing and safe.

I think a nab in a ship he is good at could kil me if i flew in a ship i am bad at and the nab would have purple and I grey. At least sometimes.

Just to bring this back on track for some of you.  


For the record I am suggesting that the current MM is broken.  It would be awesome for some of the kill whores (Pilot ratings over 7k, W/L over 1.5, maxed out EVERYTHING) dropping down from T5 to recognize this and try to HELP instead of contribute to the demise of this game.  High level pilots running low tier kill squads should NOT be matched up with low ranking players.  It drives people away from the game and creates a deficit in the high tiers.  This  in turn creates longer queue times for T4/T5 thus giving the uber ace pilots more reason to drop down to T3.  Either you guys are to chicken s**t to help create some actual competition for yourselves or you’re too dense to understand the paradox you’re creating. 


The funny thing is, I see A FEW of the guys who are guilty of this defending themselves with some very inane logic.  Yes, it is currently a mechanic in the game that exists.  But do you really need to abuse it?  No, your presence in lower tiers is not encouraging to newer pilots at all–and your arrogance and narcissism are not welcomed. 


The picture you are painting of yourselves and your corps are negative in the eyes of many players.  Your behavior in this instance leads my self and others to believe that there’s a general lack of respect for the game and it’s players on your behalf.  You don’t care about the outcome… weather or not your potentially helping to diminish the player base.  You don’t care about other people’s experience in the game.  You don’t care that you lose respect in the eyes of other players, because trolling low tiers like that makes you a bully.  


You only are about your character’s/corp’s stats and winning.


If I hadn’t already suffered the lower tiers when it was a bit easier I might be discouraged from playing this game after several nights in a row of dying repeatedly to you guys. I don’t understand how some of you defend your behavior in this matter, and can’t see the clear string of logic here. 


I implore those of of you high ranking aces to please help us make this a better community.  To speak to the devs about this.  I ask you to stop being defensive and consider my point.  I like this game A LOT and would like to see it flourish.  Help us nurture future T5 pilots to increase the pool of competition rather than diminish it.  



(To the folks who say “Get gud dude!”  I say “Get a brain dude!” . . . my stats are decent.  I feel competent and competitive enough to have fun.  So this is less about my skill in the game and more about my observations, and some personal experiences talking with other players.)

i have the same problem with xelavian , and I agree to Z3roj33 , I have 10 loosing streak last night , against them, but its different team, Milfeulle , TomiUndergallow and ImInUrBase , the funny part is, their team got 25 points against 0 on our team on team battle, we didn’t even kill anyone of them because their are spawn camping, they usually go with 2 recons and 1 dedicated engineer, there is also one more team who is ravaging tier 3, from Arch, NuclearHail , Engle and  Arch1 , which my team got wiped too multiple times, there is a team from OWL too, with a guy named TESLA and some random dudes.


its not that I hate them but I think us the new players deserve to have a better match making balance, we are getting wiped by corps with good members like WPK,Arch , OWL,RadiX, NASA and all other corps with a Death Squads,


How dare you call me a “random dude” :open_mouth:


And you say we are “ravaging t3”… we actually fought against that particular Arch squad a couple of times, and we are constantly fighting Radix.  And those matches are often very fair, and extremely fun!



I’d say at times yes.  The aces from T4/T5 are ravaging T3 PvP when they participate because of the current MM.    


Also, I totally see your point.  Myself and a few other corp mates were in T3 (I still have T3 ships I’m synergizing.) and had some really good fights -vs- Milf, Tommy, and Underglow.  We lost, but it was fun and we had some close ones.  My rating is over 6k and I’ve got some decent experience.  So it stands to reason that I’m put in the same category.  


The dead horse I’m beating here is that higher ranking players aren’t being separated from the lower ranking players, and that higher tier/ranking players might want to recognize this as a problem.  


There’s another thread saying MM should take into consideration factors like ship synergy, and module levels.  I don’t know the answers.  I do know that the current MM would be fine if the player population was about 1,000% larger.  But, without the large population the current MM is making it very hard for less experienced players to progress and HAVE FUN.  (Having fun probably accounts for about 2,000% of this.)  


So, what comes first–the chicken or the egg?  Should the MM get temporarily tweaked (yet again) in order to grow the population and keep newer pilots interested, or should Gaijin’s limited budget for this game be more appropriated towards advertising?  How can this be fixed?

Just to bring this back on track for some of you.  


For the record I am suggesting that the current MM is broken.  It would be awesome for some of the kill whores (Pilot ratings over 7k, W/L over 1.5, maxed out EVERYTHING) dropping down from T5 to recognize this and try to HELP instead of contribute to the demise of this game.  High level pilots running low tier kill squads should NOT be matched up with low ranking players.  It drives people away from the game and creates a deficit in the high tiers.  This  in turn creates longer queue times for T4/T5 thus giving the uber ace pilots more reason to drop down to T3.  Either you guys are to chicken s**t to help create some actual competition for yourselves or you’re too dense to understand the paradox you’re creating. 


