Major Game Flaws

Below is a list of major flaws to the current game, that need to be addressed by the community, and fixed immediately. 





Tier ? Vs Tier 4

As it stands now squads are almost pointless. Not only are you limited by the size of the squad being restricted by licenses, but also by the que system, forcing you into tier 4 when qua with max squad size.


Solution: Remove the possibility to be matched against players out side of your tier.


Lack of Community Participation & Competition


as it stands now, may are in opposition to the idea of corporations having 8 man squads or even more. However, this is a vital part of the game. Squads are the most important community mechanic, if they are not done right, people will just continue to leave the game, and the community will always be like it is in any free to play game, “ever so changing like the seasons”, this in return destroys not only the income for the game, but the games reputation, and community itself. i cannot express how important this is. Yes a few corps may completely Destroy a game or two each weak, but there is competition in this, and where there is competition there is players building lasting communities.


Solution: Remove License requirement from squads, and increase the size up to min of 6.


Potential Design & AFK Issues


one of the major problems with the whole current Que system, now and as it will ever be is that you have a massive issue with AFK players. Imagine the game’s entire duration you get an AFK Player or one who off lines. this fills potential problems. badly handicapping a team. there is however an excellent and easy solution to this, 


Solution: Create a system where 1 player can take the spot of someone removed from the game because of inactivity.




Lack of Diversity in Races & Factions


This is a big one for me. When i look at a game, i want to see diversity, and really i don’t see that in this game, There are so many very easily modified and scripted changes that can be made to the game to vastly improve the diversity of the races. Key technologies across the entire race also play and important role in this. Federation could for example have all three ships get access to an active slot- cloak that lasts 30 seconds. Jericho could gain access to a special shield regenerator to help its tank. The possibilities are endless, and yet we are standing in game with almost every person

using the same builds and tactics. This is something that vastly needs to be improved.


Solution: there are many, but i favor unique technologies limited to each factions ship (only)



Sniping In a Space Game


Sniping is an excellent and fun thing to do, sadly though 1 shorting does not work in this game because of the route it took. Thus 1 shorting, or even 2 or 3 shots are out of the question when working on a principle of being used frequently. 


While i believe that sniper guys should possible stack a dot that gets increasingly powerful, I am not so sure about how exactly to deal with the sniper gun. In my heart, the one shooting is not a head principle in a space game, but it is when you are freequently doing it. I am investigating the idea of graphically appealing super beams, that can potentially kill people quickly, but cant do it instantly. While i dident think of it is the past, i ran into a youtube video that reminded me of what i was thinking s avatar titans ability from eve, you can view it here.


that is something i would like to see added to the game, with say a 90 second cool down. 

In the end i feel that the mechanics of the abilities should be high cool down, but very powerful if you insist on “standing in it”.


Solution: Re innovate frigate abilities to be powerful, but do massive damage over time. Sniping is resolved with stack able dots that will prevent people from sitting behind objects and sniping then hiding when they take damage.



Repair System


​one of the major issues i have is the repair system. the concept of dying and paying for each death is bad. I would like to see a fundamental change to repairs. I was thinking about it, and adding durability to the items in game would greatly resolve the issue, you set each point to be x cost. and as a result, you have a more stable repair system. much like you would find in diablo 3 or world of warcraft


Solution: Add a repair system like in D3/WoW



Types of Tanking in the game

one thing i find very annoying in this game is the concept of hull and shield tanking. the shield in general is fine, however i would like to see the races actually excel at their type of tanking not for two to excel at one, and one race to fail at both. Further, i think more types of HP need to be added to tihs game. 


I would like to see


Hull (taking damage here will cause damage to modules; this damage would lower module durability for repairs)

Heavy Armor (Empire ships have it) (has higher resistance)

Sheilding (Jericho excels at it)

Nano-bot Armor (Fedration have it) Has a natural regeneration of 0.35% of hull per second.


