Major Game Flaws

Meh, as a frequent flier of a Empire Frigate and Federation Fighter and Interceptor I’d vote for a stronger sniper. As noted a fight between two snipers take ages, sure you can often kill a fighter/interceptor in 2-4 shots, but generally they won’t get more than one hit on me, after that I’ll either dodge or get our of line of fire. Not to mention how easy it is to spot a sniper aiming in your direction and where he is.


The guided missile is much worse, much harder to know where they are coming from and even if you know it’s coming and try to get away it’s rare that he won’t be able to follow well enough to still catch you in its enormous blast-radius. And then there is all the friendly fire…

My personal experience is the opposite. If a guided is heading for me and I can’t see it to shoot it down, I’ll 180 around a small meteor or tight corner that they shouldn’t be able to go through. I don’t know where you get it’s easy to spot a sniper, if you’re camped out by an asteroid and don’t start shooting at non engaged fighters, no one will really bug you. When your engaged with other close range fighters you can’t really concentrate on dodging sniper fire.

I feel like high rank people shouldnt be able to make huge squads to fly in T1 games though, because they will just slam all the new people with their T1 ships full of Mark 3 gear, and implant bonuses. Combine that with a squad of guys on TS and it just wouldnt be fair…


You misunderstand some things, it seems.

  1. Maximum squad size is 4. So no huge squads of any kind are possible.

  2. Implant bonuses are only active on the same tier. So T4 implants will NOT be active when you fly a T1 ship.

  3. Fly around with your T3 (solo or squad, doesn´t matter) and meet some T4 ships. You are down in 4-6 shots, no matter the teamplay.

Squad size will be expanded, beyond the current gaming size (i know the exact amount but its under NDA).

however, it will be premade vs premade

For someone that knows a lot of stuff that is NDA, you are breaking the ND part of it, and spilling the beans out everywhere, lol…

Yeah… ^^


Anyway, the person i am replying too can´t know it, so i was replying to that. And as for now, 4 is maxed.