Matchmaking / Balancing PvP

Lets remove squads posibility to queue in PVP and let players who have reached R15 in any faction only be able to play T5 (even if they dont have all ships at max synergy) :smiley:


I thought this was supposed to be a team game?

While said players may be “killable” it is usually unlikely that the few time you kill them will have any effect. Most times the opposing squad is far outclassed and the other randoms do not have the coordination to take on fully maxed ships with high dps and aim that prompts “aimbot” reports, all while circling the casual player in a way that they hardly land a shot. The few “good” players that may exist in the team will get focused and not be able to carry their team, even getting 2x score/kills/whatever is not enough.


After listening to casual players on a voice chat, it quickly went from being amused by a name to leaving the game because of the dominance, unable to hit the interceptor while it flies around you with extreme accuracy and high damage. Standard players complain about standard player interceptors let alone people who have played games for years.


That and the matchmaker seems to compensate by putting the highest current player not in a squad on the opposing team, so you end up with not just casual squad people getting pissed off, but the other high rank players that get put on the losing team 90% of the time. (This seems to happen everywhere but is more prevalent when it tries to balance a 2 vs 3 man squad)

Thank you for the affirmation.

I thought this was supposed to be a team game?

it was clearly a joke from my perspective, i cant imagine being more ridiculous and radical on that sentence xD

it was clearly a joke from my perspective, i cant imagine being more ridiculous and radical on that sentence xD



I thought it was funny :smiley:

I see that the 1.2 patch notes thread is locked otherwise I would have posted there.  Can I please make a suggestion - raise the minimum team sizes to 4v4 or so?  I won’t make claims as to how the inner workings of the match making system functions but to me it seems like it favours matching parties against each other versus matching ELOs on the assumption that parties are coordinating?  That doesn’t make one group of 2 people the match of another group of 2 people.


I’m not the greatest player in the game but I’ve had some really good matches.  


Just now I was partied with a friend in a group of 2.  In PvP (which I prefer because I am so tired of doing the same scripted missions over and over) and we kept getting matched against the same party again and again and again.  They have handily beaten us in each match - so much so that our ELO should have been drastically lowered but we kept getting matched against them.  After the 3rd match we just stopped playing the game and are now installing Galactic Civ III to play for the rest of the evening.


In one match it was a 20 point death match.  At about 15-20 we started getting additional players on both sides and they shut out our entire team, not a single kill on ourside (so it wasn’t just me having an off night).  Final score was 0-20, our team had zero points.  I was able to knock one of them down to a sliver of hull and then my coil mortar stopped hitting/doing damage (he was in a gunship with no invunerabilities).


Regardless, it wasn’t even close, not fun, so the game is turned off.

for xxxx sake in the new patch there are bots in pvp AGAIN!!! why do devs keep adding bots??? NO ONE WANTS BOTS IN PVP. jesus its not rocket science. how many times do they try to push stuff like mixed tiers, bots and dynamic adding of players??? every single time they get hated and are forced to reverse it. you dont fix your game by doing the same xxxx in a new or different way. you try new things.

for xxxx sake in the new patch there are bots in pvp AGAIN!!! why do devs keep adding bots??? NO ONE WANTS BOTS IN PVP. jesus its not rocket science. how many times do they try to push stuff like mixed tiers, bots and dynamic adding of players??? every single time they get hated and are forced to reverse it. you dont fix your game by doing the same xxxx in a new or different way. you try new things.


Respectfully, I disagree.  Let me explain.


In Tier 1 (i.e. Rank 1-3) where people are just learning the game fleshing out the teams (with admittedly sharper bots than are present) is a good thing IMO.  It compensates for potentially low populations or low populations at time of day.


So, for me, I’d like to see something like this for what it’s worth:


The highest ranked ship you have equipped determines the tier you should be automatching in.  If you don’t have a ship in in a tier then the match maker should do everthing it can to avoid matching you against people in a higher tier.

Rational: Nothing is worse than finally getting a rank 4 ship and then promptly being eaten for breakfast by a rank 7+ ship.  That sucks and when I first started playing the game earlier this year it happened alot.  So we leveled up in PvE… and let me tell you, to say I’m tired of the small pool of scripted missions is the understatement of this year.  If you have mixed tier ships, e.g. rank 5, rank 6, and rank 2 then you are automatched in Tier 2, and Tier 2 exclusively.  If you want to equip the rank 2 ships by all means, but I would expect to be eaten for breakfast by a moderately skilled player in a rank 6 ship.


Tier 2+ should never be fleshed out by bots.  It’s a competitive team based PvP game as you said and bots are a liability at that point.


Tier 1, if after X amount of time has passed can be fleshed out with bots.  You are presumably just learning and a shot in the confidence isn’t a bad thing at that point.  Soon enough you’ll be tier 2 and playing with the big girls and boys.  Games like Titanfall do this to good effect with the player/NPC mix on teams.


Minimum team sizes should be raised back to 4v4 or 6v6.  Nothing is worse than a 2v2 (even if you are in a party).  By virtue of this, it will minimize the number of joins in progress where things are going horribly wrong for one team.  A lot of players already have trouble with the concept of taking beacons in domination mode, presumably content to sit back in long range frigates and get a few kills while the team looses the battle.  A single bad player on a team will loose the game if the team sizes are small.  This is mitigated in larger games as both teams will hopefully get a mix of decent and learning players and anyone player has less of a drastic impact on the outcome of the game.


My impression (I may be wrong, I have no access to the inner workings of the ELO system although I have worked on a few in the past for RTS games) is that the game tries to balance out parties in favour of ELO/skill matching.  Presumably this is because a party is better coordinated which may or may not actually be the case.  I’ve seen enough horribly one-sided battles (both in my favour and against) for me to feel that the game should try a bit longer to get a more balanced match.


I completely understand that this is a balancing act - there is no one silver bullet and any design concessions are going to be increased by a lower population pool.


IMO waiting 1-4 minutes for a fairly balanced PvP match is acceptable, 9+ minutes is not.  I personally would be happy to have the search time increase past the current short times to flesh out a team and better balance player skills.

tldr. i only notices tier 1 should be with bots and i agree. however tier 3 matches starting as 1v1 and then a shitload of bots joins and ruins everything cause they suicide and die like the morons they are, should absolutely never happen. right now i had 3 games already where this happens. if you have a guard with massdriver, then it is instawin. you dont need to even aim at the bots cause they dont move and the dps is insane. i had gauss tackler and was doing absolutely fine wrecking that guard in 1v1. then the xxxx bots joined and i just couldnt kill them fast enough compared to him. i am seriously considering to leave the game for a month untill all the shitstorm that hit around and after miss summer disappears … :<

edit: before the last few updates we had games quite fast - few minutes on average with some 10 minute wait being off peak hours. that was totally fine. some dipshits whined and whined non stop and the devs made changed to accommodate them which resulted in the current state of things.

players play very similar at T1 than T2 (regarding to skill), so imo having bots on both tiers is a good thing, specially for reducing queue times and game population. Also you get real quick to T2 (you can do so in less than 10 battles easily, its not like you turn into a pro so quick). I think bots are a decent way to teach players (they have steady performance wich is gentle to new players to understand the game)

There have been plenty of changes since the initial post. In order to prevent confusion by discussing different MM version in one thread, I will close this one.