The funny thing is, I see a few of the guys who are guilty of this defending themselves with some very inane logic.  Yes, it is currently a mechanic in the game that exists.  But do you really need to abuse it?  


The picture you are painting of yourselves and your corps are negative in the eyes of many players.  Your behavior in this instance leads my self and others to believe that there’s a general lack of respect for the game and it’s players on your behalf.  You don’t care about the outcome… weather or not your potentially helping to diminish the player base.  You don’t care about other people’s experience in the game.  You don’t care that you lose respect in the eyes of other players, because trolling low tiers like that makes you a bully.  


You only are about your character’s/corp’s stats and winning.


If I hadn’t already suffered the lower tiers when it was a bit easier I might be discouraged from playing this game after several nights in a row of dying repeatedly to you guys. I don’t understand how some of you defend your behavior in this matter, and can’t see the clear string of logic here. 


I implore those of of you high ranking aces to please help us make this a better community.  To speak to the devs about this.  I ask you to stop being defensive and consider my point.  I like this game A LOT and would like to see it flourish.  Help us nurture future T5 pilots to increase the pool of competition rather than diminish it.  



(To the folks who say “Get gud dude!”  I say “Get a brain dude!” . . . my stats are decent.  I feel competent and competitive enough to have fun.  So this is less about my skill in the game and more about my observations, and some personal experiences talking with other players.)

It is easier to get better stats at tier 5 than at tier 2. Just saying…

As a pilot who regularly participates in the killsquads, I can say one thing. And pay attention to it, as it will help you improve.


MMOs will always pit you against people and groups of people who are objectively better than you. It is up to _you _to decide whether or not to take advantage of that. Long ago when I was a T2 player, I remember facing against NASA killsquads like every other game. When it was combat recon, the killsquad warped in on recons and instagibbed my captain. When it was domination, they would stick together in a formation and progressively stomp on any opposition present at their beacons.


I did not view this a a reason to quit Star Conflict, nor a reason to stop and complain about how unfair matchmaker was. Instead, I saw the opportunity to push myself as a pilot and improve upon my skills, my builds, and my tactical awareness. I would willingly go up against these killsquads, and while that resulted in inevitable death, I slowly started to learn the skills necessary to survive and fight: good aim, good use of actives, good maneuverability, good map awareness, good ship positioning, etc.


I am telling you to stop complaining about how unfair this seems, and to see this as an opportunity to hone your skills and fight. Old videogames like Quake Arena did not hold your hand through the levels and matches. They didn’t have any crutches to assist players in getting better. Those games were about skill, and a player without it could hone his skills by going up against a longtime veteran.


As proof of how this concept works, I can say that my stats have increased by a fair amount since my joining NASA. Although by no means am I an ace, my w/l has increased from 0.95 to 1.11 in two months of two hours gameplay per day - all from refining my skills against killsquads and learning from how veteran players play. I’m nowhere near the level of Milf or an ESB killsquad, but I damn well can hold my own against them.


Us veteran players can help you with proper builds on your ships and technical whatnots (look at some of the standard builds on these forums), but skills such as tactical awareness and positioning can only be taught by playing and getting good. We’re willing to help and train you, but only if you are willing to help and train yourself. That’s the bottom line.

If you queue alone you won’t get to fight a particular squad every time, it will put you on their side sometimes. We don’t always win, we lost a couple matches yesterday against LuX and GEN, they put up a good fight, and some close call battle against CE and Arch. The thing is we’re not even that good, teamwork and collaboration are much important than individual strength, backup each other, ping the target, and think before you act. There’s no way to get better than practice.

Just want to clarify, since you keep dragging in “Pilot rating”

Pilot Rating is first of all indication of TIER pilot plays, if pilot often play in different tiers, the is no way of telling how good or bad the pilot is BY pilot rating, since we have tournaments/dreadnaughts in T3 while he could play T5. For example the guy form leaderboards with 9900 rating, go and play t2 for 100 games, his rating will become ~3000 or so

Once again the higher up players are out of touch. allow me to explain why. 



 Instead, I saw the opportunity to push myself as a pilot and improve upon my skills, my builds, and my tactical awareness.

