Where did you see this in my text?
I’m just saying that by penalizing those who play a lot you might end up hurting this game’s already hurting player base.
Where did you see this in my text?
I’m just saying that by penalizing those who play a lot you might end up hurting this game’s already hurting player base.
Nope nope nope,thats crazy :beee: :facepalm: :beee: the more they play the more resources they earn theres no need to make someone playing a whole day make the same profit as someone who plays 30 min
Nope nope nope,thats crazy :beee: :facepalm: :beee: the more they play the more resources they earn theres no need to make someone playing a whole day make the same profit as someone who plays 30 min
Nope nope nope,thats crazy :beee: :facepalm: :beee: the more they play the more resources they earn theres no need to make someone playing a whole day make the same profit as someone who plays 30 min
Yeah, i didnt say that.
I’m just saying that by penalizing those who play a lot you might end up hurting this game’s already hurting player base.
Maybe. I just know that the amount of time people put into the game is so different, if you reward linearly, you will get this: some people have everything while other people barely have stuff. This shouldn’t be the case, you will lose people on bot extremes.
But it’s the nature of progression based games. At one point you reach “endgame”. So if your only reason to play was to progress you’ll stop playing until the next content patch or move on to the next game. And if you don’t play a lot you know you’ll either not reach endgame anytime soon or you’ll have to pay to speed up your progress.
Yes, once you reach it. But some reach it too soon, and some progress too slow. I want to squeeze them together.
Yes, once you reach it. But some reach it too soon, and some progress too slow. I want to squeeze them together.
“Too soon” is your personal perception. There are player who would instantly unlock an entire new tree of ships if one was released now just because they can and want to. Why judge…
I don’t judge, i say there are people who want to unlock stuff and they get bored if they run out of stuff to unlock. I’m probably one of them, but i never run out of things because i’m not that hardcore.
Yes but those guys will get bored and leave anyway. Increasing the grind just delays the inevitable. Why make it harder for the rest of the players which just want to get past the grind to start playing? IMHO the latter population is more likely to stick around and keep dropping money if given the option.
I don’t think we agree on this, but probably neither of us has any hard data on the matter, so we reached the last point we can reach :yes_yes:
fasz, it would be much better to simply decrease the grind overall by 50%. (synergy-wise)
Have faith in the fun factor of this game, and don’t penalize people who play longer.
A 50% reduction would benefit those that play for short bursts as well.
Getting to a tier should not be a problem, I never said the grind to perfect each tier’s modules would be much easier, but
it is a nice prospect.
I don’t think we agree on this, but probably neither of us has any hard data on the matter, so we reached the last point we can reach :yes_yes:
We can agree to disagree, that’s fine. We’ve just been arguing from two different player perspectives anyway.
Have faith in the fun factor of this game
Well said!