Emp: Hull/ heavy Armor / Light shielding

Fed: Hull/Nanbot armor/ Light shielding

Jer: Hull/Light armor/Heavy shielding with high regen


Solution: Change to the above

i will leave it at these points for now, as they are the most important.

we once had durabilities on modules yet the idea was rejected since it blew the repair costs sky high


to sniping: i don’t think there should be something like this in a space game…weapons which greatly outrange others are fine but no 100% genuine sniper weapons…it will result in people camping the spawns from long distances


there are race specific modules / items: the special abilities


to matchmaking: you only will be put against stronger players if the squad size surpasses 3 players…if you fly in 2 men squads everything is fine

Matchmaking got some nice improvement this patch. Now T1 and T2 will only be matched up against themselfs. T3 rank 9 Ships will be match with T4 rank 10 ships. You can fly T3 rank 8 ships in 4 player squad and you will never be matched up against T4.


4 Player Squad will land in the next higher Tier when using ships of rank 3, 6, 9 and 12. (T4, 4 player squads will be matched with T5 if they come) T1 and T2 is a problem here since they lack modules and equipment against the next higher Tier.



I also want to create bigger squads and remove the limitation of 4 players only with license. Its crap to prevent teamplay by pay to play. Right now we have less population so its not a big issue, but later on, the masses will complain about it. Also a matchmaking for Squads is required if they exceed more than 4 players. Then we also can have competitions. -> Steam Release is the key here!



Lack of Diversity in Races & Factions


This is a big one for me. When i look at a game, i want to see diversity, and really i don’t see that in this game, There are so many very easily modified and scripted changes that can be made to the game to vastly improve the diversity of the races. Key technologies across the entire race also play and important role in this. Federation could for example have all three ships get access to an active slot- cloak that lasts 30 seconds. Jericho could gain access to a special shield regenerator to help its tank. The possibilities are endless, and yet we are standing in game with almost every person

using the same builds and tactics. This is something that vastly needs to be improved.


Lets have a look on other ship stats. Right now only top speed differs then resis and hull/shield. Frigs, Figthers and Inters have the same stats for Strafe, role, yaw, pitch, acceleration…


My Wolf feels like a Prometheus. To slow for that top speed.



Repair System


​one of the major issues i have is the repair system. the concept of dying and paying for each death is bad. I would like to see a fundamental change to repairs. I was thinking about it, and adding durability to the items in game would greatly resolve the issue, you set each point to be x cost. and as a result, you have a more stable repair system. much like you would find in diablo 3 or world of warcraft


Solution: Add a repair system like in D3/WoW


You mean to only repair the modules and not the ships? The problem with the System we had was simple. Better equipment had less dura. So repairs went sky high by having purple gear. It felt real and right but the amount of credits taken for repairs was way to high, so it got removed.



As for the repairs i also do feel the need of a small basic amount of regeneration like the shield have. But im uncertain about how much we can give the hull, since it will buff campers again. But i dont understand why we need a 3rd Tanking kind. Shield and Hull is enough for me, only some changes of the resis shoule be done, then its fine.


Modules and Durability / Durability Cost  


Modules will have the following Durability  


60 Durability for weapons

50 Durability for Boosters

40 For all other modules


Each Module Durability will cost 65 Credits.

Assuming that the follow is true, you will have


60 (Wep) X 100 (x2 boosters) 40 (X11) = 650 Durability For Modules

putting full repair at 42,500 credits for a modular repair cycle.


Ship Structure</strong>


  we add a new mechanic “structure” to the game.

Each ship has a base "structure Durability &based on its chasis

So each ships structure will be as follows  

interceptor 750

fighter 1000

Frigate 1250


Repair (Ship Structure)

  Each ship structure will cost 45 credits, This will give the follow repair rates  


  Interceptor:   33,750 Credits  

  Fighter: 45,000 credits  

  Frigate: 56,250  


    How Durability is Lost  

  Each Death death will deal 4 Durability damage to a module  


  Calculating Dps output of a game

  665 Dps x 15 minutes = 450,000 Dps  

  450,000 x 32 =14,400,000 Damage Cap per a game (t4)  

  32 X 650 = 20,800 Durability in a game.  

  Puts 692 Durability in damage per a person, per a game  

  lets spread this across a team of 16 = 43.5 Durability damage per a person  

  So we learn from this what we need durability loss to be around is 0.14%  


  Lets check it across tiers  


  Tier 1  

  400 Dps X 60 (seconds) X 15 (minutes) =  360,000  

  360,000 x 32 = 11,520,000 / 0.139% =16,012 (Durability)  

  16012.8 / 32 = 500 durability lost per a person.  