1st Point. not everyone, in fact a large majority of gamers, if not ALL GAMERS, play games because they are fun. Star Conflict is a game, and it is meant to be quality entertainment. For 99% of players, fun means winning. (NOTE: I RECOGNIZE WINNING DOES NOT HAPPEN ALL THE TIME.) if a beginning T3 player squads up with his beginning T3 buddy, and is put up against a killsquad, NO WINNING OCCURS FOR THEM. they will say " oh tough match, lets try again." they queue, they get into a match, against ANOTHER killsquad that should have been put up against the first team, but NO, the MM failed to recognize their level of achievement in the game (via talent or aimbot, or a ship axis phaser,  all of which happen and I have experienced all used against me), resulting in a poorly constructed match. the team loses again. they will shrug it off, and try a third time. this pattern will continue. maybe they’ll get lucky and win ONE match. this near constant losing sucks. its why despite my love for my T3 ships I refuse to queue T3 while MILF, Base, and other Ace hunters like them are queueing. after a week of this pattern, most pilots will think “dang man this game sucks. I can’t win many matches at all! I’m gonna go play a better game!” and they proceed to leave the game and award it horrible steam reviews. my point is this: not everyone has the determination to work for weeks or months at a time to get to radix’s level. and frankly, as I stated in my first reply, without a corporation, this game can really SUCK if you’re not amazing. ESPECIALLY T3. in this day and age people want results and fast. not everyone is willing to spend hundreds of hours on a videogame not having fun to get to the point where they can. 



I am telling you to stop complaining about how unfair this seems, and to see this as an opportunity to hone your skills and fight.

No. in order for these people with less work ethic than abnormal amounts such as yours, this is an issue that needs to be solved. not everyone will see this as an opportunity to get better. the learning curve and gear cost is so much, that you would have to lose A LOT (feel free to do some number crunching, the numbers will be on my side unless you screw up) in order to gain some. getting beyond Mk2 weapons takes a LUDICROUS amount of time when you are only winning one match in every 10, heck even 1 in 5. 



ng can only be taught by playing and getting good. We’re willing to help and train you, but only if you are willing to help and train yourself. That’s the bottom line.

Tilowaty, or Tilotwaty (the latter being a far more appropriate name for him based on attitude and his composure) seems very reluctant to take on the players that need training the most. 



We’re willing to help and train you, but only if you are willing to help and train yourself. That’s the bottom line.

If you wanna really benefit the game, you need to reach out and find players that need training. recruit them. you can’t sit by and watch the game burn as no one thinks to come to you. be friendly, supportive. if that’s not how you or NASA operates, or any of the corps that cause new players problems in T3, they need to reassess themselves and their values. 




We don’t always win, we lost a couple matches yesterday against LuX and GEN, 

A COUPLE. you have proved yourself blatantly out of touch with lower skill level pilots. those LuX/ GEN matches are probably the only ones you did lose. you aren’t losing 1 in 5 matches, like us casual pilots. 



Once again, your arguments for the participation of killsquads in T3 prove attempted but not valid. without actively participating in recruiting new pilots, this game is doomed. its future is in your hands. I will and have stayed true to my theory: none of your arguments for T3 being unbroken are invalid, and I will prove every reason you come up with besides " its fun to beat newbies" and " T3 is the best" wrong. 



I agree that there is a certain amount of fun in any challenge to be had, or we lose interest.  I agree that nothing should be handed to me, or anyone, on a silver platter.


What you guys are offering is not a challenge for newer, less skilled pilots.  You are completely shutting them out reducing their level of interaction to launching and then dying.  How does that help growth?  How can anyone learn from that?  


Sure, there are a few who can dedicate hours a day and are stubborn enough to push through the barrier.  But, by and large most of the Star Conflict population isn’t like that.  At all. 


I’m not asking for easy mode easy, I’m not asking for players not to have challenging matches.  All I’m asking is that matchmaking doesn’t pit pilots against each other who are worlds apart in skill level and equipment.  Many games take this into consideration. . . .and the Quake reference is lol.  When was that made?  Just because matchmaking sucked two generations ago doesn’t mean it has to now. 


You guys keep dancing around the truth which is that no matter how you justify your behavior, you are helping to keep this game from growing.  If you used those T3 matches to actually reach out, meet, help, and even recruit new players with low scores – then I might be more convinced of your “benevolence”.  As it stands now, all I hear from the opposing side is a bunch of elite’s who don’t want to upset their high scores by actually helping to grow some real opponents.  Instead, you’d rather be the playground bullies – which in my opinion is weak, lacks real challenge, and character.  

1st Point. not everyone, in fact a large majority of gamers, if not ALL GAMERS, play games because they are fun. Star Conflict is a game, and it is meant to be quality entertainment. For 99% of players, fun means winning.

Fun in gaming does not mean winning. It means trying hard and gaining success only after a thousand defeats. 

Winning without trying does not give any thrill factor in the long term. 

Losing harshly is a thrill. Release your inner mashochist, and fight again and again.