Laser Colors

Why not an option where you can mix the proportion of thermal and EM damage of a cristal used in a Laser weapon.


Then the laser color would vary depending on the percentage of the thermal/red and EM/blue.


And why not use the Corporation Laboratory for that.



combined damages like in Eve would be rather interesting! :slight_smile:



You used to have a “Microwave Lens” that you could actively (in battle) swap out with your normal lens to change the damage to EM. Back in the day lots of weapons were different and had awesome features like that. Heavy beams used to just eat ships.

Just imagine the colorfull death…

I’d looooove a rainbow lazor but devs are too concerned about damage types and noobs.




We could make the Star Conflict version of 20th Century Fox with multi colored lasers

No this idea as it make no sense in term of gameplay.

combined damages like in Eve would be rather interesting! :slight_smile:



It’s also will be the incredible amount of work :slight_smile: But I’ll pitch that.




Falcon M Rainbow… Do a Jaguar next!

It’s also will be the incredible amount of work :slight_smile: But I’ll pitch that.

So do you want to devalue guards? As combinded damage types > as one single damage type.

So do you want to devalue guards? As combinded damage types > as one single damage type.

Yes, this was my first thought as well.

So do you want to devalue guards? As combinded damage types > as one single damage type.

Phase shield could indeed need a rework, yes. But hey, guards usually receive multiple damage types anyway, and have to prioritise. It is rarely 1v1, and even then missiles can have different damage types to main weapon. I don’t think it’s function would be made any different. or nerfed in any way.



It’s also will be the incredible amount of work :slight_smile: But I’ll pitch that.

Thanks for considering, and it would indeed be a lot of work. It would probably require a full rebalance, which is not a good idea since we struggle to achieve balance as it is!

Falcon M Rainbow… Do a Jaguar next!

This ship is both Falcon AND Jaguar, just look at the engines

Mixed dmg types devalue the importance of defensive fitting, and adaptation to meta, currently there is room for specializing in one resist type over others, depending on some ship types, such mixed dmg weapon will simply force evey one to fly with equal 3x resistances, which is reducing variaty of the game.

I am against it, just as i was against swapping dmg type in combat.

This ship is both Falcon AND Jaguar, just look at the engines

hmm so it’s a Jalcon R

It’s also will be the incredible amount of work :slight_smile: But I’ll pitch that.

That’s the reason why I don’t support it. the game has way bigger issues, you should focus on those.

So do you want to devalue guards? As combinded damage types > as one single damage type.


The answer is to modify the Guard’s ability.


They should increase the shield strength or like millanbel said, Guards could use a special Phase Shield.

And now that we are talking about this…


I’ve been playing for a while, now I’ve reached rank 9 ships, only played with the Federation and Jericho.


For what I’ve experienced playing the game I think that the modules that increase resistances (like hull or shield) need to increase the stats a lot more because they do almost nothing.

Mmm no.