  This puts interceptors repairing every 1.5 games  

  Fighters ever 2  

  Frigates ever 3 games  


  (gawd i hope that my math was right on this :wink:  


    Ship Structure & Damage  

  Damage to durability of ship will be as follows  

  <10% Of durability will be taken per a death</span>  

0.139% of   ship structure damage will go into module damage will be taken per match</span>  




     Economic Projections</strong> 

   If the average player repairs now, for 5 death’s a match, and the average player is tier 2, and the repair per death is 12000, then you are looking at 60,000 Per average repair per a game. Lets each game is 15 minutes / 24 hours puts us around 96 games per a day, Lets call it an even 100. 


100 X 60,000 = 6,000,000 Credits a day in repairs 


   New Projects put 100 / 2 (Average repairs per match rate) 50 games repaired in a day. 


   This gives us 32 players x 50 x 100k (Mod+Ship)  160000000 



   End sum of credits per a day 

   192,000,000 (Current) 

   160,000,000 (New) 


   So the economy will gain 30million credits a day / 32 = its about 10,000 credits across 3200 players.   or 900k across 32 players. 


   So the economy will get a slight increase of income 

Squad matchmaking is perfect as it is. Since in a squad you can communicate and change your ships according to your squads style. Like a command ship boosting shield tanking while the other 2 switch implants and mods to shield. Also you have to admit you never look at the chat while in a dogfight or while piloting what so ever. Though having someone in teamspeak say “Every one come to B” can be many times more effective.


The possibility that you have actually co-ordinated your squad is considered an unfair advantage and you are then bumped higher. If you are having trouble in a higher tier you should work on your team instead of complaining.

match making is far from fine at the moment.


 There is no competition in the game, as a result, people are becoming bored with the game. I am a very patient person, 

and even i am tiring out. the game needs competitive play, what it really needs is a temp universe, or the universe but

in a limit capacity. For example, if we could just travel the universe, conquering and doing roaming tganks, we would

be spot on for something to do, the competition of saying “this is mine” or “im gona take your space” is what will

get people here, and make it last.


squads can fill this whole for a temp amount of time, however it requires more team-related content. things that 

to many are worried about, or scared of. we need it, or the game is going to die off.

Solo Players get into equal teams, while squads may get stronger enemies.

As it stands now squads are almost pointless. Not only are you limited by the size of the squad being restricted by licenses, but also by the que system, forcing you into tier 4 when qua with max squad size.


Solution: Remove the possibility to be matched against players out side of your tier.


This is all i care about for now. I´m not even playing anymore since a few days even though i have premium left because it just pi**es me off. I pay money to be able to form 4 people squads and all i get as thank you is the matchmaking ripping apart any possibility to play decently and thus actually losing more fights when playing in squad as when playing solo! Thanks for that…

Totally wasted that money :confused:



The possibility that you have actually co-ordinated your squad is considered an unfair advantage and you are then bumped higher. If you are having trouble in a higher tier you should work on your team instead of complaining.


That´s total bull!

Try fighting those T4s in your T2s… But hey “joined 23. Feb 2013” says enough. No reason to argue any more with you. Play more, we talk again in a few months.

AmmokK you should probably join me having a nice pot of icecream. Hmmmmm… Jummy :smiley:


The Dura seems very nice on modules and Ships and it is way better done than the previus model. Repaircost of 15k per purple moduls was insane. But id rather like it the way to reduce dura upon death instead of damage taken. Since you can be repaired from 1% of hull to 100% again multiple times in a game. So this would cause an issue with regeneration then.


About Matchmaking:


Soloqueue is fine as it is now since you will always stay in your tech lvl. Only T3 rank 9 ships will join T4 rank 10 ships in MM.


Squads will be rated higher since they share the same MM. This is to compensate the possibitly of coordination and Teamspeak. If we really want to take out squads of the MM (common feeling about MM discussions) then squads need a seperate MM. So they will only approach Squads of an equal strength. This way we can also increase the squad size. But with an active playerbase of around 600 right now this is not possible! Then squads would need to wait 5min or longer to get a game and most ppl will dislike this long waitingtime.


This is a reason why i look forward for the Steam release. With a growing playerbase the MM and Squad MM will be taken care of, but right now it would rather do harm than help the game.

Wow I can’t believe the search missed this thread when I went looking for squad matchmaking. I apologize about starting another thread on this same line of thinking :frowning:


I highly disagree that squads should get up tiered just because of the possibility of coordination but that’s just my opinion of course. I just don’t see the need for players wanting to play together being forced into higher tier matches. Especially when it happens almost 100% of the time right now. With the ships already split into 3 ranks per tier wouldn’t it make more sense to just keep the MM to same tier battles? 


I know I just joined up a few days ago but this has already been a huge problem for my friends who just want to play together but get completely stomped by higher tiers every time we try to.

Wow I can’t believe the search missed this thread when I went looking for squad matchmaking. I apologize about starting another thread on this same line of thinking :frowning:


I highly disagree that squads should get up tiered just because of the possibility of coordination but that’s just my opinion of course. I just don’t see the need for players wanting to play together being forced into higher tier matches. Especially when it happens almost 100% of the time right now. With the ships already split into 3 ranks per tier wouldn’t it make more sense to just keep the MM to same tier battles? 


I know I just joined up a few days ago but this has already been a huge problem for my friends who just want to play together but get completely stomped by higher tiers every time we try to.


Fully agree with you!

If some people are crazyenough to fly solo in higher tiers, it´s their fault! You don´t go into a war alone, it´s way too risky. If you do anyway, prepare to get owned. I hate this fair crap. Life isn´t fair, why need games need to be fair and, especially, why they need to only be fair for the solo players but not for the highranked players?


Play solo? Sure, no problem, we will encourage that! Go ahead and act stupid, we will help you doing so!

Play in squad? How dare you create such an unfair advantage?! You even paid for that, you silly one! Now we will punish you by impossible matchmakings. And don´t complain, you have squad! Now stfu!

I just started playing so my opinion may change later, but at this point I would agree with squads being paired up with higher tiers. Most people who are serious about being in a squad are on some voice chat and are coordinating together.

I think it levels the playing field a bit. 

It’s like playing something like CoD…when you queue up and see the other team is all in the same clan you know your side is going to get steam rolled. 

This game looks sort of fixes that problem. 

No amount of coordination will save your T1 ship from destruction, among T2 enemies.


Simply because they have a lot more tools at their disposal than you.

The debate about hull regen makes me think about good old 2D side scroll fighting games.  Way long ago when I used to frequent arcades there was a fighting game where you could swap out damaged team mates.  the longer they were out of battle, the more they could heal but only to a point.


Your 100% restore dilemma could be solved using a similar concept.  The more damage a ship has taken, the more damage is irreparable.  Say you take a beating an your down to 50%.  20% of that could be damage that can not be fixed.  That way even a camper would be worn down with enough attacks.  There would be a point where they could not repair them selves enough any more.  To much of their ship would be broken.

It seems a bit odd it would put T1 up against T3/4


It doesnt take too long to get into T3 ships however (only took me a day with the bonus from license) so within a week you could easily have a decked out T3 ship (or two).


How would T3 fare against T4 in squad?


I feel like high rank people shouldnt be able to make huge squads to fly in T1 games though, because they will just slam all the new people with their T1 ships full of Mark 3 gear, and implant bonuses. Combine that with a squad of guys on TS and it just wouldnt be fair…


Seems like the matchmaking should be tied in more as a combination of ship tiers, players rank and the size of the squad. But I’m sure the devs will be working on larger and better squad gameplay now that there are 4.5k+ people playing.

Some of your post I agree with. I’ll focus on what I do agree with.


AFK - Boot players who are AFK, seriously. This is important.


Squads - I like the idea of bigger squads. BUT - I think squads should only be matched against other squads. Not random players. It should be fair.


Repair System - repairs cost too much. 


Other then that, I either disagree with your or I don’t know enough about the subject to say anything.

World of tanks does this very nicely. If there are 3 squads of 3 people each, there’ll be the same amount of people in squads on the opposing team, too.

Squads - I like the idea of bigger squads. BUT - I think squads should only be matched against other squads. Not random players. It should be fair.

Lack of Diversity in Races & Factions


This is a big one for me. When i look at a game, i want to see diversity, and really i don’t see that in this game, There are so many very easily modified and scripted changes that can be made to the game to vastly improve the diversity of the races. Key technologies across the entire race also play and important role in this. Federation could for example have all three ships get access to an active slot- cloak that lasts 30 seconds. Jericho could gain access to a special shield regenerator to help its tank. The possibilities are endless, and yet we are standing in game with almost every person

using the same builds and tactics. This is something that vastly needs to be improved.


Solution: there are many, but i favor unique technologies limited to each factions ship (only)


The problem with adding all this stuff is that it starts affecting the balance.  I’m not saying it can’t be done, but the more you add, and the more diverse those additions are, the harder it becomes to ensure that the game doesn’t degenerate into a lottery dependent upon which team had the most OP ships.  Sometimes a little uniformity is good to keep things in check, I wouldn’t call this a flaw, so much as a design decision


Sniping In a Space Game

Sniping is an excellent and fun thing to do, sadly though 1 shorting does not work in this game because of the route it took. Thus 1 shorting, or even 2 or 3 shots are out of the question when working on a principle of being used frequently.

While i believe that sniper guys should possible stack a dot that gets increasingly powerful, I am not so sure about how exactly to deal with the sniper gun. In my heart, the one shooting is not a head principle in a space game, but it is when you are freequently doing it. I am investigating the idea of graphically appealing super beams, that can potentially kill people quickly, but cant do it instantly. While i dident think of it is the past, i ran into a youtube video that reminded me of what i was thinking s avatar titans ability from eve, you can view it here.

that is something i would like to see added to the game, with say a 90 second cool down.

In the end i feel that the mechanics of the abilities should be high cool down, but very powerful if you insist on “standing in it”.

Solution: Re innovate frigate abilities to be powerful, but do massive damage over time. Sniping is resolved with stack able dots that will prevent people from sitting behind objects and sniping then hiding when they take damage.


I know what you mean about the empire’s sniper.  It feels like it should hit a lot harder (the warden’s ships actually do have a DoT effect applied to theirs, although not a very powerful one).


That said, whilst the current situation leads slugging matches between two sniper frigates to last for ages, if the damage where drastically increased (whether by simply increasing the alpha or applying a powerful DoT) they would easily be able to pick smaller ships out of the sky with 1 or 2 shots.  The empire frigate is surprisingly easy to aim with once you get the hang of it, essentially rendering all open space on the map a complete no-man’s land.  I can get that kind of self abuse on CoD…

They could take off the leading crosshair, leaves the sniper to judge by eye and experience and the placement of the last shot. It really is way too easy to get shot. At least the cruise missile has a reload time.

They could take off the leading crosshair, leaves the sniper to judge by eye and experience and the placement of the last shot. It really is way too easy to get shot. At least the cruise missile has a reload time.

Meh, as a frequent flier of a Empire Frigate and Federation Fighter and Interceptor I’d vote for a stronger sniper. As noted a fight between two snipers take ages, sure you can often kill a fighter/interceptor in 2-4 shots, but generally they won’t get more than one hit on me, after that I’ll either dodge or get our of line of fire. Not to mention how easy it is to spot a sniper aiming in your direction and where he is.


The guided missile is much worse, much harder to know where they are coming from and even if you know it’s coming and try to get away it’s rare that he won’t be able to follow well enough to still catch you in its enormous blast-radius. And then there is all the friendly fire…